Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

Also, is the new expansions really all that different than the plethora of new expansions that ended up coming out for 1942/2 etc.? I remember there were quite a few, way more than $50 that's for sure.

There was also a plethora of free community content, so yes it was a bit different. You didn't need to buy expansion packs for a few pithy maps, you could get an entirely new game by downloading desert combat, forgotten hope, project reality, etc. DICE were also kind enough to release several maps for free.

Moreover, it has been said time and time again that map packs of this nature only serve to fragment the community, with the result that more often than not servers for exclusive maps end up virtually empty after a couple of months.
There was also a plethora of free community content, so yes it was a bit different. You didn't need to buy expansion packs for a few pithy maps, you could get an entirely new game by downloading desert combat, forgotten hope, project reality, etc. DICE were also kind enough to release several maps for free.

Moreover, it has been said time and time again that map packs of this nature only serve to fragment the community, with the result that more often than not servers for exclusive maps end up virtually empty after a couple of months.

Maybe the premium service is an attempt to resolve that fragmentation. According to the best article I could find on a short look, somewhere between 800k and 2 million people have bought the Premium membership ( ). While that is a pretty small number really when you look at it being worldwide, im sure sales numbers are much higher now but thats a guarenteed number of players that will have access to all those different expansions.

I dunno really, just a guess...of course, making money is probably a bigger motivator, lol.
Maybe the premium service is an attempt to resolve that fragmentation. According to the best article I could find on a short look, somewhere between 800k and 2 million people have bought the Premium membership ( ). While that is a pretty small number really when you look at it being worldwide, im sure sales numbers are much higher now but thats a guarenteed number of players that will have access to all those different expansions.

The way I read that article is that 2 million isn't an upper limit, its just an arbitrary number below which sales actually occurred and that 800,000 is the more accurate sales figure. The other thing, in addition to what you say about it being a very small number, is the fact that those sales will be spread across all three platforms. Even with an optimistic assumption that premium sales are equally distributed, which is pretty unlikely, that gives a whole 266,000 PC users across the entire globe.

Hypothetically that may be enough to sustain online populations, but in my part of the world the Karkand and Close Quarter servers are pretty dead most of the time. Maybe a higher proportion of premium users are located in the US and Europe?

I dunno really, just a guess...of course, making money is probably a bigger motivator, lol.

Seems to be the reality these days :(
Terribly sorry to have left you so awestruck by my line of thinking that people would only be interested in participating in a thread about a game that they found interesting. I guess its just me but I don't go into threads for games I dislike to shit on their interests....I would find myself to be a troll in doing so...just what I was thinking.

I will spare you all from my incredibly preposterous perceptions from now on.

Because finding a game interesting and saying you are only allowed to post if you like the game are the same exact thing :rolleyes:

If I didn't give a shit I wouldn't be posting in here. But it seems this thread has turned from discussion to "praise it or gtfo".
Listening to people complain the game yet continue to play it gets old. It like that guy at your work that hates his job. You just want him to shut up.
Listening to people complain the game yet continue to play it gets old. It like that guy at your work that hates his job. You just want him to shut up.

Just to make things clear, I am currently NOT playing it due to the things I mentioned. Also, constantly? I just posted for the first time in like 3-4 weeks in this thread, whereas before I was defending it(in the original one with the "pre-order cancelled' theme) and enjoying it. But I guess I was complaining all along.
has anyone noticed the new form of map glitching on CQ maps?

apparently theres a way of getting all the way on top of the roofs on these servers (especially the Ziba tower map), to the point where you can easily just sit there any sniper rifle and have a field day. Maybe this has been seen before, but on the derangedgamers servers, today was the first time ive come across it. Really sucks, but i guess nothing is being done about it

Yeah I noticed that. Really fun to pick them off after they went through the trouble of getting up there. :)
Then good thing no one forces you to read it?

