Artic Silver 5, longer you use it higher temps go....?


Limp Gawd
Jul 8, 2003
Alright I just bought Artic Silver 5 and put it on my Thermalright SP94 and when I started up the comp temps where down to 34C :)D) but after a day of usage it went up to 38C, and after 2 days it went up to 43C...... All the temps are at Idle.... Help!

Edit: CPU is at stock, stock voltage, and we are on day 3 with Artic Silver on.
I'm having the same problem on my P4 2.6c, only I am getting 45-50c idle!!!

edit: also using as5
It could be that you applied TOO much artic silver. In fact, artic silver isn't a very good thermal conductor (nowhere near the heatsink and CPU materials) it's just there to fill in the microscopic grooves between the two because air is a really crappy thermal conductor.

What's probably happened if there's too much artic silver is that small bubbles of air will accumulate in it slowly. It will do fairly well to start and get gradually worse.

I would try just wiping off what's on the cpu and heatsink quickly with some tissue paper or something.
Actually I have been running for about 2 months now and the temps are the same.....

Absolutely break in time with this stuff as I use to see with AS2....
THIN layers peeps. in Lil Sinderella thin. ;)

I laugh at all the peeps using bucket loads of this's not made to be frosted on a's to be applied in an ultra thin layer to fill the microscopic holes in between transfer of core and hs/f.
If I were to rub in and wipe off the as5 on the HSF and CPU Heatspreader, would my CPU fry or actually get better temps? This means that the as5 is rubbed into the microscopic valleys and all excess paste is removed. Would this do the trick?
I always do the following:

1. Clean heatsink with Isopropyl Alchohol.

2. Rub a small bit of the paste into the center of the heatsink until it disappears, yet still remains. (hard to explain).

3. Apply ultra thin coat onto cpu slug, evenly placed out.

4. Good temps. :cool:
Damn..... I don't want to remove my mobo out again..... So will my temps get worse as the days go on or will they stay the same?
once again, you need to use a MINIMAL amount of the paste-- note that on the site, the cooling is measured for a layer .003 of an inch thick.

Cleaning/lapping your heatsink, putting some paste on, rubbing it in a bit, and then removing the excess is the best approach I think.

Being in a paramilitary organization, I learned how to polish boots, and its a very similar proposition-- when you get leather combat boots, they have tons of tiny pores in them. When you polish them, you apply layer after layer of polish, rub it in, clean it off, use water, etc, so as to fill in the pores and then get a flat, mirror finish. That's what you're trying to do with the HSF and CPU, although obviously you cant lap the CPU core, but using a VERY small amount of AS5 will do the trick, I think.
not to be a dick, but try reading the DIRECTIONS. the AS5 site says to use a SMALL amount, roughly the size of a grain of rice, putting the HS on and the AS5 will spread thinly on its own. I used it about a week ago and keep seeing incrementally lower idle/load temps. (even after a day of burn-in)
I just found out that Abit boards read 5-10c higher than others. I'm good to go.
first of all, arctic silver is actually a pretty good conductor of heat. Ive been using and abusing it for a few years now, and I can tell you first hand that caking it on there doesnt always have a negative affect. Secondly, after you apply a small amount and spread it until it covers the core, the best thing to do is find a (preferably) new razor with a clean straight edge and scrap off the excess... dont scrape on the core, just let it rest on the Arctic Silver and scrape the excess off.
all you really should do is put a small dot about 1/2 the size of a bb on the exact middle of the heatspreader of the p4. thats it.

Just let Prime 95 work all last night and Idle temps are down to 34-36C...... This stuff is unpredictable. BTW while running Prime 95, full load was 48C.
I don't understand why everyone has such high temps compared to me. especially using arctic silver I'm at 16c right now

Surfing the net with a few windows and aim open. on load i never get higher than 28c.

just using arctic ceramique and i did a good job at preping the cpu.

Prep is everything
Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
I don't understand why everyone has such high temps compared to me. especially using arctic silver I'm at 16c right now

Surfing the net with a few windows and aim open. on load i never get higher than 28c.

just using arctic ceramique and i did a good job at preping the cpu.

Prep is everything

Um, for you, I have a few questions. First off, what is your vase temp? My case is at something like 30C, and my cpu is around 40C at idle, goes up to 47C when at 100% cpu usage.

Surfing the net with a few windows open and aim open on my Athlon2500+-->3200+ results in an exactly 0% cpu usage. How is this considered load?
If your processor is running at 16 and you're tunn stock cooling then your temperature sensor is wrong. I once had a buddy who was convinced he had his processor running at -3 C. heh.

