Batman: Arkham Knight

If you own a 21:9 monitor you need to download Flawless Widescreen. It's an essential tool.

Unfortunately, its creator, Hayden, is extremely busy with work, and hasn't been updating it as of late. His presence in the widescreen community has been sorely missed.
So wow, I turned off SLi and enabled second gpu as dedicated physX and I now have absolutely no stuttering at 1080 p max possible details in game. This is awesome. Also now after restarting my computer I can see the droplet effects that are added.

Frickin A. Loving the game btw.
Yup I can confirm this.

I get both, some cut scenes are 16:9 with black bars and some are stretched full screen.
do you get the 16:9 as well on some cut scenes?

game is very cinematic looking in 21:9
So wow, I turned off SLi and enabled second gpu as dedicated physX and I now have absolutely no stuttering at 1080 p max possible details in game. This is awesome. Also now after restarting my computer I can see the droplet effects that are added.

Frickin A. Loving the game btw.
Yes, the game looks so much better now with the rain accumulation and ambient occlusions added. It really is a "night and day" difference. With how quickly Rocksteady fixed these missing effects one has to wonder if the shaders responsible for them were simply not compiled in the release code or forgotten about. The patch certainly has my spirits up for now. Only problem is it broke pre-rendered cutscenes for me. It looks like they're trying to play back at 60 FPS when they were rendered at 30, so they are a stuttering mess while running between 40 and 55. This is with the FPS cap still set to 30, by the way. I guess the game is expecting V-sync to be on while I'm running with G-sync.
Yes, the game looks so much better now with the rain accumulation and ambient occlusions added. It really is a "night and day" difference. With how quickly Rocksteady fixed these missing effects one has to wonder if the shaders responsible for them were simply not compiled in the release code or forgotten about. The patch certainly has my spirits up for now.
That's what I think happened. Someone at Rocksteady goofed and forgot to give Iron Galaxy the final code that enabled the AO maps and the Rain Textures. I bet we were all playing the "8 week" ago final beta code that they gave to Iron Galaxy to port over to PC. So they just added the changes to the ported code, recompiled, ran a quick Q/A and put it out over the weekend.
Finally spent some appreciable time with this last night and I have to say the game is pretty awesome. I haven't had any issues yet.
So after beating the game I have to say a lot of the luster wears off. It's a huge chore to do everything to get the last ending and even with a guide I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my interest long enough. Most of the side missions are fine it's the damn Riddler stuff that's annoying. Nothing about Riddler's plot or character is interesting in the game and honestly after three games I'm sick of collecting the same shit hundreds of times. The post game is a major let down and it really does effect my over-all opinion of the game.
So after beating the game I have to say a lot of the luster wears off. It's a huge chore to do everything to get the last ending and even with a guide I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my interest long enough. Most of the side missions are fine it's the damn Riddler stuff that's annoying. Nothing about Riddler's plot or character is interesting in the game and honestly after three games I'm sick of collecting the same shit hundreds of times. The post game is a major let down and it really does effect my over-all opinion of the game.

I think I sort of agree with you. Not because I beat the game already, but the past games were the same thing as far as the Riddler is concerned. I think he's even more annoying this time around.

My plan is to beat the awesome main story, do a few side things, and then uninstall. I'm just not into 100% completion.
I think I sort of agree with you. Not because I beat the game already, but the past games were the same thing as far as the Riddler is concerned. I think he's even more annoying this time around.

My plan is to beat the awesome main story, do a few side things, and then uninstall. I'm just not into 100% completion.

Same here, I don't think I ever 100% completed any of the other Batman games. The Riddler is just the most tedious thing. I just really disliked it in all the Batman games. And honestly, what's up with the whole...
Building various race tracks? I think for a character whose whole thing is having a high intellect and outsmarting the Bat, building race tracks is completely out of character. It's like they had to figure out who was the best villain that would let them build crap around to use this batmobile they put into the game.
I really wish they had given a timeframe for when the patches are expected to be released...I assume there hasn't been any more word?
Same here, I don't think I ever 100% completed any of the other Batman games. The Riddler is just the most tedious thing. I just really disliked it in all the Batman games. And honestly, what's up with the whole...
Building various race tracks? I think for a character whose whole thing is having a high intellect and outsmarting the Bat, building race tracks is completely out of character. It's like they had to figure out who was the best villain that would let them build crap around to use this batmobile they put into the game.

Agreed on the spoiler...although not much of a spoiler ;). It's just lame and I have no interested in that part of the game.
Same here, I don't think I ever 100% completed any of the other Batman games. The Riddler is just the most tedious thing. I just really disliked it in all the Batman games.

