Asus denied my warranty due to a 1 inch scratch on the BEZEL...


Jun 13, 2006
A few weeks ago, my PG27UQ turned off while gaming and won’t turn back on, no signs of life whatsoever. The screen is flawless but there’s a surface scratch on the bottom of the plastic bezel, not even deep. I got an email today saying warranty void due to CID (customer induced damage) and sent me a picture of the box I sent it in and the scratch on the bezel.

Is this for real? The monitor no longer turns on.. I doubt the surface scratch, which just looks like a pencil mark on the bezel, is causing monitor to not turn off..

It’s a scratch, because i knew that was there. Also, the quote says its for “Abrnomality (Scratch)”...

Lol... Follow up question.

Could the scratch have reached the screen and caused damage? I don't think it's the case, but I am throwing ideas out for ASUS.

Mind you, ASUS is known for miserable RMAs.
ASUS is the worst company you can deal with RMA cases..been there done that.

I also had to RMA my asus pg27 monitor due to dead pixels, then they sent me a replacement monitor with scratches in the bezel like urs and the chasis was open in the corner due to broken conectors.
Also it had dents in the corners and the asus logo was scratched of. It felt like they found a replacement for me in the trashcan and sai " oh what a good monitor..we will send him this"

I called the support and they promised me to look it up and guide me further..nothing happend until i complained on trustpilot over asus and painted the devil on the wall.
Then suddenly they could react and help me out to get my money back..but it was a fight that lasted for 2-3 month and several replacements in same shape like ur monitor.

I boought a brand new monitor and they kept sending me trash...

My advise is to complain every where you can and create complain cases if you have some kind of costumers help service

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It might take some time but start a case today, then ur 1 step in the right way
Wow what a db company...and to think they consistently get top recommendations from major sites...hope never have to use the warranty on my mobo.
Yep, Asus after care sux ass, the risk you take buying Asus.
Any excuse at all, warranty denied. If it doesnt look like it did when it left them, no warranty.
Its not been a secret here.
This is grounds for class action. Even 2nd tier OEMs like Zotac provide better service. They need to be sued for billions, 50% of annual profits to make a real dent. If in CA, start writing to state consumer boards, CA has a long record of bringing these firms to heel.
This is the kind of bullshit where you should go on Twitter or Reddit and post it up for the world to see and hope some community manager reaches out and helps you solve the situation.
Bingo. Twitter and company Facebook pages are the place to go. I always thought people that went there were cry babies until my wife got fucked around on her new car warranty. So she had a message and a call within 15 minutes of commenting on an already going post on Facebook, so just imagine if it was a new post lol
Bingo. Twitter and company Facebook pages are the place to go. I always thought people that went there were cry babies until my wife got fucked around on her new car warranty. So she had a message and a call within 15 minutes of commenting on an already going post on Facebook, so just imagine if it was a new post lol

Yup this is 100% true. I work for a large company and if someone complains on our Facebook we usually bend over backwards to appease them so that we can "look good" on social media. If they had called or emailed us we would tell them to stuff it.
So last night I got a quick follow up after disputing. Was an error apparently.

So apparently they want me to pay $10.76 for replacing the bezel and then they will repair the monitor... Like ok..?

I paid the $10.76.. but idk I don’t care about the bezel. But I guess I get a new one scratch free!

it IS a scratch, I thought it was a crack at first and it looks like a crack but it isn’t. You can see Asus description in the quote in the picture.
So last night I got a quick follow up after disputing. Was an error apparently.

So apparently they want me to pay $10.76 for replacing the bezel and then they will repair the monitor... Like ok..?

I paid the $10.76.. but idk I don’t care about the bezel. But I guess I get a new one scratch free!

it IS a scratch, I thought it was a crack at first and it looks like a crack but it isn’t. You can see Asus description in the quote in the picture.View attachment 312626
From the pictures it just seemed like a crack, I suppose. Especially how it went around the lip of the corner towards the screen. Odd place to get a scratch.

I believe you though! And cool on the cheap bezel replacement!
Asus rma sucks. I hear this way more than for any other brand. Lga boards going in and being denied for bent pins that weren't there before is almost common.
I’m glad you got this sorted but you shouldn’t have to go thru shit like this at all. I won’t buy anything asus.

I saw on another forum a guy had a 2080ti that the memory was going bad on. They refused it due to customer damage because there was a scratch next to the display port slot where the cable plugs in.

I’ll never buy anything asus, the customer service is garbage
Asus has long been known (in the USA at least) to have horrible warranty service. I avoid their products like the plague because of that.
Monitors are generally the only hardware I will buy aftermarket warranty for, just to not have to deal with the companies when trying to deal with any support issues.
It's almost like major review sites are just another advertising channel, isn't it?

Yeah it’s weird isn’t it... Almost as if these review sites rely on getting free hardware so they need to keep companies happy... 😱
I guess there no true review sites anymore...AT is a shell of it's former self, Tom's still can surprise once in a blue moon but run by a big corp, TR is gone, Techspot is ok at times, H is of course gone, I guess guru3d is the only one close to its former are all YouTube kiddies in for the free hardware. Interestingly, the only good display review sites for displays are Russian (4k-monitor where Dead now publishes, think he lurked here for a while) or German (Prad). Tftcentral and pcmonitors are sh**, producing little original content and trying to upsell even that. I guess there is rtings but they seem Europe based too...
Oh hey look, another "ASUS denies my warranty" thread. I got an ASUS monitor once and returned it immediately. It had the ability to do strobed motion clarity but for some reason locked out the overdrive control when using the strobed mode. Stupid.
I‘ll still buy ASUS products. I’ve owned 20+ of their products and had to RMA a few, a monitor and gpu and both times, it was hassle free. This is just the first time they’ve initially denied and for a dumb reason.

As for the scratch, I don’t know how it happened. I bought it ridiculously cheap from Amazon Warehouse that noted the scratch. Didn’t bother me as the screen was flawless.
i sued asus US in small claims court several years ago.

They settled and gave me a new gtx1060 laptop and paid my legal fees.

so that's an option, if you'd like

Their shittily tested buggy laptop wouldn't work with dual monitors, even though it had both thunderbolt 3/dp and hdmi 2.0
They took months to try to fix that shit, even though it was a design flaw.
It was more efficient for me to sue than to wait for their rma bullshit.

The only other asus products I own are an older amd laptop and 23" monitor.
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I'm gonna go against the grain here and share that I've had nothing but awesome experiences with Asus RMA. My PG27UQ and a friends have both been RMA'd (first for fan, his for dead FALD zone) and both of us got cross shipped brand new replacements within 3 days of filing for RMA.
I'm gonna go against the grain here and share that I've had nothing but awesome experiences with Asus RMA. My PG27UQ and a friends have both been RMA'd (first for fan, his for dead FALD zone) and both of us got cross shipped brand new replacements within 3 days of filing for RMA.
Good to hear it. Mostly bad experiences get posted on forums because well... That's the nature of the beast. Glad that they're not screwing everyone over.
I've always wanted to do that. Did you have a lawyer or just file everything yourself? Did they send lawyers?

filed myself.

no lawyers. It's not worth it for them to get lawyers involved over a $1000 laptop.

their dept that receives service of process reached out and tried to negotiate, which was my intention all along, since I wasn't getting anywhere with the rma dept, this was the best way to force their hand.