when more than a few come in and bag on teh game nonstop it can get hard to have a constructive conversation about the game, and how to play it ETC

not saying that applies to the situation because i didnt dig through the last few pages, I'm just sayin.
i completed the assignment last night to unlock Berkut camo for the SCAR-H. the last task i had was "Destroy 5 air vehicles with AT Launchers" and i got to 4/5 and then destroyed about 10 choppers before it finally unlocked. i think it's bugged. edit: did a quick search and apparently transport choppers do not count for this assignment. makes sense because it finally registered when i took down another attack chopper.

also for '20 kills with the M15 AT Mine' i would run up to tanks that were stationary capturing flags and run around them dropping mines so they'd blow as they drive off. most times it didn't work, i guess the tank treads missed the mines. i discovered it's more effective to run up and drop mines all around them, then back up and toss a grenade in there to light the fuse :D
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i completed the assignment last night to unlock Berkut camo for the SCAR-H. the last task i had was "Destroy 5 air vehicles with AT Launchers" and i got to 4/5 and then destroyed about 10 choppers before it finally unlocked. i think it's bugged. edit: did a quick search and apparently transport choppers do not count for this assignment. makes sense because it finally registered when i took down another attack chopper.

also for '20 kills with the M15 AT Mine' i would run up to tanks that were stationary capturing flags and run around them dropping mines so they'd blow as they drive off. most times it didn't work, i guess the tank treads missed the mines. i discovered it's more effective to run up and drop mines all around them, then back up and toss a grenade in there to light the fuse :D

The .44 mag blows up mines too. ;)
Just to make things clear, I am currently NOT playing it due to the things I mentioned. Also, constantly? I just posted for the first time in like 3-4 weeks in this thread, whereas before I was defending it(in the original one with the "pre-order cancelled' theme) and enjoying it. But I guess I was complaining all along.
Umm, I did not say constantly, but I also left out a lot of other words too. I butchered that post. I'm guessing you filled in too many blanks? :p
Did I just dream that you could create local MP games? I'm pretty sure I did when the game had just come out, but now I don't see how anymore... I'd really like to be able to test things out, on my own. Test fire weapons, train on vehicles, that sort of stuff.
Did I just dream that you could create local MP games? I'm pretty sure I did when the game had just come out, but now I don't see how anymore... I'd really like to be able to test things out, on my own. Test fire weapons, train on vehicles, that sort of stuff.

That was certainly a dream. God forbid we play bf3 on a, GASP, LAN!!

Reason number 486 that I have really chilled on this game.

I hate ea more now. It has been a source of both love and hate for many years but now it is certainly more on the Hate side. No competition mods? No speccing in matches? Fuck you.

Kind of like my wife? Uh, well no, she is a great cook and does not come with drm/origin.
That was certainly a dream. God forbid we play bf3 on a, GASP, LAN!!

Reason number 486 that I have really chilled on this game.

I hate ea more now. It has been a source of both love and hate for many years but now it is certainly more on the Hate side. No competition mods? No speccing in matches? Fuck you.

Kind of like my wife? Uh, well no, she is a great cook and does not come with drm/origin.

the DRM is on your second smallest finger on your left hand ;)
I really wish you could lean. It just seems so wrong to have to move your whole body into the line of fire for no good reason.
I really wish you could lean. It just seems so wrong to have to move your whole body into the line of fire for no good reason.

after playing a bunch of arma 2 and day-z going back to bf3 i feel so stiff without the lean.

BF4 better have lean on the pc version lol, i can understand concoles having the lack of buttons but we have plenty over here in the pc realm i wouldnt mind finally getting lean in BF series

Here are the highlights of that RPG shot i posted earlier

Pilot POV "Jay was actually taunting me so it actually adds to it i think"

My POV i posted earlier
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For BF4 we better get Commander mode, an actual useful comm panel, working in-game voice... back

I would also love lean, but that seems to piss off a lot of people for some reason. I'm tired of exposing my entire body around corners and getting wasted when 8 years ago all I had to do was peek my head out, and if I got my head blown off, it was due to skill of other player instead of my incompetence
Porter said:
L86A2 + 6x scope + foregrip + silencer = silenced automatic sniper rifle!.

