Batman Arkham City, what are your plans?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 15, 2000
I know it's not until Q3 this years before Batman Arkham City, but is anyone else hyped?
I have some preliminary plans on hardware upgrades and a party when it arrives. My kids love this game and so do my friends.
As for hardware to run the game I am at a tossup on a Sandybridge with SLI or a Bulldozer with Crossfire depending on which performs better.
The game is said to be 5 times larger than Batman AA so there are 2 things I am going to do to make this more enjoyable.
1. Large SSD, possibly 2 in RAID for faster loadtimes and better responsiveness.
2. Projectors! I have a single Dell 2400MP that does 1280*1024 and we use it to play Batman AA on a 10 foot screen but I may buy 2 more identical projectors and run them portrait mode for 3072*1280 resolution this would be on a concave screen. I also have linear polarizers and glases if I wanted to do it with IZ3D but I cant descide if 10 foot 3D screen or surround gaming is more emmersive.
If price were no object I would run 6 of them on 2 seprerate TH2GOs with linear filters for projected surround 3D but thats alot for one game..
I do have the stereo setup ready and that is fed to a Yamaha 600 watt receiver and an additional 250 watt subwoofer, this also connects to 2 bass shakers mounted under the seating areas.
What are your plans for the game?
Read reviews and go from there, it's almost a day one purchase for me but that's stung me in the past so always reserve final judgement.

I'd like to play on a projector, I have plans to pick up a 1080p projector sometime very soon so should have one in place by then, looking at a 85" screen :)
i dont want to get burn like a witch , but I still need to finish Asylum.
never could get into the first one. Although i completely understand why it got so well received.
I never finished Batman AA either, burn me at the stake
I'm about 60% through my 2nd playthrough, gonna pre-order via Steam.
i dont want to get burn like a witch , but I still need to finish Asylum.

Same here, and just like Asylum I'll be waiting for City to hit $7.50 on Steam, which is $2.50 more than I usually spend per game but hey, it's worth it! Heh.
The first Batman certainly wasn't for everyone but for those who did like it, it had everything, surround gaming worked great, the sounds, physix actually looked great and the spookiness of some scenes like anytime Scarecrow was in a scene or Killer Croc.
There are games I own but never played or not gotten much playtime like L4D2 The Newest Tomb Raider and TF2.
I doubt hardware requirements will change much from the Batman AA as it is still a console port for XboX360 and PS3, so I don't think PC gaming will be much more demanding, but I am upgrading for a better visual experience.
I was late to the party on AA and only bought it a couple months ago but after the first 20 minutes of playing I was kicking myself for mot buying it sooner. I played It thru 3 times in a row. One of the best games ever IMHO.

As for Arkham City, I'll be there pretty quick. Refuse to pay $60 for a game so I'll wait til it hits $40 and snag It then just like I did with Dead Space 2.
I really enjoyed the combat system in asylum, great game. Although the steam and save game files nonsence is very frustrating.
I really enjoyed the combat system in asylum, great game. Although the steam and save game files nonsence is very frustrating.

Is there more to the combat than just clicking the mouse on people? Maybe I'm missing out on something, but all I ever do is click around like a madman - should I be planning combos and stuff?
Is there more to the combat than just clicking the mouse on people? Maybe I'm missing out on something, but all I ever do is click around like a madman - should I be planning combos and stuff?

Combat isn't overly complex, and I played with a 360 controller so I can't comment on how it works with the mouse.

You've got attack your basic attack and counter. You can "buy" a couple more combos. The goal of the combat isn't just to beat down your opponents -- you want to do it fluidly, so you have to watch around you and attack while holding a direction to get that guy throwing something or firing a gun, counter as often as you can, and use your combos to take the harder enemies down quick (the knife and taser wielding ones). It's really fun when you get into a bunch of enemies, but for just 1-2 enemies at a time, it can get kind of boring.
Is there more to the combat than just clicking the mouse on people? Maybe I'm missing out on something, but all I ever do is click around like a madman - should I be planning combos and stuff?

Being sneaky about it for one, then repelling down and hogtying them to gargoyles is fun. But the 360 controller does make it easier.
Is there more to the combat than just clicking the mouse on people? Maybe I'm missing out on something, but all I ever do is click around like a madman - should I be planning combos and stuff?

I didn't use a mouse, that must have been painful.

There is much more to combat than just mashing buttons. To get critical strikes your timing must be perfect. Countering enemies and stunning enemies with knives or avoiding guys with tazers. Plus if you use different moves like instant take downs and throws it increases your score which allows you level up faster.
It will be a day one purchase for me. I played through the first one with a mouse/kb and I wish I had used my 360 controller, the combos were a little difficult with the mouse (at least Imo)
I plan to pass on it and stick to games I'm likely to enjoy. I found AA massively repetitive and uninspired, although admittedly quite polished.
Read reviews and go from there, it's almost a day one purchase for me but that's stung me in the past so always reserve final judgement.

I'd like to play on a projector, I have plans to pick up a 1080p projector sometime very soon so should have one in place by then, looking at a 85" screen :)

I strongly approve of your plans right there, the 2nd part of your post. Playing on a blank wall with a good projector is just a beyond awesome experience, especially if you have a completely dark room for it.

that will definitely add more to the immersion than anything else I can think of.

