Apple Says It Is The Underdog

I don't know, but I've been told by a farmer that you can find them inside of something called a cow pie.

Liar! Share thous' secrets with thine world. I'm going to stop with the Shakespeare talk now :).

Anyways back on topic, Apple you lieing sack of shit, underdog my ass.
The point is that it's not an apples-to-apples comparison of one phone being designed better than another. Make an iPhone with a 4.8" screen, and it's probably going to break just as easy as an S3. Make an S3 with a 3.5" screen, and it will probably stand up just as well as an iPhone. Either way, the differences at that point will result from the more "solid" construction of an iPhone compared to the plastic/lightweight construction of the SGS3. That's a fair comparison, and that's where conclusions should be drawn. However, since the screen sizes are different, it's not a good means of comparison.

Now that I've written this, I'm not sure what this has to do with Apple being the underdog.
A stylus touchscreen is not the same as a full touchscreen. It sounds like a "minor" thing, but the changes it provides are completely huge. They arent similar at all imo.

List the top 3 of the “completely huge” changes, otherwise you proved the designs of the devices are similar. Plus, as I understand it, Apple did not design the touch screen. On the new iPhone, it seems that Samsung did.

(Oh yes they are similar. Very similar:p)
Why exactly do you hate Apple... hmmm let me guess... they make money, create a solid product and market the shit out of it, protect their IPs, use foxconn...

Oh wait EVERY other company does the same shit, just hasn't quiet figured out how to print money like Apple... but they have the androidz, the bigger wifis, faster GBs, and don't forget its open source... but most importantly enough it doesn't have the fruit logo.

I don't hate apple, nor do I hate ipods / iphones.... but I hate itunes with a passion and don't want that piece of garbage software anywhere near any of my computers.
And Apple's claim is true, back in 2007 they were the underdogs. Hate them as much as you want but that's not going to change how the iPhone seamlessly integrated what some people call 20+ years old tech.

I'm not sure who they'd be underdogs to. Blackberry maybe? Sure, Samsung made regular phones prior to their smartphones. But smartphones weren't well-established and what I would call "mainstream" prior to 2007. Android phones weren't even commercially available until late 2008. You didn't exactly have an established consumer phone OS when Apple entered the market. As far as I'm concerned, nobody can be considered an underdog in a market that hadn't been established.

Apple succeeded in commercializing and successfully marketing the iPhone to the masses. I'll give them that. Beyond that, they should try coming up with something useful as to why I should buy their phone instead of the competition, instead of claiming that we're buying Samsung phones because they too have rounded corners.
List the top 3 of the “completely huge” changes, otherwise you proved the designs of the devices are similar. Plus, as I understand it, Apple did not design the touch screen. On the new iPhone, it seems that Samsung did.

(Oh yes they are similar. Very similar:p)

Other than the multitude of use case differences? The responsiveness differences? The way it changes how you carry the device?

I mean, this is like saying a notebook and a tablet are different. They are not in any way, they are totally different devices. Which one is better you can maybe debate, but not their differences.
Other than the multitude of use case differences? The responsiveness differences? The way it changes how you carry the device?

I mean, this is like saying a notebook and a tablet are different. They are not in any way, they are totally different devices. Which one is better you can maybe debate, but not their differences.

In the earlier Palm design, I can see minor differences in the case design which would be inherited as a result of the earlier technology used, which have been disinherited in the newer Apple design as result of the change in technology. This is how evolution works. I am sure that people at Apple must have seen this device, and therefore must have been influenced by it.

As for similarities between Notebooks and Tablets, the paradox with that is some are both, and it looks like more will be both in the future, so I cannot argue either way on that.

I don’t hate Apple, but I do think that they should be put in their place, just like the UK Judge did on that earlier case.

Apple is an under-dog which has turned into an over-dog.
Reasons to hate Apple:

They steal/copy other peoples ideas & claim it as their owns.
They feel that it is ridiculous to sue them for anything.
They'll sue you for making a device, functions, buttons, icons, etc that looks " somewhat" close to their designs.
They have a portfolio of some of the most ludicrous patents to ever exist by a tech company.
The list of things that they wanted to patent but failed is even worse.
When an Apple product breaks or malfunctions, it's your fault, not theirs.
Nice iPad/iPhone you got there. Too bad it'll be phased out soon.
Their geniuses are actually pretty fucking dumb :p.
Who cares. Not only does this company have the most obnoxious fanboys in the industry, but a relentless army of oblivious haters that keeps them relevant with a continuos stream of free press disguised as pitchfork pleas. If the haters instead forgot this company existed and instead focused on hyping the competitors products, the ones superior intech and value, it would do them more damage in the long ultimately forcing them to stay competitive to remain profitble instead of using brainwashing tactics and chokehold market maneuvers.
Out of sight, out of mind. Stop threading about apple everytime an employee picks their nose.
Bet the farm, my arse!

