Assassin's Creed Valhalla Teased, Set in the Land of the Ice and Snow

English is highly suspect as they, understandably, went out of their way to demonize the invaders. Let's also not forget that the English accounts were also made under heavy religious influence with the intention of "othering" the Vikings and making them look as savage and hateful as possible. Even with how unreliable most historical records are (since they're always going to be biased according to the desires of the person that originally wrote them) this era is something beyond the norm. It was only relatively recently that it was discovered that Vikings of that era would bring entire families along in order to speed up settlement and that it seems like it wasn't all about rape and pillage.
yup, thats what the trailer dialog is all about, contrasting the beliefs of the brits with "reality".
you keep trolling this thread with the "people who grouse about snowflakes" and "we need to make the people railing against "social justice BS" uncomfortable " maybe start a thread in soapbox...

Sorry about that -- I'm just tired of that behavior going unanswered. I will say that I'm eager to see how Ubi takes on this part of history, even if I know there will probably be significant flaws.
The series has been mixed imo. The first one was good. Black Flag was good. But they've started adding in all these busy work quests that just get so annoying...
Ubisoft confirmed that the cross-gen Viking-themed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla “will run at least 30 FPS” on the Xbox Series X in a “stunning 4K resolution.” Despite being designed at a base level for the “lowest common denominator” (so to speak) of current-gen consoles, next-gen versions of the game aren’t even guaranteed to hit 60fps.

The quote comes from Eurogamer Portugal, who reached out to Ubisoft after the “Optimized for Series X” listing on the Xbox website (image above) failed to show badges for either raytracing or 60fps, only highlighting 4K and Smart Delivery in its next-gen features.

Currently, we can guarantee that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will run at least 30 FPS. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will benefit from faster loading times, allowing players to immerse themselves in history and the world without friction. Finally, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will benefit from improved graphics made possible by the Xbox Series X, and we can’t wait to see the beautiful world we’re creating in stunning 4K resolution.
The series has been mixed imo. The first one was good. Black Flag was good. But they've started adding in all these busy work quests that just get so annoying...
I like the newer games, I know of 3 others in my friend group that have put 100+ hours into AC Odyssey and love the hours and hours of side quests. Side quests are only bad when they are boring and dont make the game fun and from everything I've read and seen they did a pretty good job at it lately.
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For me one of the main things I like is exploring a very detailed world. The world artists are absolutely incredible. The side quests are way to poke into all the nooks and crannies.
I didn't play much of anything in the franchise, but friends said to try Odyssey and I did. And I liked it, I really did. And I would have pushed on to finish the game if it weren't for their goofy armor and weapon system. Just something about the way you churn through armor, weapons, and upgrades turned me off, I'd get a setup that I liked but I couldn't afford to keep it up to date.

But I do enjoy choking people out and carrying their bodies far away. I'm a little concerned about how much joy I get from that, I will gladly spend hours sneaking up behind an entire camp rather than swing a sword even once. "Shh shh shh shhhhhh >gurgle<"

"We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
We'll drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!"

P.P.S. A favorite song. And if you should ever meet my ex, I emphatically deny that I ever roared, "VAAALHALLAAAA, I AM COMING!" after sex.
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I like the newer games, I know of 3 others in my friend group that have put 100+ hours into AC Odyssey and love the hours and hours of side quests. Side quests are only bad when they are boring and dont make the game fun and from everything I've read and seen they did a pretty good job at it lately.

I will say Odyssey has been MUCH better than Origins. Still a bit much of repeating of quests but in new areas though.