Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I swear this game is even more buggy after the patch! Still getting the crash to desktop where the game is still running but I cannot get back into it.

See here:

Now after the patch the game is locking up and I have to force close it.

WHAT THE FUCK DICE?! Cannot even play this shit.

I have uninstalled the game, uninstalled Origin, reinstalled Origin and redownloaded the game. Uninstalled my sound card drivers, and reinstalled. Also removed the latest Forceware beta drivers, ran driver cleaner and reinstalled. Only thing I haven't done is reformat... :rolleyes:
Post patch the game is running incredibly well for me, but from what I see the flashlight is even more blinding in broad daylight.
IRNV isn't going to magically make someone better, not if they don't already have the skill required to take advantage of it.

Hmm... I digress and I rest my case. Say that about any unlock, enhancement, upgrade, etc.
the ir is overpowered and you would be a fool to say otherwise. Its easy mode for spotting anyone and thats why I and everyone else uses it. You can spot anyone with ease.

Even though your 110% correct/accurate, this isn't enough to end the IR argument.
Hmm... I digress and I rest my case. Say that about any unlock, enhancement, upgrade, etc.

Way to twist that quote into something totally unrelated. :rolleyes:

Eyefinity and IRNV are not the same at all...not even the same type of advantage.

Say that about any enhancement, eh? What about hacks? Aimbots? How does your theory hold up then?
Post patch the game is running incredibly well for me, but from what I see the flashlight is even more blinding in broad daylight.


I was playing on Caspian earlier with a squad on ventrilo. They were laughing their asses off at me because I said, "I just fired at the sun thinking it was somebody's tac light" and then a few minutes later "...I just DIDN'T fire at somebody's tac light because I thought it was the sun"

So glad they finally fixed the spotting key issue (when rebound from default 'Q' it wouldn't work properly with the new key)

Patch seems good so far but I've yet to see if the HT stuttering/jittery/hitching problem is still there.
I've seen screenshots around 2 weeks ago about the reduced brightness of the tactical flashlight. How come, it never made it to the latest patch?
Why would you think armored warfare is a key award? Combat efficiency, the flag ones, maybe ace squad, those are key, but armored warfare seems like a strange choice (unless it is just because you are a tank guy).

Edit: Unless you meant the anti-vehicle award, which i can see.

Yes, anti-vehicle.

God damn, this patch was big for me.

Fixed my fullscreen issue, I can now run this at 3240x1920, highest settings except no HBAO, AA or post AA.

I get a nice 60+ FPS with a stock 920. This isin't much more demanding then BFBC2 now.

Ya, it is running pretty sweet here also.

I made some computation; Vega kill 1527 persons with a Shaw or Rpg and he have a kills ration per vehicles destroy of 13% , since he destroy 821 vehicles its means he kill 107 persons with a rocket doing so, that's if we presume he always use a rocket to destroy a vehicle so it's means that 1420 persons not in a vehicle was kill by a rocket, this number will increase if of course he destroy vehicles also with another tank or other weapons.

1420 or more persons kills by a rockets, all of them not in a vehicles, so if it’s not using rocket against infantry, what is it ? Of course using RPG in a metro kill 1 , 2, 3, or more persons at the time, that's increase the combat efficiency a lot.

also Vega kill 1859 persons with a tank or another armor or AA , for a total of 3739 if we add the rocket one that's made 60% of all his kills. , 353 persons kill with a AA, it's not supposed to be used for put down planes or Heli, who said he teamkill peoples because they misused them ?


You better keep calculating. That 13% number is simply a correlation of how many direct vehicle kills compared to your overall total kill number. It has NOTHING to do with personnel kills or the RPG/SMAW in particular. As a matter of fact, most vehicle kills have 2 persons on board that die in and or around the vehicle as they attempt to jump ship, making your "Argument" even worse.

This from someone who's number one weapon is 9 hours spraying the M249 down corridors in Metro with a 5% accuracy rate. There is a reason your skill number is so low there guy.