They already had loyal Apple fans from all the iPod sales, they knew they would buy the phones as well.
Apple has capitalized on our cultural weaknesses... serves us right.

People don't want to learn how to use computers, they want to stick their heads further up the tuba of their 'soul...
Reasons to hate Apple:

They steal/copy other peoples ideas & claim it as their owns.
- They do usually make things better. And the iPhone did start the trend of current day smartphones. They dont make things, but they often make them better.

They feel that it is ridiculous to sue them for anything.
- Meh. Corporate PR.

They'll sue you for making a device, functions, buttons, icons, etc that looks " somewhat" close to their designs.
- I disagree with this. They are going after Android hard yes, but have left BB / Windows Phone 8 alone. They have a large issue with Android as Steve really did think it was stolen.

They have a portfolio of some of the most ludicrous patents to ever exist by a tech company.
- Check out Microsofts stash some day.

The list of things that they wanted to patent but failed is even worse.
- Check out Microsofts stash some day.

When an Apple product breaks or malfunctions, it's your fault, not theirs.
- Dont really get this unless you mean their warrenty is only 1 year by default?

Nice iPad/iPhone you got there. Too bad it'll be phased out soon.
Galaxy S1, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Penryn, Nephalem, Haswell, NV30, NV40, G70, etc. etc. etc.... I really dont get this at all.

Their geniuses are actually pretty fucking dumb :p
- Yep. .

I have no problems with hating Apple. I have a problem with hate that is horribly misguided.
i had to dig up my troll picture folder for this...
When you say that the “iPhone whipped everyone”, are you implying that there were other phones around before iPhone came along and whipped them?:D
You laugh, but the fact of the matter is, prior to the iPhone, there actually weren't any smartphones which targeted your everyday consumer. Every smart phone in the market was geared towards business users.(From some academic article I read in MIT Sloan.)
You laugh, but the fact of the matter is, prior to the iPhone, there actually weren't any smartphones which targeted your everyday consumer. Every smart phone in the market was geared towards business users.(From some academic article I read in MIT Sloan.)

Pfft, like MIT has any idea how to gather data in a manner that's going to get accepted as credible by anyone. I mean, come on! MIT is used to catch baseballs of all things and now we're going to listen to it talk about phones?
You laugh, but the fact of the matter is, prior to the iPhone, there actually weren't any smartphones which targeted your everyday consumer. Every smart phone in the market was geared towards business users.(From some academic article I read in MIT Sloan.)

There is no such thing as a new idea. All new devices simply replace one or more other existing devices. Apple simply took ideas from one or more other devices and put them into one fairly expensive device and put their mark on it. The demand was there, at that time, because of the customer’s position and all the other devices which led them there. Apple did not create the market, nor did they create the device. They were simply in a position to capitalise on them at that time.

If someone shares your Genome, does that mean that you were their idea?
It has been quite obvious throughout this thread that the Holy Apple is, indeed, the "underdogs." The Sacred Company is the enlightened minority persecuted by the infidel majority.
I'm pretty sure that's the only mean thing that's ever been said about Apple Inc. Everything else has been complimentary in comparison.
all the haters should have bought aapl stock a long time ago.

hate..... all the way to the bank.
Reasons to hate Apple:

They steal/copy other peoples ideas & claim it as their owns.
They feel that it is ridiculous to sue them for anything.
They'll sue you for making a device, functions, buttons, icons, etc that looks " somewhat" close to their designs.
They have a portfolio of some of the most ludicrous patents to ever exist by a tech company.
The list of things that they wanted to patent but failed is even worse.
When an Apple product breaks or malfunctions, it's your fault, not theirs.
Nice iPad/iPhone you got there. Too bad it'll be phased out soon.
Their geniuses are actually pretty fucking dumb :p.

aside from a few points all major companies do or would do given the opportunity.

Just to nit pick and dive into one of your points, my brother jumped in the pool to get his puppy which had fallen in, with his out of warranty iphone which was water damaged and didn't work, and they replaced it.
Apple was the underdog going into the phone market. And yes, they hit it big. And yes, many companies copied their designs to try and move product. Touchwiz was always very iPhone-y.
i had to dig up my troll picture folder for this...

I just thought of a perfect counter to this even though it has absolutely nothing to do with technology.

The nissan gtr may be quicker then just about all 911 and the closest comparable 911(spec wise) may be $ 80k+ or more than the gtr but people still buy the 911, i doubt people would say (atleast not me) that the 911 is overpriced even though the superior spec to price car is the gtr by miles. Thats because of 1 reason, not everyone is solely concerned with performance. Some people would gladly cough up the difference for the things that the Porche delivers better then the Nissan. In the case of the mac it may be the ui, or whatever it doesn't really matter as its all personal preference to which they prefer

Just my 2 cents
Why exactly do you hate Apple... hmmm let me guess... they make money, create a solid product and market the shit out of it, protect their IPs, use foxconn...
Apple drops support for its products on a dime with zero warning.
Go tell all of the scientific and academia institutions that invested into XGrid and XServe a month before Apple discontinued those products and their support.

