ASrock Extreme4 Z170


Secret Santa Lame Gifter
Aug 22, 2009
This isn't so much an issue (I don't think), but more of a nuisance. Every time I boot I have to go through this screen.: "Please select boot device." I can let it sit for 30 seconds and it auto selects it, or I can hit enter and do it myself.

This is a brand new computer, fresh install of Windows. Everything works great; it's just annoying going through this screen.

Not sure if I am missing a simple BIOS setting, or what... any ideas?
Sorry I am not familiar with Asrock bios, but I know most BIOS have a screen where you select available boot devices and then another that selects boot order/priority. A common issue is to leave the default which might select a non bootable HDD as the default and not even list your actual OS drive which can lead to an issue such as you are having.
I have the Extreme 4+ and encountered this when first messing about with bios settings.

I "think" its down the the pure UEFI boot method.
Selecting standard+UEFI is what I think turned it back to normal.
Foggy memory of it though.