Atari VCS Console Finally Set To Release


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Pretty powerful little beast of a machine, aint it?

"The console features a custom AMD Raven Ridge APU with Vega 3 graphics, paired with 8 GB DDR4 ram, and 32 GB eMMC internal flash storage. The device runs a custom Linux OS but also supports Linux, Windows, Steam OS, or Chrome OS if booting from an external drive. Connectivity consists of 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 4.0 while I/O includes a single HDMI 2.0 port, gigabit Ethernet port, and quad USB 3.1 connectors. A lower-powered Atari VCS 400 system is also planned with half the ram at 4 GB and is expected to sell for 249.99 USD."
NES classic - $60ish
SNES classic - $80ish

Atari $250

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Well, I guess that just illustrates how poorly marketed it is. Looks like a "classic" console re-release to me, but priced through the stratosphere.

Like you said Armenius , no idea who they are targeting with this.
Well, I guess that just illustrates how poorly marketed it is. Looks like a "classic" console re-release to me, but priced through the stratosphere.

Like you said Armenius , no idea who they are targeting with this.

I'm not entirely convinced that Atari themselves know who they're targeting. The entire company seems to be trying to do everything under the sun to remain relevant. This, terrible sequels to beloved franchises, hotel chains, bitcoin stuff, it all just feels like the board is confused and has zero clue what to do.
This is a compact PC. It's basically a Steam machine. The only nostalgia in it is the casing. I honestly don't know who the target market for this thing is.
People that grew up with a Atari and since they older have disposable income.
I dunno, seems like they've set a release date and missed it a couple of times now with the VCS.

My personal thoughts on the machine itself: love the form factor (much nicer on the eyes than the PS5 design) and I do like the idea of a small, low powered PC for work trips (web browsing/light gaming). However, $389 USD isn't appealing at all. $249-299 might've been a different story.
Feels like they should've launched this product during the height of the Steam Machine campaign, when the interest for a console-style mini PC was at its apex.

Also, going by the article, it appears that the only difference between this and the spec'd down VCS 400 is half the RAM? (8GB vs 4GB). I dunno, seems like quite the bump in price.
I look at this and my first thought is will Lakka support it in the near future? I need something beefier than a Pi4 but do want a nice retro console look.
I like the case, but we don't even know which Zen Apu it has. Hard to guess if it's good value for the money without that info; the bundled controllers are probably a significant part of the cost, so I hope they're worth it, too.
I like the case, but we don't even know which Zen Apu it has. Hard to guess if it's good value for the money without that info; the bundled controllers are probably a significant part of the cost, so I hope they're worth it, too.
Probably 1st Gen Ryzen APU.
How on earth does an Atari emulator require such horsepower to nearly compete with low end NUCS in that price bracket?

Very odd - the unit seems far more than whats needed to run the system but undersized for a decent HTPC once modded/hacked. 32GB storage..... silly.
I like the case, but we don't even know which Zen Apu it has. Hard to guess if it's good value for the money without that info; the bundled controllers are probably a significant part of the cost, so I hope they're worth it, too.

It's one of the embedded 12nm, 2 core, 3 CU parts.

You will soon be able to get nifty mini-PC with the new 7nm APU with 6-8 cores. Thread talking bout them here:
It's one of the embedded 12nm, 2 core, 3 CU parts.

Ok, well that's probably why Atari didn't put the part number on their page. 2 cores for that money is not good value; although, I think they were original planning for Bristol Ridge, so Raven Ridge is at least better than that. I'm guessing they're channeling old school Atari, and got a super deal on the processors (fun fact: Atari got a good deal on the processors in the 2600 because they had fewer address pins (13 instead of 16), and then used a cartridge slot that they got another super deal on, but had to limit themselves to 12 address pins, which is why the base rom size is 4 kB; bigger games needed to have bank switching hardware on the cartridge... fun fun)
I actually followed the development of this for a bit when this first started. They missed initial targets so they could upgrade the cpu. You could have pre-ordered it cheaper obviously. This is a mini-computer/set-top box, jack of all trades, master of none, that happens to have Atari games installed. Nothing special at this point unless you're a die-hard Atari fan.
I like that Atari thinks they can command current console money for the experience of playing 40 year old console games at home via your TV. Because, screw trying to make a current / next generation console. It's not as though there aren't other ways of doing retro gaming on your existing TV's either. I know there is money to be made in all things nostalgic, but I don't see this going anywhere.
Apple has done a study, and has found there are ALOT of stupid people.
Atari wants to milk that.

If you have a $1000.00 phone, Atari is smiling and waving at you 👋
This is a compact PC. It's basically a Steam machine. The only nostalgia in it is the casing. I honestly don't know who the target market for this thing is.

It's a $50 Athlon 3000G, You can build a comparable PC with vastly-superior or start with a dual-core that you can actually upgrade to newer quad-cores:

Start with this $150 wonder:

and add 512GB SATA 6 SSD ($50), Ryzen 3200G ($100) and 16GB ram ($60).

