Are stand-offs needed?

Jan 8, 2003
Hey all. I'm installing a D955BTX board into a Thermal take case and I have a problem. When i install the stand-offs, the nmotherboard doesn't line up with the I/O shield in the back. I called both thermaltake (who said I should have them) and Intel (who said I don't really need them) and I ended up installing the motherboard without them. I only have the case and mobo right now, but before anything else arrives and is installed, I wanted to check with you all and see what you thought about installing the stand-offs and/or getting a new case.

Let me know.

You do need motherboard standoffs. Some cases have them molded into the motherboard tray, but if yours doesn't you MUST install them.

What happens if you don't is bad. Very bad. Your motherboard will short circuit when the solder points on the back make contact with the motherboard tray. You can very likely cause permanent damage to the part.

Plus, without standoffs your cards won't go in right. The I/O slots are designed around the height the motherboard slots will be when properly mounted in the case. So your cards won't make the proper contact with the slot more than likely.

IF your case has a manual, I would consult that. If you can post pics of the cases motherboard tray without the board installed, that will enable us to tell you for certain what it is that you need.
I'm thinking that Intel was refering to the I/O Shield (NOT needed) and NOT the standoffs (IS needed) on what is needed. You really don't need an I/O shield but you do need standoffs. As for your I/O shield are you using the one that came with the case? If so that's probably the reason it's not aligning up with your motherboard. But DO use your standoffs it will save you a lot of headaches and if you can't find the I/O shield just use it without until you can get a replacement.
Pepster64 said:
I'm thinking that Intel was refering to the I/O Shield (NOT needed) and NOT the standoffs (IS needed) on what is needed. You really don't need an I/O shield but you do need standoffs. As for your I/O shield are you using the one that came with the case? If so that's probably the reason it's not aligning up with your motherboard. But DO use your standoffs it will save you a lot of headaches and if you can't find the I/O shield just use it without until you can get a replacement.

Yeah what exactly is the I/O shield, shielding the I/O from, anyway? ;)
i'll post pics of the mounting points.

When i was talking about the stand-offs, i said to him "you know the little hex shaped brass things that you screw into the case and keep the motherboard from sitting directly on metal." and he said "yeah, you don't really need them"

I too was shocked, but everything seems to line up right with Intel's I/O shield without them.

Like I said, I'll post pics.
and the next thread will be

"Shorted out motherboard...HELP, House is on FIRE!"
Lol, it would be more like: "help! the dorm is on fire!"

anyway, what is the issue i'm trying to protect against?

Is the problem having the mounting points on the motherboard touching the metal or is the problem having other parts the motherboard, such as the solder points under the CPU socket, touching the metal of the case?

Here are some pictures of what it looks like right now, without the brass stand-offs, mounted into the case.



I have not seen this type of "built in standoff" before. I would be worried about solder points directly arount the screw. :eek:

I don't like that setup at all. That being said...looking at the pics leads me to believe that no standoffs are needed in that setup.

You shouldn't need standoffs with that setup. Unless the built in ones don't cover all the mounting holes as is typical with such cases. I would then install the included standoffs if it came with them, in the needed areas to ensure there is a proper standoff for every screw hole in the motherboard.
his case has the standoffs built into the mobo tray, my bro's TT case is the same way... i was a little worried about it too, but he hasnt had any problems in over a year... im more suprised TT didnt explain this to him in the beginning
Yes some cases (like the one above) don't need stand offs, but most do need them...
Yeah, alright. This sounds like Im good to go with all the stuff. Sir-Fragalot, there was one hole that didnt have a built in standoff so I used one of the brass ones to make up for it. Thanks for all the help and making me feel better about the situation. Take it easy guys.