Arma 3 - Yae or Nae?

There was a way to unlock the 3D editor in ArmA 2, but it was pretty buggy and clearly not made for public release.

Not having one in A3 is pretty disappointing for sure.

You can still use a version in ArmA 3. I tried doing this a while back but I could not figure it out and figured it was not worth the effort as it was limited.

Jane's USAF could switch between 3D mode and 2D mode on the fly. Back in 1999. Why no game has since done it is beyond me. I would make very detailed bases, set up fences, place aircraft exactly where I wanted them, place structures, vehicles parked without them clipping into each other and whatnot. Then switch back to 2D mode to edit loadouts (with a GUI!), place waypoints, and set mission pass fail conditions (with a GUI!).

Why ArmA 3 still does not have GUI for some of the most basic things, like mission pass fail conditions, is absurd. But at least we got shitty kit bash fictional vehicles that no one ever asked for!
You can still use a version in ArmA 3. I tried doing this a while back but I could not figure it out and figured it was not worth the effort as it was limited.

Jane's USAF could switch between 3D mode and 2D mode on the fly. Back in 1999. Why no game has since done it is beyond me. I would make very detailed bases, set up fences, place aircraft exactly where I wanted them, place structures, vehicles parked without them clipping into each other and whatnot. Then switch back to 2D mode to edit loadouts (with a GUI!), place waypoints, and set mission pass fail conditions (with a GUI!).

Why ArmA 3 still does not have GUI for some of the most basic things, like mission pass fail conditions, is absurd. But at least we got shitty kit bash fictional vehicles that no one ever asked for!

Wait, Arma 3 has fictional vehicles?

On the topic of editors I'm assuming that Zeus is not that good in terms of creating your own missions and bases etc.
Wait, Arma 3 has fictional vehicles?

On the topic of editors I'm assuming that Zeus is not that good in terms of creating your own missions and bases etc.

Zeus is a live-action tool for running missions on-the-fly. People have wondered why they couldn't just turn that into a full-blown 3D mission editor (and maybe they will, but nothing has been said about that), but I'm not sure what level of saving/loading capability you have with Zeus right now.

As for fictional vehicles...the game is set in the year 2035, but I believe most, if not all of the vehicles/weapons/etc. are based on real-life prototypes or concepts. So I wouldn't say it's completely fictional.
Zeus is a live-action tool for running missions on-the-fly. People have wondered why they couldn't just turn that into a full-blown 3D mission editor (and maybe they will, but nothing has been said about that), but I'm not sure what level of saving/loading capability you have with Zeus right now.

As for fictional vehicles...the game is set in the year 2035, but I believe most, if not all of the vehicles/weapons/etc. are based on real-life prototypes or concepts. So I wouldn't say it's completely fictional.

I'm hoping that Zeus develops into something alot bigger than what it seems to be now, even now I think alot of time could be spent on it even though it is a not a full on 3D editor.

I didn't actually know what time period the game was set in, I just assumed that it was around present day, appreciate the info :). Some of the vehicles I have seen do look alot like some kind of prototype model pushed into the game.
To be honest with you it really doesn't matter. I'm on an i5 pushing over 4ghz with two R290's and the game will get down to 10-15-20 fps drops. I've got everything set to like standard or medium graphics and I've even cut down some of the draw distances. You can get the fastest thing out there right now and supercharge the hell out of it with a good cooler and have four videocards and it's not going to make much difference over a good system with a single card.

The point I'm trying to make here is that the game is just incredibly inefficient. Bohemia Interactive is known for poor coding and poor optimization. Is the game fun and one of a kind? Absolutely, it delivers an experience you won't find anywhere else. Is it a sloppy piece of crap when it comes down to running it? Absolutely.

So in conclusion here, get a decent rig together, but don't go crazy on it thinking that it'll make or break your experience. Everyone who gives half a damn about the frame rate is running on medium to low settings with decent if not great hardware, and they're still getting slide-show effects at certain intervals.