The first Batman was a really good game, I have no doubts that they will do their best to top it. They seem to have all the right stuff in place to make that happen.
I didn't really find an issue using the mouse for combat, I even beat that 50 guy (or whatever it was) challenge without any retries. Any mistakes were really mistimed by me and not mouse related.

Game was also great for me due to the nostalgia factor, as the game used the same voice actors and felt like it had the same style as the Bruce Timm Batman Animated series I watched as a kid.
I can tell you what my plan isn't:

buying a brand new rig and multiple projectors :)
First day purchase.

I read the reviews when the consoles got Batman:AA first. Took a chance because how many super hero games are great? I have played Batman:AA like three times, always fun. I know sometimes okay mostly sequels are never better than the first but I have high hopes on Batman:AC.
I can tell you what my plan isn't:

buying a brand new rig and multiple projectors :)

My rig I was playing it on is a C2D 1800mhz with a single gtx260. So an upgrade is in order and I already have one projector and 2/3 a new rig so I'm close.

As for mouse vs controller, i used a controller after 2 weeks of mouse use and I am an avid mouse user.
Batman AA has some of the best pure fun in a game in years. Stealth actually felt like a weapon instead of a confinement like in games like Splinter Cell, and the "free-flow" combat was perfect despite how straightforward it was. Watching Batman brutally break enemies' bones in a variety of ways never got old; for a superhero who doesn't kill, he certainly has no problem inflicting crippling injuries :cool:.

I think Arkham City will be pretty good, barring any consolisation. I played the original on the PC with the 360 controller so I guess in any event it won't affect me too much.
I've had it on my steam for a while now but I just got a gaming capable pc a few weeks ago and am thoroughly enjoying it. Stopped playing when I got to poison ivy's boss fight last night so I can't account for the whole game but so far it's been pretty great. I could pick a few niggles here and there but ultimately it makes you feel like the god damn batman and I don't know what more we could ask of a batman game. I played the demo on PS3 and was worried it would get repetitive but them progression has been pretty great so far, there's always a new fun mechanic round the corner to keep you engaged and the way his suit degrades over the course of the story gives it that mgs1 feel of one man on a mission against the odds in an isolated base.

And when it comes to the combo system, just remember

tap-a tap-a tap-a!
I haven't been through AA yet, is the PhysX worth it, if that's the case I could use my GTX 460, otherwise I'll just play it on the 5870.
I haven't been through AA yet, is the PhysX worth it, if that's the case I could use my GTX 460, otherwise I'll just play it on the 5870.

Still not worth it imo. Yes its better than most games but the highlights were a better flowing cape and when you walk around papers on the floor fly up around you. I am sure there are other points but thats what I remember,
I haven't been through AA yet, is the PhysX worth it, if that's the case I could use my GTX 460, otherwise I'll just play it on the 5870.

Draped flags look better in motion than just hanging off a staff, something look better. There was an article on [H] about it I think.
It will be a day one purchase for me. No doubt about it.

Still not worth it imo. Yes its better than most games but the highlights were a better flowing cape and when you walk around papers on the floor fly up around you. I am sure there are other points but thats what I remember,

The dream / nightmare sequences were much better looking with PhysX enabled. You didn't get the sheer number of bricks and debris. Additionally tiles were breakable and all the cloth stuff looked way better.
It will be a day one purchase for me. No doubt about it.

The dream / nightmare sequences were much better looking with PhysX enabled. You didn't get the sheer number of bricks and debris. Additionally tiles were breakable and all the cloth stuff looked way better.

There was also some volumetric smoke and mist effects.

None of it was worth it though .. .imo.
The dream / nightmare sequences were much better looking with PhysX enabled. You didn't get the sheer number of bricks and debris. Additionally tiles were breakable and all the cloth stuff looked way better.

was it worth the loss of performance though?
Maybe OC your 460 a bit? I played through AA with a GTX 480 and all details on including PhysX and while it ran smoothly most of the time I could tell when it dipped but it ran great for the most part.

If Arkham City is as fun as AA was then I'll probably get it soon after its release.

I did have a bad AA experience, though. I was trying like hell to find the hidden tunnel in the elevator shafts and that night I picked up a stomach virus and when I'm sick I usually have sucky repetitive/bad trippy dreams. My dream (between puking every couple hours) was me grappling up and down a shaft and seeing in detective mode (seeing random orange-highlighted things) and accomplishing nothing. By the time Arkham City comes out I think I'll be fully over that trauma. heh
I simply plan to play the hell out of it multiple times just like I did with AA. :)
was it worth the loss of performance though?

I ran the game on 3 GTX 280 OC cards. I didn't notice a hit to performance.

There was also some volumetric smoke and mist effects.

None of it was worth it though .. .imo.

Maybe not worth buying an NVIDIA card or switching cards to play, but certainly worth turning on if you have the system for it.
never could get into the first one. Although i completely understand why it got so well received.

Same here, game did little for me. I bought well after the release on a steam sale to try it out, glad I did as now I know I can avoid the series.

Not into the universe, not into the protagonist, not into the gameplay.