Bad Company 2 Constantly Crashes with 6950 - Any Ideas?

i been having the same problem since i upgraded.I tried using different settings in CC but no luck. So i decided to try diff set of drivers and finally found the most stable set of drivers which were 10.5a. After installing them i have had no crash so far and all seems stable i did lose a few fps here and there but nothing to worry bout as i can still get steady 60fps.
For the people who are having BSOD problems make sure that you remove any form of OC and try again. hope this helps :)

I even tried at stock clocks and was having the same issue. No BSOD but screen lock-up. I haven't tried any older drivers. Will wait for the next release; taking a break from BC2 for now.
LIKELY nohign for you guys to be worried about, but my system crashed last night, and now will not reboot, ... like .. at all.....

anyone else having this bad of an issue?
LIKELY nohign for you guys to be worried about, but my system crashed last night, and now will not reboot, ... like .. at all.....

anyone else having this bad of an issue?

That's not good. Did you try resetting the CMOS?
I haven't had a single problem now that i close AB before playing any BFBC, that said, it is very annoying and i am hoping PB fixes it with an update
I haven't had a single problem now that i close AB before playing any BFBC, that said, it is very annoying and i am hoping PB fixes it with an update

From what I've read, I'm guessing its a PB + AB issue. However, AB controls my overclock so I'd rather not shut it down.
From what I've read, I'm guessing its a PB + AB issue. However, AB controls my overclock so I'd rather not shut it down.
You can apply the overclock and then shut it down, the clocks will stick.
Cool, thanks. Although what i enjoyed the most about AB is the custom fan curve i applied, that does not seem to stick once i turn off AB. This is not the first issue i have had with Punkbuster, and i rather dislike the software.
yea it sucks i hate it too. I liked the fan control, but i had to stop lol to play
I've noticed that the crashing to desktop has been far more prevalent with 11.2s than with any other driver. Infact, I'd go so far as to say that I've never had BC2 crash to desktop with any other drivers.

The best part is, when BC2 does decide to crash to desktop, if I'm recording footage with Fraps, then my computer hard freezes. Out of the dozen crashes (including to desktop) I've had (most often happens when pressing tab/firing rockets/exploding C4), every single time Fraps is recording, the game implodes and takes my computer with it.

Granted, I'm running two 4850s in CrossFire, but I can safely say that the 11.2s are horrible in that regard.
I'm having the complete lock up with looping sound issue as well. I uninstalled AB and use trixx now. I updated pb witch actually allowed me to play longer but hasn't fixed the problem.

Just got done playing on a non PB server and had zero problems..
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Wow I thought it was my poor overclocking skills :) Drove me nuts for at least 2 or 3 nights of constant crashing. Looks like we'll have to avoid PB servers altogether ugh.
Oh boy, lemme tell ya about this game...ive been having the same problems and apparently its a HUGE issue with the game all over the net with it crashing for all kinds of reasons.

My personal experiances were with the old ASUS motherboard I had (M4A89GTD), I couldnt do more then 20 minutes of gameplay before getting a BSOD, CTD, game freeze occasionally exited through taskman other times requiring a hard reset. With the new motherboard (in sig), I was rockin along for awhile without issue for a few hours before it would eventually CTD. Here recently though, its started doing new and exciting kinds of oddities. At initial map load, the game would drop down to a slideshow for about 15-20 seconds before running silk smooth and then every once in awhile, say 15-20 minutes it would do it again before running normally. Now though, it does that slide show deal at the beginning of initial map load and then CTDs about 20-30 minutes later. I have noticed that if I try running a temp monitoring program such as CoreTemp or GPU-Z, instead of a crash to desktop, my system locks up and sound freezes requiring a hard reset.

I AM running the 11.4 preview drivers though, gonna downgrade to the current release drivers see if that fixes the recent round of crazy BC2 problems.
LIKELY nohign for you guys to be worried about, but my system crashed last night, and now will not reboot, ... like .. at all.....

anyone else having this bad of an issue?

OKAY, after much fighting, the problem was a dead power supply.....

I can not deny that I have been getting alot of crashs, since I got this card, It is suspect that my 600 watt coairsair power supply about 4 years old, that has died now, might have caused this.

I now have a 800 watt (or is it 850?) coolermaster installed, I will report back to this thread in teh next few days, and weeks to comment about stability.

I uninstalled Afterburner, spent some time trying to make Trixx work in its place, but every time I hit "apply" on Trixx, is freezes/BSODs and reboots no matter what setting I choose.

So I gave up and went with stock everything and CCC.

Played for about 2 hours without crashing...actually got bored and decided to quit. That's a first in a long time.
No problem for me running my XFX 6950 2gb at stock or 840/1300 with CCC. I'm using 11.2 CCC though. There are minor weird artifacting in the BFBC2 menus, but other than that, no problems. It was a clean driver install though since I've formatted a bunch of times in the last few months (ssd upgrade, mobo upgrade, etc).
I uninstalled Afterburner, spent some time trying to make Trixx work in its place, but every time I hit "apply" on Trixx, is freezes/BSODs and reboots no matter what setting I choose.

So I gave up and went with stock everything and CCC.

Played for about 2 hours without crashing...actually got bored and decided to quit. That's a first in a long time.

