Apple Announces Plans for $1 Billion Campus in Austin, Texas

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Mar 3, 2018
Today, Apple announced plans for a $1 billion dollar campus in Austin, Texas. The 133-acre facility will be less than a mile away from Apple's current Austin campus, and they claim it will initially accommodate about 5,000 employees, "with the capacity to grow to 15,000." The company is quick to point out that it already employs 90,000 people in all 50 states, and that the 6,200 people at the existing Austin campus represents the largest concentration of Apple employees in the U.S. outside of Cupertino. Texas politicians seem to be quite happy with the new campus, to say the least, and Apple also mentioned that it's investing about $4.5 billion dollars in US data centers over the next two years.

"Apple is among the world’s most innovative companies and an avid creator of jobs in Texas and across the country," said Texas Governor Greg Abbott. "Their decision to expand operations in our state is a testament to the high-quality workforce and unmatched economic environment that Texas offers. I thank Apple for this tremendous investment in Texas, and I look forward to building upon our strong partnership to create an even brighter future for the Lone Star State." Jobs created at the new campus will include a broad range of functions including engineering, R&D, operations, finance, sales and customer support.
5,000 in one place and 6,200 people in the other place.....what do they all do?

They will not explain it as the explanation would cause our heads to explode due to our inability to transcend the depths of knowledge embodied at Apple.

Ask one of them what they do and they will just look at you like you are an insignificant little ant bothering them.

{where the frakin poop is that sarcasm emote?!?!?!}
I'd have to argue as well to as what the hell all of these employees are doing since Apple is still on the way down.
God I hope not, but they are moving here from Cali in DROVES. Sadly, they are bringing the same mentality that ruined the state they are in, rather than learning from their lessons.

Isn't that the truth. It is quite amazing we have been able to maintain the state with all the transplants we continue to absorb. If they ever get a toe-hold with their socialistic ideals, we are in trouble.
Austin is probably the liberal city in Texas so I guess they should find it fairly comfortable
Isn't that the truth. It is quite amazing we have been able to maintain the state with all the transplants we continue to absorb. If they ever get a toe-hold with their socialistic ideals, we are in trouble.
Yeah because the retarded rednecks and conservative christian ways of thinking that we have now are much better...Texas is great, but most of the people are are so closed minded and think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. And this is coming from a native texan.
Yeah because the retarded rednecks and conservative christian ways of thinking that we have now are much better...Texas is great, but most of the people are are so closed minded and think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. And this is coming from a native texan.

I did not say any native was perfect, but you want to see how screwed up things can really get,....look at CA. You want that here? If you do, then move there, please.

I am a native of Texas. I am nothing like you described. None of my freinds are like you describe. To paint with such a broad brush is no better than the close minded people you are ranting about.
I did not say any native was perfect, but you want to see how screwed up things can really get,....look at CA. You want that here? If you do, then move there, please.

I am a native of Texas. I am nothing like you described. None of my freinds are like you describe. To paint with such a broad brush is no better than the close minded people you are ranting about.
Look at your post... You're painting with your own brush but you only get upset if the brush is pointed at you.
Yeah because the retarded rednecks and conservative christian ways of thinking that we have now are much better...Texas is great, but most of the people are are so closed minded and think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. And this is coming from a native texan.

As opposed to the pedophile loving left who have young boys dressed as little women twerking in "their" parades and their constituents openly sh1tting in the streets. So open minded. You flat-earthers of politics ruin every location you swarm to then migrate to another location like locusts. Once the tech bubble and academic industrial complex bubbles burst you will be relegated back into the fringe shadows again.
As opposed to the pedophile loving left who have young boys dressed as little women twerking in "their" parades and their constituents openly sh1tting in the streets. So open minded. You flat-earthers of politics ruin every location you swarm to then migrate to another location like locusts. Once the tech bubble and academic industrial complex bubbles burst you will be relegated back into the fringe shadows again.
Didn't the Catholic Church get charged for the pedo thing? Isn't that doing poorly in California?
Like try to stay in reality a little bit. LMAO. I'm a southern boy but damn you guys need to stop making up information to support ideas that aren't true and just accept when your assumption was wrong
Yeah because the retarded rednecks and conservative christian ways of thinking that we have now are much better...Texas is great, but most of the people are are so closed minded and think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. And this is coming from a native texan.