Same here.

And honestly, what's up with the whole...
Building various race tracks? I think for a character whose whole thing is having a high intellect and outsmarting the Bat, building race tracks is completely out of character. It's like they had to figure out who was the best villain that would let them build crap around to use this batmobile they put into the game.

Good point. I had to wonder about that myself.
Agreed on the spoiler...although not much of a spoiler ;). It's just lame and I have no interested in that part of the game.

True not much of a spoiler, but I figure enough people are probably not playing that it would be wrong of me to post it and ruin that whole, "WTF?" moment. ;)
Same here, I don't think I ever 100% completed any of the other Batman games. The Riddler is just the most tedious thing. I just really disliked it in all the Batman games. And honestly, what's up with the whole...
Building various race tracks? I think for a character whose whole thing is having a high intellect and outsmarting the Bat, building race tracks is completely out of character. It's like they had to figure out who was the best villain that would let them build crap around to use this batmobile they put into the game.

I got 100% on Akham Asylum, and it was fun to do for the most part. Even when I replayed it last year.

I knew early on in Knight it was going to be another game I wont bother with 100% on. The whole driving around thing is ok, but to me just kills the feeling of being Batman. Its also pretty crappy driving coming from two full playthroughs of GTA5 which had stellar driving controls I think. Driving game controls are a very individual thing though, so I know some people do like that part of B:AK.

There's fun extra stuff to hunt down and there's tedious crap. I swear RS/WB took a page from the SE book of game design somewhere.

B:AK is a decent game when it runs smoothly (rarely for me), but I still prefer Asylum overall. I don't regret paying $20 for it, but I'd feel $60 was a waste.
I get both, some cut scenes are 16:9 with black bars and some are stretched full screen.
do you get the 16:9 as well on some cut scenes?

game is very cinematic looking in 21:9

I have seen some cutscenes add black bars. But it still stretches it. Think I saw one cutscene that was actually right. Either way they need to fix it.
I have seen some cutscenes add black bars. But it still stretches it. Think I saw one cutscene that was actually right. Either way they need to fix it.

Same problem here. B:AK has tons of cut scenes so having the aspect ratio constantly change really pulls you out of the game. Super annoying!
I am really enjoying it. It is a step in the right direction with Batman games since I felt in Origins, the gameplay mechanics were becoming repetitive, except for some cool boss fights in Origins.

The Batmobile is well used and overall, I don't find it annoying at all. There is still plenty of hand to hand combat in the game.

Since I turned off SLi, my life is perfect lol.
Same here, I don't think I ever 100% completed any of the other Batman games. The Riddler is just the most tedious thing. I just really disliked it in all the Batman games. And honestly, what's up with the whole...
Building various race tracks? I think for a character whose whole thing is having a high intellect and outsmarting the Bat, building race tracks is completely out of character. It's like they had to figure out who was the best villain that would let them build crap around to use this batmobile they put into the game.

Nothing about what Riddler does in the game makes an ounce of sense. He was annoying in the previous games but at least his plans made sense and had some logic behind them. Everything about it just feels tacked on here and I hate that I am forced to do everything to deal with him and finish the game. I'd rather be forced to do the AR challenges or something to get the final ending. This is just a really shitty design decision by Rocksteady.
Nothing about what Riddler does in the game makes an ounce of sense. He was annoying in the previous games but at least his plans made sense and had some logic behind them. Everything about it just feels tacked on here and I hate that I am forced to do everything to deal with him and finish the game. I'd rather be forced to do the AR challenges or something to get the final ending. This is just a really shitty design decision by Rocksteady.

The Batmobile in general feels completely tacked on and unnecessary. Those Riddler races are ridiculous and super frustrating.
The Batmobile in general feels completely tacked on and unnecessary. Those Riddler races are ridiculous and super frustrating.

I actually enjoyed the AR challenge tracks that came after them. They were suitably challenging and I liked the layout of the later two. My problem was the poorly designed "puzzle" rooms. If it had been all racing I would have been fine with that, but the puzzles suck. I liked the Batmobile over-all but it was very overused. They relied too much on it being the big new thing and just designed too much of the game and bosses around it. Way way way too many fights against Drones too and after a while they just get a little boring since it's always exactly the same. Kill a few drones, hack, kill a few drones, fire off missiles, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. There are a few really good drone fights but when you get the Batmobile leveled up you're kind of on auto-pilot by the end of the game.
Aaaaaand the criticism starts, lol (of the game itself; I know the seas of the technical criticisms of the PC release have been raging for days).

