Battleborn open beta until 18th

Grey market= no reason to believe they do. If I pay $20 when the normal legit price is $60, someone's not getting paid.
Doesn't work that way. Grey market means legitimate keys were obtained from regions where the game was cheaper and sold online for a measly profit. If the key is not legitimate (quite possible as well if you buy from non known grey market sites) then chance of your key revoked or other consequences like account block etc. are higher.

The second scenario is the only one where devs don't get paid. I have bought tons of keys from multiple key sites and they were all legit (my steam/origin/uplay/blizzard accounts are all intact).
Doesn't work that way. Grey market means legitimate keys were obtained from regions where the game was cheaper and sold online for a measly profit. If the key is not legitimate (quite possible as well if you buy from non known grey market sites) then chance of your key revoked or other consequences like account block etc. are higher.

The second scenario is the only one where devs don't get paid. I have bought tons of keys from multiple key sites and they were all legit (my steam/origin/uplay/blizzard accounts are all intact).
And i getthat. I'm just willing to pay more to ensure the keys are legit, and that the devs get paid. Sites like CDKeys and Kinguin can't guarantee that.
Given that those sites have better return policies than steam I don't think you will face any problems.

Back about Battleborn though, is the SP alone worth price of admission. Game is 30 something on cdkeys so might be worth getting. Heard there are only 8 missions so a bit bummed in terms of value of the game. Also leveling up in each level sucks for me tbh.
Given that those sites have better return policies than steam I don't think you will face any problems.

Back about Battleborn though, is the SP alone worth price of admission. Game is 30 something on cdkeys so might be worth getting. Heard there are only 8 missions so a bit bummed in terms of value of the game. Also leveling up in each level sucks for me tbh.

I paid $40 and if all I do is SP despite those caveats... it isn't bad.

$30? Sure. It scratches that Borderlands itch a little bit.
wonder how this will compare to overwatch? the two seem similar.
i had so much fun in this game for the first month that it was out. it died sooooo hard the closer it got to overwatch launch. started getting really hard to find matches. you still playing? curious how it is now, i don't have it installed currently.

All my buddies bought it and told me not to. I kinda still want it though.
I wish gearbox would move on already and dedicate their resources on putting out Borderlands 3.
I never picked this game up seems like it's has the attention span of Pew Die Pie's audiences
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Developers are showing off changes. Should be a saved VoD after the stream ends.