Not sure where you are from, but I don't know a single person like this, and it's been over a year since I have run into anyone like that. And most of the Christian people I know are very nice people, who are of the mindset "if they leave us alone, we leave them alone". Sure, you might find that in some of the smaller towns, but anywhere else they are going to be in the minority, and the smaller towns tend to keep to them selves, nothing wrong with that.

As far as thinking our way is right....If it's not, why do they all want to move here?

I did not say any native was perfect, but you want to see how screwed up things can really get,....look at CA. You want that here? If you do, then move there, please.

I am a native of Texas. I am nothing like you described. None of my freinds are like you describe. To paint with such a broad brush is no better than the close minded people you are ranting about.

Agreed, Most new people I meet now are from Cali, and most of them are more of the mindset "we are right", than Texans are. I have also met more Vegans in the past 2 years than I have in all my life. With that said, I have also met a number from Cali that left Cali because they understood where the problems were, and have no want to bring it with them, and have said Texas is a breath of fresh air. Many of them sold homes in Cali for enough to buy 3-4 homes of the same size here in Texas, they live in one and rent the others. A few have grown it to enough homes to quit their jobs and do property management full time.
A $1B campus for 5k employees? That's $200k per employee. Dang, it must be nice to have that kind of cash to throw around.

Ask one of them what they do and they will just look at you like you are an insignificant little ant bothering them.
I have a relative that used to work for Apple. The kind of NDA they have to abide by is insanely restrictive and ruthlessly enforced.
Look at your post... You're painting with your own brush but you only get upset if the brush is pointed at you.

What gave you the idea I was upset?

If you knew me, you would know I am a pretty well rounded individual who has strong opinions about many things, but is not one to want those opinions forced on others. It does not mean I will not express my opinion, but I am not going to get upset over someone expressing their opinion.

And you are correct. I painted everyone from CA to be a socialistic person. Not all are that way. I know some who hated what happened in their state as much as anyone does. Unfortunately, the ones that are here trying to change things to the way it is done in CA make a lot more noise.

Not sure where you are from, but I don't know a single person like this, and it's been over a year since I have run into anyone like that. And most of the Christian people I know are very nice people, who are of the mindset "if they leave us alone, we leave them alone". Sure, you might find that in some of the smaller towns, but anywhere else they are going to be in the minority, and the smaller towns tend to keep to them selves, nothing wrong with that.

As far as thinking our way is right....If it's not, why do they all want to move here?

Agreed, Most new people I meet now are from Cali, and most of them are more of the mindset "we are right", than Texans are. I have also met more Vegans in the past 2 years than I have in all my life. With that said, I have also met a number from Cali that left Cali because they understood where the problems were, and have no want to bring it with them, and have said Texas is a breath of fresh air. Many of them sold homes in Cali for enough to buy 3-4 homes of the same size here in Texas, they live in one and rent the others. A few have grown it to enough homes to quit their jobs and do property management full time.

Yes, I have met a few of those too.

A $1B campus for 5k employees? That's $200k per employee. Dang, it must be nice to have that kind of cash to throw around.

I have a relative that used to work for Apple. The kind of NDA they have to abide by is insanely restrictive and ruthlessly enforced.

There is that.
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Yeah because the retarded rednecks and conservative christian ways of thinking that we have now are much better...Texas is great, but most of the people are are so closed minded and think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. And this is coming from a native texan.

You snub what you think all Texans are like and then finish it off with "Texas is great"..

