Audigy 2 ZS and Analog Q


Nov 5, 2002
This will sound real stupid....

I have a set of Creative Inspire T5400 5.1 which are analog
Im thinking about getting audigy 2 zs but on the site it says only digital out for speakers.

can audigy 2 zs work with my analog speakers? do i need something to convert it? it even worth getting a ZS for my speakers?
I was looking at Audigy LS and didnt know what to get.
Yes, the audigy 2 ZS does analog. Any computer soundcard in fact does analog.

As for the ZS vs. the LS, the ZS has more features, less CPU usage, and works on OS's other than Win2k and XP, but also costs more.
Originally posted by dravalier
Yes, the audigy 2 ZS does analog. Any computer soundcard in fact does analog.

As for the ZS vs. the LS, the ZS has more features, less CPU usage, and works on OS's other than Win2k and XP, but also costs more.

You missed out on a major thing here bud.

The ZS sounds better. As for "less CPU usage", I can hardly account for that. The ZS and my original Audigy are almost hand in hand in CPU usage.

And it barely costs more ^___^
I haven't heard the LS myself, nor read any comparative to the ZS reviews on it, so I couldn't really give an opinion on the highly subjective subject of sound quality.

As for CPU utilization, 1-3% is still a difference, as shown on this (french) site which has the best LS review I've seen on the internet:
4.1 vs 4.9 not really a big difference. I'd barely call that a difference at all.

Now comparing the Audigy series vs the nForce2 APU, then there is a difference.
I read that Audigy cards have some sort of conflict with AIW cards.

Is this fixed?