Best game evar?

Civilisation 2. First ever game I owned (never had a console before).

Honourable mentions: Half Life, Unreal, Tiberian Sun, GTA series (except 2!)
Going to have to say,

Quake 2 Loki's Minions CTF (quake 2 mod)

Fastest and highest skilled CTF game I've ever seen.
Can't post just one favorite.

Quake 2 - lmctf and lfctf
Quake 3 - DM
Everquest - Yes Everquest. As much as it ticked me off, I spent too much time to deny my passion for the game.
ES: Oblivion - The more I play it the more I like it.

Post 512! Woot!
Simulator: Freespace 2
No other sim has such an epic story with plot twists - not to mention gi-normous ships!
Honorable Mention: Tie-Fighter & X-Wing

FPS: Half-life 1
For the pioneering game that it is (story line, interaction) this game needs no introduction. The ending was kinda lame though...
Honorable Mention: System Shock 2

RTS: Starcraft
Didn't play too many, but still - endless hours in the college dorm
Honorable Mention: Command and Conquer (Original + Red Alert)

Adventure: Full Throttle
I remember playing as a kid - time to break out the dosbox.
Honorable Mention: Syberia

Platform Shooter: Gradius V
I have yet to beat Gradius V - the ending levels are too damn hard.
Honorable Mention: Radiant SilverGun, Ikaruga

RPG: Shining Force 3
I love my saturn - and if I spoke Japanese, I would import the other 2 in the series

Action RPG: Kingdom Hearts
Call it a kiddie game or's just too fun!

Racing Simulator: Grand Tourismo 3
Can you actually believe I sat down and did 3 hour endurance races......the horror!

2D Fighter: Marvel vs. Capcom
I go with the original, just because it was first and well done. The games following got a little too combo crazy...
Honorable Mention: Guilty Gear XX

2D SideScroller: Sonic 1 and 2
The crazy hedgehog in blue!
Honorable Mention: Archrival - Mario

Puzzle Game: Super Puzzle Fighter
Where else can you get Chibi Street Fighter Characters?
Honorable Mention: Tetris

Good Excuse as "Exercise": Dance Dance Revolution
No comment.......

Multiplayer-Mayhem: Super Bomberman for Sega Saturn
If there was one (and probably only good) reason why they created the 6 player adapter....this was it. :D

As you can see, I like a little bit of everything.
Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past (SNES)
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Final Fantasy 2 (SNES)
Shining In the Darkness (Genesis)
Shining Force (Genesis)
Blaster Master (NES ... very old ... but an amazing game)
King's Quest 3 (PC)

EDIT: Decided to add some more.
Quakeworld CTF

The first time you saw glQuakeworld fire up using one of the original VooDoo cards, it left you speechless.
For me it is a tie between the two games that got me hooked on gaming.

First Game:
Kings Quest 1: This was a breakthrough for me when it came to PC Games. before I got my hands on this in 1984 the closest I ever came to an adventure game was text based. Now there is nothing wrong with text adventures but when you are eight years old seeing the dragon on the screen is a whole new experience. After I finished that I bugged my parents for any game published by Sierra Online. Back in the day they could do no wrong. Hell, now I'm jonesing for another Space Quest Game. :)

Seocnd Game:
Super Mario Bros.: This game changed the way I thought of games. Before I played this I thought the only good game was a computer game, either DOS based or Commodor 64 base. Once I got my hands on an NES back in 1985 I was hooked on this game. I still play the original to this day although I play it on a GBA:SP instead of a NES. Mario is the defining game. No I've gotta go, New Super Mario Bros for the DS is calling my name. :D
Put my vote in for System Shock 2.

The Many sings to us...

We are... we are... we are...
Barring Blizzard stupidity with the servers, WoW. Also Halo, FFX, Ratchet and Clank 3, Spyro 1, 2, 3, and the two n64 Zelda games top my personal favorites.
Final Fantasy 3 for SNES. It has/had everything - sweet graphics, gripping storyline, excellent interface, characters you cared about, multiple endings, and overall just awesome.
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man, Hydlide
Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog, Crusader of Centy, Shadowrun
Dreamcast: Bangai-O!
Nintendo 64: Super Mario 64
Playstation: Silent Hill
PS2: Silent Hill 2
Xbox: Halo 2

... and The Immortal.
Recently I've had a blast playing several games...all within a 2 year period. After thinking that gaming was dying a slow death due to people rehashing the same things, 4 *sequels* broke the mold and went above and beyond what I consider to be excellent. Resident Evil 4, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mario Kart DS, and Elder Scrolls Oblivion are all among my favorite games of all time.
What about EVER? Final Fantasy 3 (VI to purists), and Baldur's Gate 2 have to be up there for me. Super Mario Brothers 3? Yup, that one, too. Tekken Tag? Best fighting game in recent history. Half-Life? Definitely. Mario Kart 64...oh yeah.

I still think the best game off time is Street Fighter 2 or more specifically, Hyper Fighting.
One more vote for Ocarina of Time. It's really hard to say though... I just try to remember how good I thought it was when I played it for the first time.
Ultima online

Severance: Blade of Darkness

Hmm....hard one, Sanitarium probally.

single player rpg:

Ultima or TES series, can't decide.
IF you really want test how good you are against many other players not a silly computer with split seconds decisions "original COD" NOT COD 2 . or UT 2003 if you like lazers instead.
I cant remember many games....

When I was young, donkey kong country and mariokart owned my life.

My current favorite is Oblivion.
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Mario 3
Link to the Past
Contra 3
Mega Man 2
Tetris lol
recently Oblivion, BF2
Shadow of the colossus FTW.
Nostalgic mentions:
LOZ: Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64

I didn't own that many games.
For me, Metal Gear Solid. The storyline is so enthralling i get teary-eyed whenever I hear the theme song.
Hmm, a tought question. A tought question indeed.
I'd have to go with Loz: OOT aswell I think.

Honourable mentions:
Secret of Mana (SNES)

Deus Ex intro music gets me pumped and it's major fun to play.

One of the Half-Life 2 bits of music gets me pumped. Visually the best game I've seen.