Battlefield Modern Combat DEMO available!


Limp Gawd
Aug 24, 2004
its on the xbox live marketplace.

unfortunatly, i downloaded it and i am unable to play because i don't have an xbox live membership :( :( :(
This demo is sick! I really love it and it brings back old memories from bf2 pc. Like shooting down helecopters with rockets. I am SO buying this game. :D
rcf1987 said:
Xbox live silver is free
what does that have to do with anything?

you can't play games ONLINE with xbox silver. you need xbox live gold for that.
Current Xbox Live members will also have the chance to activate their current subscription on Xbox 360 and move right into a Gold level membership. Xbox Live on Xbox 360 also offers a free level of service called Xbox Live Silver which, while not allowing multiplayer gameplay, does offer gamers the ability to create a gamer card and gamertag as well as chat with people on their Friends List and access most of the great content on Xbox Live Marketplace.
Well, he may've thought there was a singleplayer portion to the demo. Also, there is a free Xbox Live Gold Membership Weekend this weekend, so I hope you haven't deleted the demo. ;)
solideliquid said:
Did they improve the graphics engine on the X360 vs PC?

Not a great deal. It still has the crappy blocky shadows. There are also some issues with antialiasing, or the lack thereof, and the frame rate is capped at 30 with some annoying motion blur.

Personally I thought this demo was dumb as hell, you can't do half the stuff you can in the PC version. And I've never been a fan of FPS with thumbsticks, so I didn't play it long.
keep in mind that the original bf2 demo released for the original xbox looked like ass compared to the final product: this demo looks better then the xbox version already so while it is ea, and they can fuck up a wet dream, president for hotness is there
I love it and graphics do seem a bit better then BF2 for pc are some jaggies but thats ok, id love this game if they got rid of those block shadows because everything else seems so perfect
Yeah alot of people I've heard are complaing but I like the demo. And if the final version is any improved I will still be happy. I'm selling graw to get this.