Asus Maximus Hero Boards and PCI-E 5.0 Storage


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2011
From what I understand, with the
Maximus Z690 Hero
Maximus Z690 Hero Evangelion Edition
Maximus Z790 Hero

in order to use pci-e 5.0 storage, none of the m.2 nvme slots directly on the board supoprt 5.0. You have to use the hypercard (add in card) and it will only does pci-e 5.0 in the second x16 slot (not the top or bottom one), but if you have a triple slot videocard (like all high end air cooled cards) then you won't even be able to use this slot. The Maximus Extreme gets around this by having a slot right next to the RAM that you can plug the hypercard into, but what was Asus thinking with the Hero boards? Who is this board for?

CPU overclockers and benchers will either only care about cpu clocks & memory speeds, or if they're doing 3d benches then I don't see them caring about storage speeds. Regular users could water cool a 4090 but this doesn't seem like a board designed to require water cooling. Someone using a 2 slot card most likely wouldn't have a board this high end.

I have an older Hero board now as they're what I usually buy but this just seems like bad design all around. Does anyone know what they were thinking?
It's Asus, they are thinking lets make some easy money off people who like buying the hero boards. Besides PCI-e 5.0 is completely unnecessary if you're just gaming.
My current board is pci-e 3.0 so I'm looking forward to 5.0 a lot (for multiple uses)
Looks like with Intel's 12th/13th gen CPUs and z690/z790 chipsets, you only get 16 total pci-e 5.0 lanes:

So even if you do run a pci-e 5.0 ssd, you'll have you drop your gpu to x8. So if the gpu is only pci-e 4.0 (not 5.0) then it will be pci-e 4.0 x8 = pci-e 3.0 x16.
I know pcie 3.0 x16 is fine for today but gpu's are only getting faster and it kinda sucks to be capped like that for the foreseeable future.

Maybe AMD would be the way to go this time around since they give you 16 pcie 5.0 lanes for the gpu and then 4 more separate ones for storage (20 total):