Ark: Survival Evolved Launches F2P Version for iOS and Android


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
If you like riding and fighting dinos as well as building bases out in the middle of nowhere then you might want to try the latest version of Ark: Survival Evolved that's coming out F2P on iOS and Android. This game has been out on the PC for quite some time now and those of you that like mobile games may find this one interesting. In case you've been under a rock and haven't heard of this game you can check out the mobile version launch trailer.

Watch the video here.
been playing this for years now. Always solo. every once in a while start fresh.
yep, uh...curious though... if ark more or less struggles on practicly anything WORTHY of running it.... how are phones going to do it....curious to see the graphics...

hell even the switch version they were teasing ran like utter shit


yep, more or less about what I thought... I guess its impressive none the less but.....
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