Are you ditching Steam in favor of Epic Store?


Jul 20, 2015
I've heard concerns that Epic is being partly owned by a Chinese company.
It doesn't really bother me.

What bothers me and the reasons why I'm going to change are:

1) Valve takes 30% cut, Epic takes 12%. I would rather support developers than Valve/Steam because:

2) I'm disgusted by Valve. Not that they only have gotten very lazy as a company, they also release games that clearly have no place in the gaming community. Atlas is a paid card game in the sea of free card games that are much better. Atlas should have been a free game for Steam users.

I have 611 games on Steam and I'm pretty sure that number won't increase.
Are you referring to the card game Artifact? So are you going to boycott ubisoft/ea/activision games as well? They're way worse than valve. I guess agree with you that valve has gotten lazy, but I don't think I'm ready to straight up ditch steam. Also why do care about the monetary welfare of devs? They don't give a fuck about us.
If Discord can just streamline and become the de-facto standard for chat/game-groups, I have no problem giving my money to whoever has the best price.
No interest in being an early adopter for new digital marketplaces. Even with Steam, I didn't buy any games on their service (or any Digital) until 10 years after their 2003 launch.

My trust of the Epic Store is even lower than Steam back then, but I'll give it the same benefit of the doubt and consider buying games no later than 2029 if it evolves into a behemoth rivaling Steam.

It's too easy to get screwed over when everything is digital if a service goes poof, implements draconian DRM / License restrictions, or introduces consumer unfriendly policies sometime down the line.

Steam has generally favored consumer friendly policies (to the extent they've built up bad will with the industry), while Epic seems to be favoring industry friendly policies (will they go too far and piss off consumers?). Who knows where this will lead a few years down the line. I can envision some pretty bad scenarios for both Epic Store and Steam which could end up screwing everyone over long term. Though the bottom line is Steam has proven itself while Epic Store thus far has not, making the choice of who to support simple.
the Epic store works fine but feels a bit slower and less polished (which is understandable)...but you can't ditch Steam because Steam has 30,000 games while Epic has like 20
Why would you ditch one for the other? It is not like you can only choose one. Epic store is still in it's infancy. It has a long way to go but should be good for with all fortnite money behind it. Remember steam was garbage at it's release and people trashed it.
I'm impressed by the Epic launcher itself, but they have to provide a lot more games to be competitive. I have Subnautica, Super Meat Boy and Edith finch via Epic ( no surprises there ). As of right now, they don't have anything else I might want. I have 92 games Via steam along with 3D mark. I have bought I think 5 of those from Steam, the rest from Humble and Fanatical along with a couple from CD keys, and I don't think any of the games I have on Steam have a PC release outside of Steam except possibly GOG
No. I'd prefer to get my games on Steam but I understand why it is changing. At this point though I have a lot of launchers and games that have their own old style updater and don't use a launcher.

Eventually most developers will switch to Epic's platform if they're small, and the big ones will go EA/Blizzard/Bethesda's route of making their own. At that point I'll gradually stop using Steam as less games will be using it. I'm not here for the platform and Steam has become bloated in all honesty (curators, social aspects ect.) so if a game is good enough I'll install another launcher even if I won't like it.
I'll buy from whichever is cheaper, but if they're the same price or a negligible difference in price I'll buy from the Epic store since the developers get a lot bigger cut. Of course there's some games that will only be on one store and if you want them that's where you'll have to buy them.

It's pretty annoying reading the comments from people freaking out saying they'll never use anything but Steam. They act like it's the end of the world having to buy something from another store. I always thought those journalists that complain about "entitled gamers" were full of shit, but then you read the comments from places like Reddit.... People that are super excited for a new game then hear it will only be on the Epic store saying they'll never get it and are going to pirate it...
I have Ashen and Subnautica on Epic. So far, everything is good. Too much invested in Steam games to consider giving up the platform.
Why ditch steam? First I have a large library of games. Then add the perks of using the Steam link box (got 2 of them) for the TV. Then Steam link on the phone. Steam OS. Its even built into some TV apps now. I just wish steam link would work on the nintendo switch (I would actually use it again :( )

I'm gonna assume that the security on Steam is better since they have been around so long.

I do use other Launchers but do the being limited to the desktop bums me out.

When Epic launcher launched they offered Shadow Complex for free and grabbed that, but you know what... I ended up buying it on steam afterwards so I could play it on my TV with steam link. How many of these launchers will offter that?
I have around 280 games on Steam, 6 on Origin, a couple on Ubi, GOG, Blizzard and Bethesda. I can never see myself ditching one for the other, why would I? If a game comes out I want on another platform other than Steam, I get it. If I have to make a choice because 2 platforms has the game I want, I usually go with the cheapest, unless they are the same price.