There you go, you get much more powerful system for $360. Or you can build with the exact same spec for $250, with future upgrade option!

Or, you can wait three more months, and pick-up the Zen 2 APU revision of this Asrock Barebones..
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Also, going by the article, it appears that the only difference between this and the spec'd down VCS 400 is half the RAM? (8GB vs 4GB). I dunno, seems like quite the bump in price.

As he says below, the bundled controllers (1 classic, 1 modern) are a rip-off. I guess the price of $249 for the lower RAM version is for stand alone consoke without any controllers

bundled controllers are probably a significant part of the cost
I'm not entirely convinced that Atari themselves know who they're targeting. The entire company seems to be trying to do everything under the sun to remain relevant. This, terrible sequels to beloved franchises, hotel chains, bitcoin stuff, it all just feels like the board is confused and has zero clue what to do.

Agreed, and I can only assume - it's just a bunch of bean counters with no gaming experience, and no actual love of the old systems. It results in a weird frantic flailing which tries to somehow cash in on the name alone, but absolutely nothing which made the name special.
How the fuck can this thing be "Exceeds Expectations, " when this is a fucking dual-core Raven Ridge for $400?

Funny thing, you can get a PS5 for that exact same price, and have 10x the performance of this shit can.

The VCS is just as fucking hard to buy as the PS5, so it doesn't even fucking have trhe advantage of being plentiful, so again, why are you fools falling for the hypeall over again, with clocikbait video titlles like "exceeds expectations," when you could get a Tiger Lake NUC with vastly better performance for around the same price.
Exceeds Expectations" of being slightly better than HD 630!

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How the fuck can this thing be "Exceeds Expectations, " when this is a fucking dual-core Raven Ridge for $400?

Funny thing, you can get a PS5 for that exact same price, and have 10x the performance of this shit can.
You just don't get it.
It isn't about performance, it's about the aesthetic.


Just look at that authentic walnut woodgrain - made out of real wood!
That totally justifies the cost. :D

haha, I know exactly what you mean, and even at half that price it would be a tough swallow.
A dual-core APU and 8GB RAM, with an M.2 that is SATA-based (no NVMe) for $400... ouch. :whistle:

Also, if I remember right, the BIOS/UEFI are locked and password protected - not sure if anyone has cracked that yet to make actual changes to it.
This has a lot of potential, but not at such a steep price point.
Judging by the sheer number of people in this thread that think this is an Atari 2600 emulator, this was very poorly marketed. :D
Judging by the sheer number of people in this thread that think this is an Atari 2600 emulator, this was very poorly marketed. :D
I think we all understand that it isn't simply a 2600 emulator. ;)
It's just that, for the high cost, the specs and software functionality do not justify the cost at all - perhaps at half that price, maybe.
390 bucks to plug in a piece of nostalgia and then realize these graphics are just too retro? Yeah... keep on with that money grab

NES classic - $60ish
SNES classic - $80ish

Atari $250


Atari 2600 with about 100 games -> $14 at an auction last year
19 inch sony trinitron tv -> $1 from thrift store

Who would seriously buy this thing?

How on earth does an Atari emulator require such horsepower to nearly compete with low end NUCS in that price bracket?

Very odd - the unit seems far more than whats needed to run the system but undersized for a decent HTPC once modded/hacked. 32GB storage..... silly.

I like that Atari thinks they can command current console money for the experience of playing 40 year old console games at home via your TV. Because, screw trying to make a current / next generation console. It's not as though there aren't other ways of doing retro gaming on your existing TV's either. I know there is money to be made in all things nostalgic, but I don't see this going anywhere.

I think we all understand that it isn't simply a 2600 emulator. ;)
It's just that, for the high cost, the specs and software functionality do not justify the cost at all - perhaps at half that price, maybe.

Looking at the quotes above, it doesn't appear it's clear to everyone.
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How the fuck can this thing be "Exceeds Expectations, " when this is a fucking dual-core Raven Ridge for $400?

Funny thing, you can get a PS5 for that exact same price, and have 10x the performance of this shit can.

The VCS is just as fucking hard to buy as the PS5, so it doesn't even fucking have trhe advantage of being plentiful, so again, why are you fools falling for the hypeall over again, with clocikbait video titlles like "exceeds expectations," when you could get a Tiger Lake NUC with vastly better performance for around the same price.
Exceeds Expectations" of being slightly better than HD 630!

View attachment 322796
It's a clickbait title. "Exceeds expectations" in this case meant that Tech Jesus was expecting a Raspberry Pi.
Specs is a bit underpar for the $. If they managed to stick in a quad core APU at this price point it would have been very compelling.
I really like the aesthetic of the thing.

My 2600 works just fine though, so do all of the game.

And it keeps the room warm when it's running!
Looking at the quotes above, it doesn't appear it's clear to everyone.

I'm still calling it an Atari emulator as Atari fans are likely the only customers of this "console". There's no future of this system in the streaming/htpc/tinkerers market.