They also lie about product designs and spin it as though they invented it when the real guy who did, did it a decade earlier.

As a company, I don't hate them, but I don't care for their practices.
I just thought of a perfect counter to this even though it has absolutely nothing to do with technology.

The nissan gtr may be quicker then just about all 911 and the closest comparable 911(spec wise) may be $ 80k+ or more than the gtr but people still buy the 911, i doubt people would say (atleast not me) that the 911 is overpriced even though the superior spec to price car is the gtr by miles. Thats because of 1 reason, not everyone is solely concerned with performance. Some people would gladly cough up the difference for the things that the Porche delivers better then the Nissan. In the case of the mac it may be the ui, or whatever it doesn't really matter as its all personal preference to which they prefer

Just my 2 cents

So in other words, if people are stupid, then they buy whatever they want anyways, just because.
Yeah, that wasn't a counter, just an analogy and a poor one at that, sorry to say.

No, the only reason to buy the MacPro on the left would be to 'legally' have OS X installed for very high-end media production; if on an individual basis, then one would have to be making a living at it in order to justify it.
Otherwise, the system on the right can easily handle OS X and anything else one would throw at it, including a toaster for those poptarts.

It is overpriced, but then again, the MacPros and earlier models have always been overpriced due to their niche market.
I can understand (for a bit) the high price on MB/MBP/MBA products as they are a very custom form-factor and design, one that cannot be easily copied or found elsewhere.

However, the MacPro has zero justification, other than the iTools who buy it so Apple sells it.
The MacPro has very limited space inside, much less than other high-quality desktop towers, and the aluminum body, although very slick, does not justify that ultra-high price point.
I can't say I much like apple. But I can't say I like a lot of companies, I merely tolerate because they got what I want.

What makes Apple special is that they're big and the crap I see them do. LOLWUT patents and such. Don't worry though, I hate small companies that do the same too. It's just less frequent that I hear of them and so therefore, less places to discuss my hatred for them.
Why exactly do you hate Apple... hmmm let me guess... they make money, create a solid product and market the shit out of it, protect their IPs, use foxconn...

Oh wait EVERY other company does the same shit, just hasn't quiet figured out how to print money like Apple... but they have the androidz, the bigger wifis, faster GBs, and don't forget its open source... but most importantly enough it doesn't have the fruit logo.

I use to hate Apple a lot, but in a small way. They were't hurting me. I don't have to buy their over-price and under-powered stuff. But, I'm beginning to hate Apple a lot, and in a big way. Now they are threatening to hurt me. They have the most trivial, obvious, and unoriginal patents of any company I've seen... and they're threatening everyone with them.

IBM, year after year, is awarded the most patents of any company. Ever hear of IBM suing others? Not very often. IBM's patents aren't trivial, obvious, and unoriginal, and so other parties don't innocently trespass on IBM's patents.
So in other words, if people are stupid, then they buy whatever they want anyways, just because.
Yeah, that wasn't a counter, just an analogy and a poor one at that, sorry to say.
No, it's not a poor analogy. When a consumer earns more income, they'll actually buy more expensive things. This practice is firmly cemented in society and it's Economics 101.

I'm not sure who they'd be underdogs to. Blackberry maybe? Sure, Samsung made regular phones prior to their smartphones.
Before the iPhone came out, Motorola and Nokia were the dominant cell phone manufacturers and Nokia had ~30% market share alone in 2006. When Apple said they were the underdog in the well-established cell phone industry they actually have a point.

How quickly times change.
I like to laugh at the fact that the first gen iPhone came out without picture messaging (MMS) support, you know, that feature that the free phones could easily do... Honestly, it wasn't ready from the start...
I like to laugh at the fact that the first gen iPhone came out without picture messaging (MMS) support, you know, that feature that the free phones could easily do... Honestly, it wasn't ready from the start...

Wasn't that strictly a AT&T feature drop off, as AT&T didnt think there network could handle it? I thought international versions supported it day one.
Why exactly do you hate Apple... hmmm let me guess... they make money, create a solid product and market the shit out of it, protect their IPs, use foxconn...

Oh wait EVERY other company does the same shit, just hasn't quiet figured out how to print money like Apple... but they have the androidz, the bigger wifis, faster GBs, and don't forget its open source... but most importantly enough it doesn't have the fruit logo.

No I just remember a time when reading through my fave Tech site's news pages didn't read like 'Lawyers Weekly News' and actually mentioned new developments and innovations. Firms competed on 'may the best man win' terms most of the time and life went on.

Then Apple came back from near death and it's been downhill ever since.

It's just nasty now and really boring.