Apple components


May 4, 2001
don't come in here too often so i don't know if this gets posted a lot. if it does sorry.
was wondering where the cheapest place to get Apple parts is. specifically i'm thinking G4 components. from searching, seems like ebay is about the cheapest it gets...

what i want is just a cheap setup that will be decent enough to run os x and final cut. i'm thinking just like a 400-500 mhz g4 with 512 ram. but just a logic board with cpu and psu looks like it'll set me back at least $300-400 :(
Yeah, they aren't cheap and they aren't easy to find. Apple does this on purpose so that people can't make and sell clones of their comptuers. I don't know where to get desktop parts but you can get laptop components here:

but I have a feeling that eBay will be your best bet.
To take advantage of some of the real time editing tools in Final Cut Pro you also need a 1Ghz G4 or higher so I'd look into getting one that meets those specs. It's more expensive but you need the speed for editing video. I have a 600Mhz G3 and rendering video on it takes forever and a day! :(
thanks for the help guys...looks like a decent machine (built myself or by apple) will be out of my budget for now though. sucks too cuz i'd like to be able to do my video editing at home rather than the office =/
i gotta say apple resale value is pretty impressive =/