^All of this applies to online/multiplayer. You can hold decent frame rates in single player missions but why bother.. the game was not meant for that really.

This is true but I will tell you that people with more Vram are getting better performance hands down in this game. I have a buddy with a GTX 680 4GB of Vram and he runs it pretty smooth and in altis is able to run 30 fps. With my GTX 570 1.2 GB I was getting like between 15-25 FPS. So the moral of the story - GET AS MUCH VRAM as possible!
Arma3 is definitely worth picking up. if you like coop. take a look at altis on fire mission pack by meatball

Now a3 has its issues, like the broken as hell body armor mechanic but i still think is fun, and i can't wait until they release the helicopter expansion which lets you shoot out of vehicles.
Man, shoot-from-vehicles is a feature that has been on the community wishlist for a loooooooooong time. Probably since OFP.
Arma3 is definitely worth picking up. if you like coop. take a look at altis on fire mission pack by meatball

Now a3 has its issues, like the broken as hell body armor mechanic but i still think is fun, and i can't wait until they release the helicopter expansion which lets you shoot out of vehicles.

Is the broken mechanic that it doesn't work at all? I've played a ton of Wasteland recently, and I swear there is zero difference in being decked out in armor and wearing none. I stopped bothering to buy the stuff since it seems so worthless.
Is the broken mechanic that it doesn't work at all? I've played a ton of Wasteland recently, and I swear there is zero difference in being decked out in armor and wearing none. I stopped bothering to buy the stuff since it seems so worthless.

There is definitely a difference. the problem with it is that it protects you all over its like your torso is in a armored bubble. that's why grenades and gp's are so damn useless. and 556 is retarded you have to shoot people about 4-5 times to kill them.
There is definitely a difference. the problem with it is that it protects you all over its like your torso is in a armored bubble. that's why grenades and gp's are so damn useless. and 556 is retarded you have to shoot people about 4-5 times to kill them.

Interesting. My friends and I all seem to agree that we die just as quickly when were loaded with body armor. Especially since everyone seems to use 6.5mm minimum (and a lot of 7.62).
Well I can tell you that in some Altis servers cops have a increased armor.
Just last night I put 3 burst of 3-4 bullets katiba 6.5 and the cop didn't go

I understand that cops get trolled all day but having that much armor is BS!
Well I can tell you that in some Altis servers cops have a increased armor.
Just last night I put 3 burst of 3-4 bullets katiba 6.5 and the cop didn't go

I understand that cops get trolled all day but having that much armor is BS!

Not sure about the armor, never really looked into it.

It's ironic how the game is called Arma though :p
I bought it and was getting ~20 - 25fps with the rig in my sig - and this was with lowest settings.

If you have a weak CPU like me, do not bother.
Well, 4.4 GHz isn't really "weak", but ArmA just doesn't like AMD CPUs (I think because of the low IPC? Not sure).

They really just need to do some major work on optimization. Even on my rig I get some pretty significant slowdown more often than I would like. I know my rig is a bit old but it plays everything else just fine.
I think it's safe to say the game is not very well optimized and playing around with settings will be required for a decent experience.

I personally use an Intel CPU so hopefully I will be able to cope on at least low to medium settings :p
I bought it and was getting ~20 - 25fps with the rig in my sig - and this was with lowest settings.

If you have a weak CPU like me, do not bother.

I have come to belief that this game is all about Vram.
My buddy with a 680 4 gb is getting better FPS than you.
My GTX 570 1.2 GB was getting lower FPS than my other buddies 560 TI 2 GB card.

I have checked out my I5 usage when Im in altis and the most used is 40%.
So I really don't think it has much to do with the CPU or maybe the i5 2500k
is still a beast. Im upgrading Cards and Im going for a 780 with 6 GB of ram.
I love arma too much to give it anything less!
Eh...was already $30 once on Steam back in June. They need to do better than that considering it is STILL content-sparse and unoptimized.
Eh...was already $30 once on Steam back in June. They need to do better than that considering it is STILL content-sparse and unoptimized.