Maybe it's great BECAUSE of those people you have an issue with.
I didn't see any mention of local/state incentives paid to or for the benefit of Apple to get this campus. Did I miss something or is Apple doing this all from their own horde of cash? If all Apple funded, kinda makes Amazon look like greedy beggars for demanding several billion for not that many more employees if Apple fully expands the new campus.
I did not say any native was perfect, but you want to see how screwed up things can really get,....look at CA. You want that here?

The highest economic growth, what, five years running? Yes, I want that.

Strong consumer protections? Yes, I want that.

Environmental protections? Yes, I want that.

Ability to pass laws ourselves through ballot initiates? Yes, I want that.

Non-partisan re-districting? Yes, I want that.

How about instead of bashing, you mention something you dislike about the state.

And before you say "things are more expensive", that's a natural consequence of people making more money. That's how Capitalism works; more money leads to inflation as business can sell the same amount of goods at a higher cost. That's why most economically wealthy states tend to have more public services, since that's the only mechanism to provide critical services to those not at the top of the economic ladder.
How about instead of bashing, you mention something you dislike about the state.

Gun control - Um, no.... just no. Go back to your safe space that is California.
Sanctuary cities <<< "Ability to pass laws ourselves through ballot initiates? Yes, I want that." <<< I bet you do, as that is exactly how Sanctuaries are created.
Immigration policies that encourage caravans
Taxes that support failing policy - they're kicking around taxing text messaging, FFS.
Governments Embracing (Anti-Fa, metoo#, ect) Movements
Housing costs <<< San Francisco, WTH?
I moved to Texas from Ohio. I love it here. I'm sad to see lefties moving in as I really enjoy the culture. I will also say, I adopted the culture here not trying to change it. It's a fairly easy move from Ohio to Texas in respects to my own ideals. I'd hate to see this place get ruined. I'm outside of Dallas a bit.
I was in Texas for the first time a couple weeks ago. Im working on a Proof of concept in Waco. I learned you cant seem to find a bad burger in Texas. I have to give credit where credit is due. We went to 4 or 5 different Burger joints and even one of those weird Texas local fastfood burgers places(I forget the name.) never failed to have a great burger. I learned that Waco sucks and everyone goes to Dallas or Austin when they want to do anything. I went to a Dallas Stars game. Your stadium is puny and pathetic compared to our great and wondrous Pepsi stadium, but I did like the vertical seating so no matter how bad the bleeder seats are youre still right over the game. Also the Dallas Stars have cheerleaders which is weird. No I dont mean Ice girls they have those too. They also have this platform where cheerleaders come out and do their thing. I was impressed by how excited everybody gets. I've never seen people flip out every couple minutes at a hockey game like that. I don't think I could live in Texas. All the girls are blonde there, like fucking all of them. Its creepy.
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I don't care what your personal opinions on Apple are. This is absolutely a great thing for Austin.
To people dragging poltics into every fucking thing do everyone sane a favor and stuff a cork in it. Take the bullshit to where it belongs and stop shitting up the front page news section.

To the topic at had, that could be good news for Texas. A lot more money be shoved into the state and more high paying jobs. Will suck for housing prices in the area though.
I want to see one of these big tech companies build their billion dollar HQ in someplace like Idaho or Arkansas

The highest economic growth, what, five years running? Yes, I want that.

Strong consumer protections? Yes, I want that.

Environmental protections? Yes, I want that.

Ability to pass laws ourselves through ballot initiates? Yes, I want that.

Non-partisan re-districting? Yes, I want that.

How about instead of bashing, you mention something you dislike about the state.

Highest economic growth for 5 years? Not really. Try a 10 year view. It's easy to have a great run when you're just getting back to pre-recession days.

You guys do great for poverty though.

Probably number #1 in amount of feces on streets too.

It's a beautiful state, but it's ran incredibly poorly.

On topic, hey it's a great thing for us. More big name companies planting themselves here? I won't be mad about that.
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