Temperature sensors arent' always right. Oh, and i didn't Aritic silver was a bad thermal conductor I just said it was much worse than the metal of the CPU and heatsink and much better than just air.

gobs of artic silver=near thermal isolation.

Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
I don't understand why everyone has such high temps compared to me. especially using arctic silver I'm at 16c right now

Surfing the net with a few windows and aim open. on load i never get higher than 28c.

just using arctic ceramique and i did a good job at preping the cpu.

Prep is everything
How to apply artic-silver or any thermal paste:

You may read on the original box, or at lest stated on my AC3. Use less then a grain of rice worth for measuring amount to apply.

I prefer the razorblade method to smooth it out over the core as thin as possible while removing any un needed. Do it this way and you should get proper cooling.

Case temp is at about 22c

CPU IDLE about 32c when I want to be able to hear my self think.
CPU MAX (Prime95 + 3DMark2001SE on CPU mode) = 42c

When I first applied it I was getting temps around 35 / 46
After a week I was getting current temps. Artic Silver needs time to basically micro-mold its self to the heatsink and core. Fill in the micro gaps. And it uses the thermals (Refer to high school thermal movements of liquids) to move into all the right places.

Now, take your heat sink off apply it properly and get back to us.
Yeah I believe I never said it was 16c on load, that was just my current temp. I believe I said it was like 28c on load.

My case temp is 29c
right now cpu temp is 25c
after running photoshop 7

additionally I've checked this with the bios hardware monitor, motherboard monitor and asus probe and ALL have been consistent around 1-2c.
Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
I don't understand why everyone has such high temps compared to me. especially using arctic silver I'm at 16c right now

Surfing the net with a few windows and aim open. on load i never get higher than 28c.

just using arctic ceramique and i did a good job at preping the cpu.

Prep is everything

Probably because most people do not have ambient temperatures below 16C(60.8F). Either you are an Eskimo or your sensor sucks. :D
Probably because most people do not have ambient temperatures below 16C(60.8F).

Am I repeating myself again, I could have sworn I said my case temp was 29c(~80f), and usually doesn't not vary more than 2c.
It is not possable cool your cpu to below ambient temps using standard air or water cooling methods alone. The best you can hope for is just above ambient
Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
Yeah I believe I never said it was 16c on load, that was just my current temp. I believe I said it was like 28c on load.

My case temp is 29c
right now cpu temp is 25c
after running photoshop 7

additionally I've checked this with the bios hardware monitor, motherboard monitor and asus probe and ALL have been consistent around 1-2c.

Alll those programs would be reading off the same if the sensor is bad and showing WAY to low of temps. That would make all the other programs show the same temp. Try buying your self a thermal probe and see what temps that is showing.
Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
Yeah I believe I never said it was 16c on load, that was just my current temp. I believe I said it was like 28c on load.

My case temp is 29c
right now cpu temp is 25c
after running photoshop 7

additionally I've checked this with the bios hardware monitor, motherboard monitor and asus probe and ALL have been consistent around 1-2c.

Sounds to me like your temp diode is FUBAR (unless you're cooling your CPU with a TEC or something) because your CPU temp shouldn't be lower than your case temp...and, BTW, all of those programs (including the BIOS) get their data from the same sources so they should be about the same.

*edit* Damn, I need to learn to post faster because Swat beat me to it... :rolleyes:
Just put a dab in the center of the die/heatspreader, and let the heatsink spread it. I alway get the lowest temperatures, and they stay that way, the credit card thing where you smooth it over never worked for me.. temperatures always went up ~10*C after 2 days.
i have the same problem too

i put it on my zalman 7000 and temp starts off around 36... and when after running for 2 - 3 days.. it stays at 46 and won't drop no matter if all 5 of my 80 mm fans are at full...

so please correct me if i am wrong

the little the better

the more, the worst

Originally posted by heyheyhey
Just put a dab in the middle of the core, and let the heatsink spread it...

Hmmm...That doesn't seem like it would work too well...
Originally posted by Notquiteanewbie
I don't understand why everyone has such high temps compared to me. especially using arctic silver I'm at 16c right now

Surfing the net with a few windows and aim open. on load i never get higher than 28c.

just using arctic ceramique and i did a good job at preping the cpu.

Prep is everything

lol....dude your temp. probe is broken...unless you are using
16c yeah right. air cool??? I say temp prob is wrong.