When I first got Steam, I was forced into it (HL2). I despised it, and would snatch out my CAT5 as soon as HL2 would load. I refused to by games thru them when they started offering them, I was fearful that Steam would not last and the games I bought would disappear with them. So I would buy my games from Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Circuit City etc. That didn't last long once the games I was buying required the last 5 or 7GB to be downloaded from Steam. The last time I bought a game from an actual store, there was nothing in the case besides a manual and a Steam code. So once again I was forced to use Steam, this time to buy my games, because what is the point of traveling to the store to buy a code when I can just order it instantly on Steam?

I like Steam now and years ago I transferred all the game keys that I could for the games that have no platform.
I'm still going to buy games on all launchers and platforms. I don't have an allegiance to one over the other. I feel as if Steam is well worth it as they innovate with SteamVR, the Steam Controller, adding XBOX, PS4, etc controller support to games that were never intended to have controller support, Linux support, Mac support, game sound tracks, live game streaming on the game page and for your friends, streaming to phones and TVs, Steam Link, other hardware releases over the years, etc. I appreciate all of those innovations and their dedication to the PC platform when nobody else gave a darn. So I don't care that they take more of a cut as they are doing more of the behind the scenes heavy lifting in the PC gaming space. Sure they don't release "games" like they used to but that's because they are too busy making PC gaming better for everyone.

Just imagine there were no Steam forums with answers to why game X crashes at level Y? Half of us would be back in the 1990's try to read files and figure it out for ourselves. Having forums where game modders can hangout and talk / interact with game developers is a big thing. Imagine if Warframe never had Steam. Fashion frame would have never existed.

So I'm not going to throw Valve under the bus. Also I'm not going to bash Epic or any other digital storefront. They all provide a service and I appreciate dealing with them.

No, I am not. But hey, it only took them a few weeks to realize they might want to put in a refund policy like steam's in between their brags of being all about great experiences with devs and customers.
if both platforms have the same game I want I'd rather get it from epic since more money, actually much more is going to the devs.
if you want hl3 or whatever valve game, then ditch steam...
No, I haven't ditched steam at all even when I have GoG/Origin installed on my computer.

Even if Epic starts selling games on it that isn't sold on Steam, that is still no reason to "ditch" Steam, considering that the majority of my library is still there.
No. Epic can go suck a dick with their anti-consumerism.
I've heard concerns that Epic is being partly owned by a Chinese company.
It doesn't really bother me.

What bothers me and the reasons why I'm going to change are:

1) Valve takes 30% cut, Epic takes 12%. I would rather support developers than Valve/Steam because:

2) I'm disgusted by Valve. Not that they only have gotten very lazy as a company, they also release games that clearly have no place in the gaming community. Atlas is a paid card game in the sea of free card games that are much better. Atlas should have been a free game for Steam users.

I have 611 games on Steam and I'm pretty sure that number won't increase.
  1. Industry standard is still 30%. Epic and Discord are the only ones offering less of a cut so far, and Steam implemented a progressive system recently.
  2. Lazy, how? Valve put out a blog post last year explaining how they're not the taste police, and that they will only bar illegal or "trolling" content from the store. Valve doesn't set the pricing for games on the Steam storefront, so that is on the publisher. Idiots are free to part with their money.
That is your choice in a free market economy to stop purchasing games on Steam. I disagree with your reasoning, though.
At most I can see "begrudgingly add to the lineup" but why in the world would anyone outright replace?
Absolutely not. My Steam account is my baby. All of those games / time played, plus I have a six digit account which really means nothing but it makes me feel special.

That being said, I play Fortnite: Save the World with some friends so I have the Epic launcher installed. I'm grabbing all of the free games they're offering regardless if I have them on Steam or not. If hell should freeze over and Epic overtakes Steam for some reason I'll at least have a library started.
I've ditched steam when they ditched daily deals. In favor of 3rd party key sellers. I don't really care if the key I get is activated on uplay or origin. In fact I've started to prefer it since you have to run their respective launchers anyway even if you get the game on steam.
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Absolutely not. Outside of occasionally promoting the Unreal engine for new game devs - pffsst.. I'll stick with Steam.
You cant play Grim Dawn on Epic lots of games your going to be bored with Ashen after a year.
I like Steam. I like being able to integrate non-steam games into it. I like being able to configure my controls universally. I generally like the UI options. I like being able to purchase discounted keys for it. Not to mention I have a pretty large Steam library I still play.
I have no plans to ever swap away from Steam unless they have some kind of massive data breach or they allow us to export our library elsewhere.
That said, I have games on several other services. Uplay, Origin, GOG,,, etc. At this point you almost have to unless you want to exclude certain games from your options. Epic's store is rudimentary AF right now, so I'd rather not buy anything from them unless I have no other choice.
I started using Steam when it first came online. I am a loyal customer and love its system (not its prices).. I will continue to use it. I also have the Epic loader on file but not using it except for BFV.
What bothers me and the reasons why I'm going to change are:

1) Valve takes 30% cut, Epic takes 12%. I would rather support developers than Valve/Steam because:

2) I'm disgusted by Valve. Not that they only have gotten very lazy as a company, they also release games that clearly have no place in the gaming community. Atlas is a paid card game in the sea of free card games that are much better. Atlas should have been a free game for Steam users.

Hell no I'm not "ditching" Steam for Epic, why should I?

1) I don't give a flying rat's ass what Steam or Epic charge developers. Why should I? Are the games going to be 18% cheaper, yeah fucking right... of course they won't be.... what a stupid reason. Way to show some virtue signalling towards those poor devs... what a good customer you are... what an ally of... game developers... want a cookie?

2) Valve can or can't produce games, I could give a shit less. If Half-Life 3 came out as a surprise I'd like it, but as far as I'm concerned I only use Steam as a tool for PC Gaming. Valve producing a game or not would never "disgust" me, talk about an overreaction pointed at the wrong entity. Valve didn't produce Atlas, they are only selling it thru Steam... geez... maybe you should be a bigger ally of small devs producing video games... oh wait... I see you already did that by abandoning half of them that are selling thru Steam.... what a joke.

3) Epic Games Store (EGS) has no user reviews.

4) EGS has no built in friends function

5) EGS has no built in text or voice chat function

6) EGS has no controller mapping or emulation.

7) EGS has no built in workshop/mod support.

And the list would go on and on if I wanted to spend the time on this... but...

In the end, I could give a shit less where I have to buy games, but I prefer to USE them through Steam where I can use my Steam/DS4/Switch Pro controllers when wanted, can invite or be invited to servers and games thru the Steam Friends interface, and can read actual reviews from PLAYERS, not phony GAMES JOURNALISTS that hype the Epic Games Store as if it's the second coming of Steam when it's NOT EVEN CLOSE.

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No, not ditching Steam. If Epic has better prices than Steam for a game I want then I'll buy from Epic.
Hell no I'm not "ditching" Steam for Epic, why should I?

1) I don't give a flying rat's ass what Steam or Epic charge developers. Why should I? Are the games going to be 18% cheaper, yeah fucking right... of course they won't be.... what a stupid reason. Way to show some virtue signalling towards those poor devs... what a good customer you are... what an ally of... game developers... want a cookie?

2) Valve can or can't produce games, I could give a shit less. If Half-Life 3 came out as a surprise I'd like it, but as far as I'm concerned I only use Steam as a tool for PC Gaming. Valve producing a game or not would never "disgust" me, talk about an overreaction pointed at the wrong entity. Valve didn't produce Atlas, they are only selling it thru Steam... geez... maybe you should be a bigger ally of small devs producing video games... oh wait... I see you already did that by abandoning half of them that are selling thru Steam.... what a joke.

3) Epic Games Store (EGS) has no user reviews.

4) EGS has no built in friends function

5) EGS has no built in text or voice chat function

6) EGS has no controller mapping or emulation.

7) EGS has no built in workshop/mod support.

And the list would go on and on if I wanted to spend the time on this... but...

In the end, I could give a shit less where I have to buy games, but I prefer to USE them through Steam where I can use my Steam/DS4/Switch Pro controllers when wanted, can invite or be invited to servers and games thru the Steam Friends interface, and can read actual reviews from PLAYERS, not phony GAMES JOURNALISTS that hype the Epic Games Store as if it's the second coming of Steam when it's NOT EVEN CLOSE.


Then stop ranting and put money where your mouth is.
Valve didn't produce Atlas, they are only selling it thru Steam... geez... maybe you should be a bigger ally of small devs producing video games... oh wait... I see you already did that by abandoning half of them that are selling thru Steam.... what a joke.

I believe OP has an error and was talking about Artifact which Valve did develop. I haven't done much research, but from what I heard a while ago it is an absolute shit show.