Are these typical BH-6 results?


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2003
At 202Mhz FSB my Kingston Valueram PC2700 with winbond BH-6 will do 2-3-3-11 at 2.85V Prime95/memtest stable. But at 2-2-2-11 Prime95 fails after about 20 minutes. So I raised the VDIMM to 2.96V and kept the 2-2-2-11 timings and I'm running Prime95 so far so good for about 35 minutes. Are these results normal or should BH-6 be doing these timings at a much lower voltage?
lotsa voltage.. more so than BH-5.. i tested some OCZ ELPC3200 LE and it took 3.3v to get to 2-2-2-11 at 252fsb... it would do 225 at 3.0v 2-2-2-11
I'm aiming at 250Mhz at 222, and I have musking BH-6 sticks. I wonder if 3.3vdimm is also what I need? Also, the original poster didn't specify speed.
I believe the way it works with bh-6, the rule is that to get the same results as bh-5, you need to use at least .1 volts more. Nothing big really. Just for your amusement purpose, heres what someone managed to get with bh-6 on a heavily modded board.


That page shows the dimms that he used, page 20 shows the final outcome. Enjoy if you havent seen this before.
heh, hipro's sticks are 2002 weeks 39 and 45

I have a couple sitting right here and they are 2002 weeks 39 and 48

maybe I should try and bench these dimms out, of course they are double sided 512 sticks, so I couldn't get as high.

but as a side note, these dimms I DO know can go DDR400-410 speeds at 2-2-2-6 with 2.7v so they must be promising
Below Ambient said:
that article is great too bad its in german.. im a little rusty in that dept..

LOL, if your german is rusty, your gonna need a whole new bike chain to get yourself somewhere. Article is in English, site is in Greek.