I spoke too soon, must have had a streak of good luck. Definitely not Afterburner for me.
Just checking in that I have been playing a bunch this weekend, and well .. all good so far.....maybe my issue along, was jsut power supply.???

OKAY, after much fighting, the problem was a dead power supply.....

I can not deny that I have been getting alot of crashs, since I got this card, It is suspect that my 600 watt coairsair power supply about 4 years old, that has died now, might have caused this.

I now have a 800 watt (or is it 850?) coolermaster installed, I will report back to this thread in teh next few days, and weeks to comment about stability.

For me, after uninstalling Afterburner and punkbuster followed by a re-install of PB seems to have solved the issue *knock on wood* What the hell were they thinking?
Just checking in that I have been playing a bunch this weekend, and well .. all good so far.....maybe my issue along, was jsut power supply.???

Could have been.
Corsair PSU's normally have a 5 year warranty. send it for an RMA?
I haven't played BC2 in a while but willl be going on tomorrow night, and also have an overclocked 6950.
Hopefullly it works
Just installed the newest 2.2 beta of AB, played BFBC multi for 2 hours, no problems. normally it would crash 20-40 minutes in. When i get more time i'll try to do a longer gaming shesh
Just installed the newest 2.2 beta of AB, played BFBC multi for 2 hours, no problems. normally it would crash 20-40 minutes in. When i get more time i'll try to do a longer gaming shesh

Positive news. Hopefully the next final build resolves this.
I have a 6870 and it crashes at startup as well; sometimes 5 minutes into the game :rolleyes:

I couldn't use the latest version of CCC; it wouldn't let me enter Overdrive
Well, I may have a POSSIBLE "solution" I shutdown CCC and MOM using taskmon and it seems to have fixed my 20 minute CTD issues....though it also appears to disable crossfire :( Im gonna work more on it tomorrow see if its just one or the other causing it...hopefully I can keep CF working with the problem one shutdown....

As always with this game, your mileage may vary.
im totally freezing up randomly as well. I tried everything. Uninstalling punkbuster, install new and previous drivers. validated game cache. It helped somewhat doing those all but now im getting tearing of black horizontal large lines. I dont know if its dx11 or what.
Have you guys tried killing CCC and'd be interesting to see if that helps solve the problem.
I dont know what it could be for you Jkownz, shutting down AB and other monitoring programs seemed to solve it for me. I was able to play for about two hours yesterday with the newest AB running, so thats good news. I haven't had time to do anymore gaming to check it out if it actually solved it.

newest AB

yea i think i will download that. Im not sure if its my cards and needs some more MV for stability. Wonder what people are setting theres too. TO GOOGLE!!
So today I played starcraft II for 2 hrs straight without any issues with the 6950's in crossfire at 20% powertune with the shader unlock bios. But if i play BFBC2 it seems like that is the only game it crashes after 30 minutes. I have to just assume its some sort of software related issue not hardware. I dont crash in WoW SC2 or any other game.
Ok so...question for you guys that are having you use a router of any type or straight connection from modem to computer?
So i finally got Bfbc2 to work and not crash!. I have power control settings to both my crossfire cards at 20% with ONLY the shader unlock. I deleted all local content of bfbc2 and the settings folder in my documents. I also deleted Steam totally and Valve in the registry. I downloaded the game from scratch. After the download i validated game files. After that a reinstall of punkbuster for bc2 and bam no bsods with 2+ hrs so far on bc2 or bfbc2 vietnam straight threw play time. I know some people have done the same with no such luck. I wish you all the best and hope it gets fixed soon. im also using the most current drivers from ati ( non beta ). Now to try to OC them both and be stable.
USMC, Modem to computer. i guess the new AB just does not do it as much, i had a crash about an hour into gaming that was not overclock related.

JK- deleting the game is a last resort for me, but at least i know it might work now, thanks
USMC, Modem to computer. i guess the new AB just does not do it as much, i had a crash about an hour into gaming that was not overclock related.

JK- deleting the game is a last resort for me, but at least i know it might work now, thanks

Damn.....I was asking cause i was having constant problems with connecting and last ditch (already reinstalled game) I removed my router from the equation and what do ya know, played for like an hour and half without issue and connected right away.

Have you made exceptions through windows firewall for the game or your antivirus? I use Kaspersky and it had already put BFBC2 as an exception but I modified it to never even scan or examine network traffic sent and received by the game.
Damn.....I was asking cause i was having constant problems with connecting and last ditch (already reinstalled game) I removed my router from the equation and what do ya know, played for like an hour and half without issue and connected right away.

Have you made exceptions through windows firewall for the game or your antivirus? I use Kaspersky and it had already put BFBC2 as an exception but I modified it to never even scan or examine network traffic sent and received by the game.

I have the full version of Avira. All i have disabled was there firewall while playing BFBC2
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I just replaced my HD 5770 with an HD 6950 today and after flawlessly playing 50-some hours of BC2 on the 5770, I ran into a hard lock of my machine with the sound stuck repeating -- this about 5-10 minutes into playing BC2 with the 6950 :(
I'm going to run GPU-Z and log to see if it is a temp issue (if it happens again, which I'm assuming it will), but my 6950 is completely stock, no OC, and I haven't flashed the BIOS or anything.
i was on AB 151 for a long time then updated to 210 and my bc2 was crashing like crazy. going back down to 151 fixed it. I also have a 6950