I know that no game is perfect and most have their annoyances. As someone who hasn't played yet, I guess it's just a little disheartening to read about how the game is brilliant and engrossing and now that people have finished it the nit picks are starting to come in. But, that's common for a lot of games I suppose.

I'm not saying that anyone is wrong or not entitled to their opinion. Not at all. I was just hoping that the luster wouldn't wear off so quickly. Now I almost feel less enthusiastic about playing it knowing that it'll likely lose my interest after I finish the story. I didn't play the previous ones for hundreds of hours either, but I was hoping that this one would be so epic that it would hold my interest (wanting to do and see and what not) well after the story was over. Oh well, I have other games to worry about anyway. At least it sounds like the main game/story is excellent and worth at least one or two playthroughs. Just like the others.
Aaaaaand the criticism starts, lol (of the game itself; I know the seas of the technical criticisms of the PC release have been raging for days).

I know that no game is perfect and most have their annoyances. As someone who hasn't played yet, I guess it's just a little disheartening to read about how the game is brilliant and engrossing and now that people have finished it the nit picks are starting to come in. But, that's common for a lot of games I suppose.

I'm not saying that anyone is wrong or not entitled to their opinion. Not at all. I was just hoping that the luster wouldn't wear off so quickly. Now I almost feel less enthusiastic about playing it knowing that it'll likely lose my interest after I finish the story. I didn't play the previous ones for hundreds of hours either, but I was hoping that this one would be so epic that it would hold my interest (wanting to do and see and what not) well after the story was over. Oh well, I have other games to worry about anyway. At least it sounds like the main game/story is excellent and worth at least one or two playthroughs. Just like the others.

I'm capable of picking apart even my all time favorite games, I like seeing the good and bad in everything. It's how I understand my tastes so clearly. Still, AK is a weird game. I still love the story part of the game and getting through the main plot was great, even if some things simply didn't hit all the high notes. The drop off after finishing the plot is the real killer for me though. I haven't seen a game hit such great highs and drop off so steeply since the original Bioshock. I'll say it bluntly: The post game experience is bad. It isn't fun, it isn't engaging. Some of the side stuff is fun, but most of the good ones you can beat before the game ends. The ones that require you to beat the game just aren't fun. For a while after the game I was still riding high and enjoying finishing up quests, then I got to the point where all I had left is Riddler and other "drive around the city randomly and hope you find stuff" quests. The guide makes them easy to find, but just looking at the sheer number of them made me quit. I just can't do it, I'm not going to force myself through that stuff just to get to an ending I can already figure out. I want to play through the main story again once the game is fixed and I know I will still love a lot of it, but I get the feeling I'm going to get burnt out long before it's over.
Well, I guess I kind of felt the same way with Just Cause 2 and Far Cry 3 (and I guess GTA IV and the Assassin's Creed games, for that matter). I had an absolute blast with the story missions and I loved watching things unfold through the cinematics, but once I completed the main stories I quickly shelved them even though there was soooo much more to do in terms of side stuff like item collection. I usually try to do most or all side missions in games, particularly if there is some kind of incentive or reward, but I have no real desire to spend dozens of hours destroying every last enemy location or collecting flags or treasures from all corners of the map. It would take way too long to find them by myself, and even if I were to use an online guide to display the locations, it's usually not worth it. Sure, you can say you 100%ed the game, but there's usually very little to gain and many hours of your life lost.

It's been a while since I played Bioshock. I remember loving it until the end, where I thought it dropped off a bit. Is that what you're talking about? Not sure spoiler tags are needed for a game that old. ;)
Hit my first game breaking bug.

Quit the game earlier while in the Batmobile, now when I try to start up that game, it either wont let me get out of the car, or if I can manage it, I get embedded into the ground and cant move or re-enter the vehicle.


Not being able to do manual saves really sucks. Hate hate hate save points.
Hit my first game breaking bug.

Quit the game earlier while in the Batmobile, now when I try to start up that game, it either wont let me get out of the car, or if I can manage it, I get embedded into the ground and cant move or re-enter the vehicle.


Not being able to do manual saves really sucks. Hate hate hate save points.

Have you tried reloading the checkpoint?
Well, I guess I kind of felt the same way with Just Cause 2 and Far Cry 3 (and I guess GTA IV and the Assassin's Creed games, for that matter). I had an absolute blast with the story missions and I loved watching things unfold through the cinematics, but once I completed the main stories I quickly shelved them even though there was soooo much more to do in terms of side stuff like item collection. I usually try to do most or all side missions in games, particularly if there is some kind of incentive or reward, but I have no real desire to spend dozens of hours destroying every last enemy location or collecting flags or treasures from all corners of the map. It would take way too long to find them by myself, and even if I were to use an online guide to display the locations, it's usually not worth it. Sure, you can say you 100%ed the game, but there's usually very little to gain and many hours of your life lost.

