Best Buy Manager Accused of Kickback Deals

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to this report, charges have been filed in U.S. District Court against a former Best Buy manager for his role in over billing his company $31 million. What is with all these stories about managers stealing millions from the companies they work for?

A former Best Buy vendor-relations manager is accused of taking kickbacks from a computer-parts supplier for his role in a scheme that illegally overcharged the Richfield-based company $31 million in a four-year period.
Heh, at least when Fry's did it, they had ridiculously low prices to show for it. :p
It would be nice if this case and the Fry's case caused company's to take a CLOSE look at their OWN Finances... I would be willing to bet you'd find a LOT more cases of Fraud and theft.:D
Me Me Me Me Me no matter the consequences. Gonna be seeing a lot more of this type of stuff, its a whole societal thing now-a-days
People are being payed copious sums of money to talk a walk while new graduates like me are sent away for dick.

I'm startign to get pissed off at many of these companies seemingly no longe interested in providing any kind of entry level oppurtunities for recent college grads, i envision something similar to to the French Revolution when all us high potential recent grads rebel and make these companies suffer as their more fortunate baby boomer and even Gen X base start to get old and stupid and die.

I hope they choke.
If anything can corrupt a person, it is greed for the greenback.
People are being payed copious sums of money to talk a walk while new graduates like me are sent away for dick.

I'm startign to get pissed off at many of these companies seemingly no longe interested in providing any kind of entry level oppurtunities for recent college grads, i envision something similar to to the French Revolution when all us high potential recent grads rebel and make these companies suffer as their more fortunate baby boomer and even Gen X base start to get old and stupid and die.

I hope they choke.

i've been saying this for ages, they are old and obsolete and want to keep everything to the good ol' boys because they group together to feel like they aren't outdated. I see this in IT a LOT because the older generations have huge gaps between younger generations. (to be fair think of what all happened in like...30 years)
i feel the same way and i'm la revolution!
Good for him i hope he has some money stashed away for when he gets outta prison.
Hires lawyer - 500k
Jail time - 3 to 5 years
Payback Best Buy 25%

Invests what's left over into 5 year plan. So when you get out of jail all that cash is compounded back to 31 million.

Hires lawyer - 500k
Jail time - 3 to 5 years
Payback Best Buy 25%

Invests what's left over into 5 year plan. So when you get out of jail all that cash is compounded back to 31 million.


There could be legal action from the vendors against the companies in these cases, regardless of the individuals actions the vendors may see it as a lack of supervision or monitoring of their staff.