No, they dont need to bargain bin it. Its still an excellent game and the ultimate sandbox. $30 is a steal, this isn't a title for the bottom feeders that think every game should be $5 on a Steam sale. Plenty of other garbage titles for that mentality of people.

Unoptimized? Sure, but it still works on a decent system.

Content sparse? There's more content available than anyone could play in a lifetime. The community is insane.
Content sparse? There's more content available than anyone could play in a lifetime. The community is insane.

The vehicles are crappy kit bashes. 99% of the mods are garbage; even lower in quality than the default content which is sub par. A late 2013 game which features fingers clipping into weapon 3D models, sounds which cut off abruptly, a shitty inventory system, ect.

It still leaves much to be desired. Even basic things like weapon customization is inferior to older games like GRAW. Don't get me started on the lack of GUI for basic functions in the mission editor. All they did was change around the icon location. :rolleyes:

And there is still no GUI for loadout customizing in missions. 1999 games keep knocking on ArmA's door:

No, lets memorize a bunch of weapons class names/weapons/grenades/equipment, type in a handful of scripts... and use shitty mods which don't even give you the class name. So you have to place a bunch of boxes and walk 20 people up to crates each mission.

But hey, we got kit bash vehicles and the ability to swap sun glasses as well as other menial shit that doesn't do anything for gameplay! No, this pre-1999 layout and sub par content quality is certainly worth full price... :p
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I haven't played in ages but I may have to make time and maybe even tinker around in Eden. With the talented creators out there already, I imagine this could lead to some really awesome content.
There was a way to unlock the 3D editor in ArmA 2, but it was pretty buggy and clearly not made for public release.

Not having one in A3 is pretty disappointing for sure.

3d editor comes out today, i think, or at most in a day or 2
The game sucks ass don't waste your time or money. Back in 2001 Operation Flashpoint-Cold War Crisis, when the concept of large open-world sandbox games didn't exist it had an appeal but now there are more refined enjoyable, easier to get into games to play.
The vehicles are crappy kit bashes. 99% of the mods are garbage; even lower in quality than the default content which is sub par. A late 2013 game which features fingers clipping into weapon 3D models, sounds which cut off abruptly, a shitty inventory system, ect.

It still leaves much to be desired. Even basic things like weapon customization is inferior to older games like GRAW. Don't get me started on the lack of GUI for basic functions in the mission editor. All they did was change around the icon location. :rolleyes:

And there is still no GUI for loadout customizing in missions. 1999 games keep knocking on ArmA's door:

No, lets memorize a bunch of weapons class names/weapons/grenades/equipment, type in a handful of scripts... and use shitty mods which don't even give you the class name. So you have to place a bunch of boxes and walk 20 people up to crates each mission.

But hey, we got kit bash vehicles and the ability to swap sun glasses as well as other menial shit that doesn't do anything for gameplay! No, this pre-1999 layout and sub par content quality is certainly worth full price... :p

Probably one of the only things I ever agree with you on is the shittyness of what this "game" really is that's hiding behind the 5 living fanboys that are in love with it. 1999 GUI with a game engine from 2001 and people think this is a great sandbox experience lol. It was good back in 2001 when there was nothing else around like it. Battlefield4 gets blasted for it's netcode issues, imagine if the masses tried to play this game on a large scale level with all the mentioned shittyness of it's game engine.
I think the engine is a bit better now? Seems to run better than the past. A couple of months back I made a crappy benchmark. 7 burning tanks, nothing else in the map. Going from a GTX 670 to 970 didn't change performance at all. But I did get about 4 frame rates from a slight CPU OC. The game seems to run a lot better for me now. Still struggles in bigger missions though.

I wish the whole "sandbox" concept would die and they just focused on making ArmA the best infantry simulator possible. Forget about the masses, there are plenty of MMOs out there.
ArmA has always been about the sandbox and doing whatever the fuck you want within it.

Sounds like some awesome changes are afoot and I can't wait to try the new updates.