Oh and thank's for the link I did not know I was in the top 1-2% of players in key stats:

Skill 649: Top 1%
Vehicles destroyed 821: Top 2%
Kill / Death ratio: 2.55: Top 2%

this is for vega who just won't quit his bitching about irnv and how op it is (it's not) and bragging about how awesome he is because of his stats (he's not)

how is irnv more op than being able to see 2-3x wider view with eyefinity than what people with one monitor see?

so vega? whats ur response? how is this less of a "crutch for bad players" than irnv?

I demand that any feature that may give any player even a slight advantage over another player be removed immediately, regardless of the fact that some players may enjoy using that feature. :rolleyes:

I do not play in landscape Eyefinity for a huge field of view. I play in portrait. I have the same max 90 deg field of view as anyone else.

So glad they finally fixed the spotting key issue (when rebound from default 'Q' it wouldn't work properly with the new key)

Patch seems good so far but I've yet to see if the HT stuttering/jittery/hitching problem is still there.

Which spotting key issue are you referring too and what did they fix? I remember constantly pressing the spotting key and it would very rarely work. Is that what was fixed?
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By default the 'Q' key is for spotting and bringing up the commo rose prompt. I and many others don't like to use 'Q' for spotting/commo rose so we rebound the key elsewhere. Prior to this new patch -- doing this broke quick spotting. This was a top list problem to me.

Next, I hope they revamp the chat window, add individual sensitivity to vehicles, tone down IRNV and vehicle thermal views, add more maps, and keep tweaking guns/explosives, etc.
They need to do something about hackers and they need to do something quick. Why is it so hard for them to crack down on this crap. I really do not see why automatically flagging an account which has better then a 5/1 K/D with over 40 kills would not work out. That and tracking individual weapon headshots and time between headshots, a m249 getting a headshot every 10 seconds is a bit suspicious.
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Just a friendly reminder in case any of you have forgotten it. It is Rule #1 for a reason.

The Rules said:
(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING, NAME CALLING OR PERSONAL ATTACKS. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.

Also, please don't feed the trolls.

By default the 'Q' key is for spotting and bringing up the commo rose prompt. I and many others don't like to use 'Q' for spotting/commo rose so we rebound the key elsewhere. Prior to this new patch -- doing this broke quick spotting. This was a top list problem to me.

Next, I hope they revamp the chat window, add individual sensitivity to vehicles, tone down IRNV and vehicle thermal views, add more maps, and keep tweaking guns/explosives, etc.

Oh that is awesome, I also had it bound to a different key. No wonder why my spotting wasn't working.
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I'm enjoying the new patch, I love the way my mouse feels now. It's much snapier.

Played with some [H] peeps(TheOneKnownAsMe), even though you were stuck on wrong team most of the time we still had some gg's till the hacker came into the server and ruined everything lol.

E-Peen post to album of my scores from last night, had some good 6:1's taking objectives using AEK-971....

Feels good to win this many in a row...

If anyone wants to run together add me...!/bf3/soldier/SHiZNiLTi_OG/stats/336717693/
I like the new patch overall except chopper didnt need buff.

It has been getting pretty crazy lately though and the game as some major problems that are killing the fun.

Hackers of course are seeming to show up more often.
Stacked teams are rediculous. I had a party of 3 and we were the better players in the server that night and we tried to switch teams and the game would not let us when the other team was down 4 guys and being crushed. I suddenly realized that the imbalance may not even be the fault of the people playing.
Tickets are stupid they are the worst way I can think of to determine when the game ends. I hear this is BF tradition. But anyhow if no one is the in the server it taks forever. To many and you can never get anything done before the game ends. Time is the right way to go since it would not matter how many people are in the server. 5 minutes per set in rush would be fine.

Anyhow between hackers and stacked teams it would take us about 5 servers to find a decent one.
Post patch the game is running incredibly well for me, but from what I see the flashlight is even more blinding in broad daylight.

