Asus or Gigabyte Mobo?


Oct 31, 2005
Hey guys,

I'm putting together a new gaming rig, and am having a bit of trouble deciding between a mobo. I've got everything picked out except my motherboard, the processor is going to be a Q6600. I'm trying to decide between the Asus P5K-SE or the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R. Are either of these decent for putting together a gaming machine with some decent overclocking ability? Thanks!
Your title doesn't make sense. Did you mean Asus OR Evga mobo? Even thats strange since you only listed the Asus and Gigabyte mobo.

Anyway, the DS3R is a pretty overclocking mobo. Dunno too much about the OC capabilities of the Asus board.
Yeah I apologize, trying to talk to the girlfriend and make a post at the same time doesn't work so well. ;)

Anyways, I fixed the title and the post!

Thanks for your info, Danny, would you recommend any other mobo's at that price-point (or less) that are superior?
The DS3R is pretty much one of the best mobos out there in terms of price, features and performance IMO. Can't think of a superior mobo for the same price as the DS3R.
Awesome, that puts me at ease a little bit.

I'm ALMOST set on the Q6600, but still debating with the E6750. This machine is going to be used mostly for gaming. Obviously the Q6600 will out-perform the E6750 outside of gaming, but for a pure gaming is the E6750 a solid choice? Keep in mind money isn't much of an issue, I'm willing to fork over enough cash to get a very nice system.
Well it depends on when you're planning to upgrade. Since you're going with a P35 chipset mobo, you can easily upgrade to Intel's new faster Yorkfield quad-core CPUs. If you don't plan on upgrading the CPU next year or for quite a while, then go with the Q6600 because future games will most likely take advantage of quad cores. Supreme Commander already takes advantage of quad cores.

Then again, games will still perform pretty well with dual cores.

Oh I just realized I didn't answer one of your questions: Yes the E6750 is a very solid choice for just pure gaming.