Are there any good 780/750 SLi Motherboards?


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2003
My Striker II forumula has died and im in the market for a new board, I run SLi gtx280s does anyone have anything good to say about any particular board. After reading [H] review on the 750i FTW I was gfoing to go there now theres talk of video corruption issues.Must be DDR2 and support 45nm quads. I'm seriously thinking of going back to intel, Nvidia chipsets seem to be a pain in the ass
There's only one DDR2 mobo with SLI support that's any good, and that's the 750i SLI FTW. But it's still an nvidia chipset :p
You will want to shoot yourself later if you buy one these damn things. That particular board is the worst of them all.
I have a 680i SLi board and i love it. Get a 750i, this site gave it a good review and from what i can tell its a good board. Lots of people hate Nvidia chipsets tho, but then a again ton love it to.(like me!)
I have a 680i SLi board and i love it. Get a 750i, this site gave it a good review and from what i can tell its a good board. Lots of people hate Nvidia chipsets tho, but then a again ton love it to.(like me!)

Far more hate it than love it, you also don't OC correct?
There's only one DDR2 mobo with SLI support that's any good, and that's the 750i SLI FTW. But it's still an nvidia chipset :p

I love my 680i.:D

But i run everything at stock, no OC's. Thats probably why mines is stable. Put everything in, it POST, installed Windows and everything has remained that same ever since with no OCing on any component.
Far more hate it than love it, you also don't OC correct?

Ya i dont OC, So i can only recommend this board if you dont OC. But i hear for people who do gets tons of problems(thats probably why so many people hate it), They try to OC, then it get unstable and eventually dies.
750i FTW here, no complaints other than the HDD LED and Power LED leads won't power blue LEDs. I have had it since July 5th lots of games and movies/ video with zero issues...

EVGA 750i FTW (SZ1B)
4*2GB G.Skill@DDR 800
Vista x64
I've been looking at this board too, but the video corruption worries me....ppl on evga forums are saying its a chipset driver issue, not even a board issue. :rolleyes:
Its not a driver issue. The fanbois on evga forums have been blaming it on everything the user does and whenever it does get around to to the chipset being defective as the evidence is mounting up you either get moded for arguing with them or shut up.Some people suspect the internal timings in the chipset are so screwed it will be never be fixed and they are using workaround bios to go around the hardware defects. One insider has claimed on another forums its not a bug or defect but a failed attempt by nvidia at hardware based DRM and thats why its so random to occur.
a bit of a non issue now since my striker is on rma, but I'm never going nvidia chipsets again, its too much hassle, ill stick with intel once i go nehalem (not that theres any choice) and have to forgo sli lovin