Post patch I've had more crashes than before, and I agree about the tac light still needing to be fixed.
Anyone getting 'Disconnected from EA Online' now? I never had this error before...seems to happen every time I join a game now.
If someone has the ability to identify targets in their peripheral vision with their Eyefinity setup, they get a helluva lot more respect from me than all the kids running around with IRNVs on their M249s. With all of these modern shooters, for me, it's hard enough just picking out targets on the monitor in front of me, much less worrying about my peripheral vision if I had an eyefinity setup. Eyefinity isn't going to magically make someone better, not if they don't already have the skill required to take advantage of it.

IR is not OP
Eyefinity allows immersion.
People cant play the game.
Noob adapted game with console game aiming from dice makes it a shitty game.

Use black cloths the spec Ops that drops the IR advantage.
eyefinity allows a better view of the field, sure its an advantage but most people also forget it adds latency.
Lot of noobs cant play fps gamers properly nor be able to notice aim differences.

BF3 is a joke and huge insult to any serious fps gamer.
god i'm sick of the amount of whining in this thread, I seriously am, 'gun X Y Z is overpowered'.. 'omg da IRNV is so unfair lolz!' - If it's so great why don't you use it yourself and quit bitching?.. I think it's CRAP, i still manage to play fine without it.

it's like you guys spend hours getting raped in a server and come here to make yourselves feel less crap by whining for pages and pages none stop.

Only thing that is 'overpowered' in this game are the flashlights. I have not noticed once, one gun killing someone more/faster than the other.

What he said i came to see if others are crashing after the update like myself instead i have to read threw a bunch of posts from whiners.
Well I decided against getting the game at launch because of forced Origin use, and that turned out to fortunate in the long run.

Me and most of my gaming friends had played 50+ hours of beta for BFBC2 before the game was even released, and most of us have over 500 hours total played. So far of my gaming friends most of them haven't played BF3 in the last 2 weeks and have little more than 10-20 hours played total.

I dunno what they did to this game but it's not having the same impact in my circle of friends than BC2 did which seems odd considering how little focus BC2 had on the PC and supposedly how much BF3 had. We're all pretty much PC elitists and have played every previous iteration of battlefield to death.

General consensus seems to be the whole "PC first" thing was a bit of a con, the game doesn't seem like it's targeted at serious gamers since things like solid hit registry are such a distant priority for the developers. If you took netcode like this and inserted it into counter strike for example...there would be trouble :)
IR is not OP
Eyefinity allows immersion.
People cant play the game.
Noob adapted game with console game aiming from dice makes it a shitty game.

Use black cloths the spec Ops that drops the IR advantage.
eyefinity allows a better view of the field, sure its an advantage but most people also forget it adds latency.
Lot of noobs cant play fps gamers properly nor be able to notice aim differences.

BF3 is a joke and huge insult to any serious fps gamer.

Sorry, but I havent fallowed the entire discussion, but WUT?
Whats wrong with the aiming? its seems fine to me. Its drastically different on the PC vs the PS3.
I only say its fine because I have played most every shooter since shooters began and BF3 is in no way offensive in regards to aiming.

I dont really get why your having a fit? Because of eyefinity?

I consider myself very picky on FPS games. I play them all, but only like a handful. CS, R6 and flashpoint are only a few that I enjoyed enough to stick with beyond the honeymoon phase.
Call it a joke and an insult if you want(if your insulted then you honestly need to a take a break from games), but you only speak for yourself. I love BF3. First game in years that I really, really am into. Its got flaws, and Im not even any good at it, but it excels in so many ways and provides an excellent gaming experience.