It's been a while since I played Bioshock. I remember loving it until the end, where I thought it dropped off a bit. Is that what you're talking about? Not sure spoiler tags are needed for a game that old. ;)

I couldn't even make it through GTAIV's story, but that's a rant for another time.

Well for Bioshock it's pretty much everything after meeting Andrew Ryan. The reveal was poorly written and the sudden villain twist and mind control BS sucked. I find mind control to be a lazy plot device in most cases and comics have forever turned me against it in most stories. Doesn't help that by that point the game had run out of fun interesting characters to throw at you. The last couple areas didn't look at neat either. Everything just felt so tacked on and rushed. The final boss was plain bad and neither ending was satisfying.
Ugh. Those rosy memories of Bioshock are slightly tainted now that I remember the latter part of the game. Guess I'll lump it in with others like Far Cry 1 and Crysis where I greatly enjoy the beginning, play until a certain point where things get ridiculous and then fire up another game. :)
The Batmobile in general feels completely tacked on and unnecessary. Those Riddler races are ridiculous and super frustrating.

I really don't know how anyone could say the Batmobile feels "tacked on." It's literally woven directly into every part of the gameplay and story as well. I mean it's as integrated as it could ever possibly be, in many cases in extremely thoughtful and original ways.

Now whether you enjoyed it or not is another thing entirely, but calling it tacked on is a gross overstatement IMO.
Ugh. Those rosy memories of Bioshock are slightly tainted now that I remember the latter part of the game. Guess I'll lump it in with others like Far Cry 1 and Crysis where I greatly enjoy the beginning, play until a certain point where things get ridiculous and then fire up another game. :)

I still think Bioshock is a good game but yeah the latter 3rd really drags it down. I suppose I'd say the same about Arkham Knight. A good game with some really low points that drag it all down.
Have you tried reloading the checkpoint?

Yeah, no go. :(

Its not the end of the world, just annoying.

Thankfully some of the scenes I've already watched can be skipped to speed up the redo.

EDIT - And I'm done with this for now. Got back to the ACE chemical factory and to the point where I've opened the main gate and need to remote the Batmobile in and once I switch to the car and pull up the road for a ramp, nothing works anymore. Car gets stuck there, swapping back to Batman has me embedded in the ground again and I cant move or use abilities. Swapping back and forth between him and the car doesn't fix it nor does reloading the checkpoint.

Back to TW3 I go for now.
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everyone was gushing about the game for the first 50 it's all downhill...the complaints about the riddler trophies and all the extra mission shenanigans are strange...all the previous Arkham games had it as's like people complaining that Assassin's Creed: Unity has too many chests to find or viewpoints to's part of the series for better or worse and fully optional...I want to play Arkham Knight because I'm a huge fan of the Batman mythology and Rocksteady has also shown a great deal of respect for the source material and the Batman story in general
everyone was gushing about the game for the first 50 it's all downhill...the complaints about the riddler trophies and all the extra mission shenanigans are strange...all the previous Arkham games had it as's like people complaining that Assassin's Creed: Unity has too many chests to find or viewpoints to's part of the series for better or worse and fully optional...I want to play Arkham Knight because I'm a huge fan of the Batman mythology and Rocksteady has also shown a great deal of respect for the source material and the Batman story in general

Difference is in the previous games they were OPTIONAL. You MUST do all the Riddler stuff in this game if you want to actually beat it. I didn't like the Riddler stuff in the previous games either but it was something I could ignore. Can't do that with this game. That is also on top of FOUR other annoying side-quests.
I only did one Riddler mission which was the car track. It was horse shit and I haven't bothered trying to save the cat at all. Riddler is so out of place in this game that it is not funny even.
Also I am now 25% in and still don't know why Poison Ivy was introduced lol.

Still loving the game.
I only did one Riddler mission which was the car track. It was horse shit and I haven't bothered trying to save the cat at all. Riddler is so out of place in this game that it is not funny even.
Also I am now 25% in and still don't know why Poison Ivy was introduced lol.

Still loving the game.

The best parts of the Riddler plot are Selina's comments during it. Outside of that it's not worth doing unless you're like me and actually like racing. You really don't need the WayneTech upgrade points from it or the AR challenges.