Both the foregrip and the silencer makes for TERRIBLE distance fire. Unless you're one of those run and gun snipers. That is really gay behavior IMHO. Sorry.
Both the foregrip and the silencer makes for TERRIBLE distance fire. Unless you're one of those run and gun snipers. That is really gay behavior IMHO. Sorry.

that's what the attachment descriptions would suggest, but try it out and see for yourself. and yes i'm one of those run and gun snipers. guess i should have an awkward conversation with my family about my sexual orientation.
that's what the attachment descriptions would suggest, but try it out and see for yourself. and yes i'm one of those run and gun snipers. guess i should have an awkward conversation with my family about my sexual orientation.

LOL Good man! Knew I was joking and didn't get all trolly and butt hurt!
that's what the attachment descriptions would suggest, but try it out and see for yourself. and yes i'm one of those run and gun snipers. guess i should have an awkward conversation with my family about my sexual orientation.

I think you should too, because silenced gun users are in the closet apparently. I hope my parents still love me. ;)
Run and gun snipers are the best kind...they're actually out there capping flags instead of posted up on a rock 20 miles away going 8/1 in a 1000 tick game. SKS+ACOG+Silencer = deadly at any range. I have a hard time running any guns w/o silencer as well...the drop in sound and muzzle flash really gives you a huge advantage when hitting a flank.
Is the L96 assignemnt for a 350m head shot "cumuluative" or not? because i've heard rumours that it is, and I suck at long-range stuff
Is the L96 assignemnt for a 350m head shot "cumuluative" or not? because i've heard rumours that it is, and I suck at long-range stuff

it is not.

it just keeps you posted on what your current max distance headshot with the weapon is.

so if you have a 65m headshot as your longest it will say 65/350 and then if your next headshot is a 140m distance it will change to 140/350m
Frak other than the F2000 assignemtn, i don't know which one I should try for to get unlock the new camo (maybe I won't bother), they all seem so fucking tedious
Frak other than the F2000 assignemtn, i don't know which one I should try for to get unlock the new camo (maybe I won't bother), they all seem so fucking tedious

aslong as you dont mind using the weapon the assignment requires they arnt really any more tedious than just playing the game.

just setup all your kits so the weapon you have an assignment for is in them and then just use which ever kit you feel like at the time and eventually the assignments will be done.

might take a little longer to do them that way but they will eventually be done.

i only need 230 assault kit kills to finish number 30. and i only started them about a week ago.
aslong as you dont mind using the weapon the assignment requires they arnt really any more tedious than just playing the game.

just setup all your kits so the weapon you have an assignment for is in them and then just use which ever kit you feel like at the time and eventually the assignments will be done.

might take a little longer to do them that way but they will eventually be done.

i only need 230 assault kit kills to finish number 30. and i only started them about a week ago.

That's the problem I rarely use ANY of the weapons... and...

1) don't use the PKP, I rarely use belt-fed
2) Claymore kills require me to play CQ maps... ugh
3) I SUCK with bolt action, and that 350 m headshot is almost impossible for me, when I play recon I don't snipe I get a semi-auto, holo, and charge objectives
4) the Scar-H is alright, but I don't use mines, due to the fact that I'm not giving up my repair kit. The occasional mine-hit is not worth to my team my ability to repair vehicles
Frak other than the F2000 assignemtn, i don't know which one I should try for to get unlock the new camo (maybe I won't bother), they all seem so fucking tedious

Seriously. All that shit just to unlock a camo on a gun I'll probably never use again? No thanks, lol.
Seriously. All that shit just to unlock a camo on a gun I'll probably never use again? No thanks, lol.

Have the people at DICE actually tried to unlock some of these fucking assignments? whatever beta tester that told them "YES THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE FUN!!!" should be fucking dragged out back and put down