go play MW3 :)
Jeez, im glad i bought the game out of my own personal desire instead of going off what people think of the game here. This thread is almost constantly negative towards the game as if its a pile of shit. There are the obvious flaws (IRNV, Tac. Light, etc) but ignoring those, its really a great game, imo. You know how you get around the IRNV butt hurt-ness....don't look at the attachments the other guy uses and you'll never know he had it. I don't even pay attention to the killbar 99% of the time unless the dogtag catches my eye. Tac. light I will agree is annoying as hell...but to me its only really bothersome when you have an asshole teammate blinding you with it. Everyone, take note, you can turn off your tac light by pressing (by default) the T key. Excellent to do if your running next to someone with a low chance of contact....
the only time im bothered about the tac light is when someone on my team blinds me. i dont care about the irnv either. a lot of times when im blinded by the tac i just empty my magazine right at it most times i end up killing the person. it could be worse they could have made the tac light strobe now that would be a bitch.
I personally thing IR isn't Infrared, it's just target finder... normal IR wouldn't do things like this, but I love to use it =)
Just purchase a second copy of BF3 , I will try the party and it's voice tonight with my son .....
I tried this party voice many times with friends and it didn't worked for us, we just always fell into using skype or teamspeak. If you'll get it working tell me how you did that.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1038057129 said:
I'm enjoying the new patch, I love the way my mouse feels now. It's much snapier.

Played with some [H] peeps(TheOneKnownAsMe), even though you were stuck on wrong team most of the time we still had some gg's till the hacker came into the server and ruined everything lol.

E-Peen post to album of my scores from last night, had some good 6:1's taking objectives using AEK-971....

Feels good to win this many in a row...

If anyone wants to run together add me...!/bf3/soldier/SHiZNiLTi_OG/stats/336717693/

Just purchase a second copy of BF3 , I will try the party and it's voice tonight with my son .....

Yo I just added you as a friend GG-Snipes, I noticed you have HIG tags like TheOneKnownAsMe has on. Who's squad is that? What does it mean?
people love to hate.

I have no hate for this game, I love it, I get noob toobed, rocked by people using m249 and irnv, i don't care :D because the game is still fun, it's still great,

my origin name is bananaxr, add me if you want :p
Someone find a doctor, STAT! This man is hallucinating!

Not exactly sure how it has "console game aiming" either, im pretty sure ive seen this rhetoric before on another forum, not even sure he gave an explaination what he considered "console aiming" either.
Speaking of eyefinity, does anyone actually have it working with Crossfire at this point? I was able to get the beta running at 5760x1200, however, I had no HUD, weapon ammo, minimap, chatbox, etc and that made it no fun. Now when I try launching the game at 5760, it just crashes back to the desktop, but works fine at 1920.... Anyone have any better experiences? BFBC2 works perfectly for me....
IR is not OP
Eyefinity allows immersion.
People cant play the game.
Noob adapted game with console game aiming from dice makes it a shitty game.

Use black cloths the spec Ops that drops the IR advantage.
eyefinity allows a better view of the field, sure its an advantage but most people also forget it adds latency.
Lot of noobs cant play fps gamers properly nor be able to notice aim differences.

BF3 is a joke and huge insult to any serious fps gamer.

Phew it is a good thing I buy games to play for fun instead of sitting around having discussions on what makes a "serious FPS".

I imagine real life paintballing is the serious FPS this poster is looking for.
Played all the quakes, CS competitively at a fairly higher-than-average level...I must be getting soft in my old age, because I like this consolized piece of trash with newb IR, taclights, blah blah. My eyes must be getting old too, with all the various people who dislike the game who also seem to think the graphics aren't all that special. :rolleyes:

You know how you get around the IRNV butt hurt-ness....don't look at the attachments the other guy uses and you'll never know he had it. I don't even pay attention to the killbar 99% of the time unless the dogtag catches my eye. Tac. light I will agree is annoying as hell...but to me its only really bothersome when you have an asshole teammate blinding you with it.

QFT and it needs repeating.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1038057129 said:
I'm enjoying the new patch, I love the way my mouse feels now. It's much snapier.

Played with some [H] peeps(TheOneKnownAsMe), even though you were stuck on wrong team most of the time we still had some gg's till the hacker came into the server and ruined everything lol.

E-Peen post to album of my scores from last night, had some good 6:1's taking objectives using AEK-971....

Feels good to win this many in a row...

If anyone wants to run together add me...!/bf3/soldier/SHiZNiLTi_OG/stats/336717693/

Yeah, it certainly was pretty fun. It's a shame it took me so long to recover from taking that 2 week break from the game, I only started getting back into it in the last 2 rounds we played.