Asus Radeon 7970 - $288.29 - NO MiR!!!!


Jan 2, 2008
Well, their is one($20), but it knocks the price down to $268.29 at that point, but if you HATE MiRs as much as I do, $288.29 is a great price. And that HSF on that Asus is absolutely ridiculous!!! I have the Jr. Version of that monster on my GTX670's, and it keeps my cards nice and cool. Big minus is that the card is TITANIC and eats 3 slots, not to mention the weight. The Jr. Version of the HSF on my GTX670s slags down a bit, I can only imagine this one. But, it does give you crazy OC head room, and Tahitis are pretty good for it. My 7930's hit 1200mhz on the Core and give my 670s a run for their money in most games, I've seen OC's on 7970s reach GTX780(stock) level performance. Considering the R9-280x's will go for about $300, and ones that come with a comparable HSF likely $310, this is definitely a solid deal, not to mention you'll be able to CFX with R9-280x's down the road when they get down in price(maybe $250 around January, I'd guess)
Its still showing 309.99 for me.

Edit: nevermind, I see the instant coupon. Problem is, this deal is not new, its been going on several rounds now and so I thought you were posting something new.
After the mir and selling the games should be $250 or so.

I might bite, but I just got a $75 7850 to hold me over until all the new stuff comes and prices drop.
FYI to all you CAn use teh r9 280x with a 7970 in crossfire or pcie slots and they read each other word to your motherboard muh brothers :D
This was an amazing deal. If you did the MiR, it brought it down to $268, then if you sell the games (SR4 you may get $30, and any two of the others perhaps $10 each, so $50 total) it brings the card down to $218. These have been shown to get GTX780-class performance when overclocked, after jumping through a couple hoops this could go from a good solid deal to a mind blowingly awesome one. Now...imagine two of these in Crossfire?

Not a bad deal, but the -3L model (this one) uses a 7950 PCB/VRM setup instead of the superior 7970 setup that the -2L uses..The -3L is also voltage locked, but most people still seem to be able to get ~1.1Ghz on the core with the "stock" locked voltage..

Just sucks that AMD allowed some of these to work so well with GPU blocks and others won't work at all..It's up the user to dig through page after page of Google results to try to figure out which model supports what..It is a cluster fuck they didn't reign in the AIBs a bit to keep this crap from happening..
Not a bad deal, but the -3L model (this one) uses a 7950 PCB/VRM setup instead of the superior 7970 setup that the -2L uses..The -3L is also voltage locked, but most people still seem to be able to get ~1.1Ghz on the core with the "stock" locked voltage..

Just sucks that AMD allowed some of these to work so well with GPU blocks and others won't work at all..It's up the user to dig through page after page of Google results to try to figure out which model supports what..It is a cluster fuck they didn't reign in the AIBs a bit to keep this crap from happening..

How do you know all of this? I've been thinking of picking this up, but the model numbers are totally different than what is always displayed on newegg. Not even the same format.
That's so incredibly cheap!!!! Tri-fire??
Just get a 280x and then use this SAVE25OCT11R. You save $25 off of 250. Ends midnight 10/11/2013 PST.

I'm half tempted but I'm not sure if it's really up to doing 1440p gaming.

Wow....I'm so tempted....but I really want to be able to make a decesion once the 290's go on sale! If they don't price goug us to death....but dam i need an upgrade so bad.....would it be funny to retire my geforce 280 with a radeon 280? lol
I don't even think the 290X has a final price yet. If its low enough, it may become a great deal, but until then, that 280 and the 7970 remain great deals. And will be great deals even after the 290X.
Wow....I'm so tempted....but I really want to be able to make a decesion once the 290's go on sale! If they don't price goug us to death....but dam i need an upgrade so bad.....would it be funny to retire my geforce 280 with a radeon 280? lol

285GTX bro fist bump, I'm getting 30fps in the BF4 beta with everything on low or off. I could probably sell the 280x for not much of a loss and pick up a 290/x if the price isn't stupid crazy high.