apphire 7970 OC eddition (non-boost) and cat 12.11

The Mac

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 14, 2011
has anyone with this card had any problems with voltage with cat 12.11 betas?

i cant for the life of me get the voltage to change like i could with prior cats
2nd, always...1000/1450

trixx appears to take the voltage change, but it doesnt register the change in aida64/gpu-z
I have that same card and am using afterburner to oc. No problems with voltage for my everyday oc of 1200 core 1600 mem. Haven't checked gpu-z to confirm but I know it won't run stable at 1200 on stock voltage....
1.175 (oc bios @ 1000/1450)

hmm, well maybe its working and aida64 inst reading properly.. didn't used to be a problem.

i can do 1200 on stock, but it artifacts like crazy. I suppose if it doesnt artifact if i increase it even though it doesnt register, i suppose its working..
I have the boost version and changing the voltage in the "oc" bios is only possible with trixx. Currently I am on the stock bios 925/1425 and just overclock from that.

Only problem with my card is that it is the crazy stock voltage of 1.256v on both bios, but i just undervolt it to 1.175v. 1300/1620 at 1.2v. Could probably go higher with some mvddc tweaking.

Out of curiosity what is your mvddc?
I know when I started bumping voltage, it wouldn't take unless I toggled the "constant voltage" setting on my Sapphire 7950.
I know when I started bumping voltage, it wouldn't take unless I toggled the "constant voltage" setting on my Sapphire 7950.

I assume that's in MSI Afterburner, I had that problem. Trixx works for me and applies the voltages.
I have the boost version and changing the voltage in the "oc" bios is only possible with trixx. Currently I am on the stock bios 925/1425 and just overclock from that.

Only problem with my card is that it is the crazy stock voltage of 1.256v on both bios, but i just undervolt it to 1.175v. 1300/1620 at 1.2v. Could probably go higher with some mvddc tweaking.

Out of curiosity what is your mvddc?

the boost functions automatically disables if you change any clocks..

1.256 is a little nutty for stock....are you sure thats not the boost voltage?

mvddc is 1.6, but memory voltage shouldt be an issue.
The boost version doesn't actually dynamically change the clockspeed it is literally the name of the bios with the 1000/1450 clocks.

Luckily I don't have a reference pcb and the cooling is great so even with that voltage it wasn't topping 65, now with 1.175 i don't go over 60.
how can they get away with that?

Boost is supposed to bump up the voltage/clock if you have additional TDP headroom.

I would think AMDs legal team would be having a cow..
how can they get away with that?

Boost is supposed to bump up the voltage/clock if you have additional TDP headroom.

I would think AMDs legal team would be having a cow..

No idea, if you're overclocking boost would be useless anyway so no major loss.

It actually says on the box "upto 1000mhz AMD powertune with boost" but neither of the two bios's dynamically bumps the clock.

Anyway back to your issue when I change my voltage it is shown in all monitoring programs. but this is only with trixx, In Afterburner I need to have "Constant voltage" checked and even then it doesn't always apply.

In trixx if you select a voltage e.g. 1.2 it will not apply that. Once you click apply it will change the voltage to 1.201 and apply that but you have to click apply twice. Major problem with trixx is that it doesn't restore clocks out of sleep you have to apply them again which is annoying.
i use trixx, too much junk i dont need in AB, and the oc bios has a very generous clock limit.

ill try a different monitoring program. other than AB, which other programs show target voltage (gpu-z does not)
i use trixx, too much junk i dont need in AB, and the oc bios has a very generous clock limit.

ill try a different monitoring program. other than AB, which other programs show target voltage (gpu-z does not)

Not sure what you mean by target voltage, I use HWinfo64 to monitor other aspects of my system and it shows the current, min and max voltages as well as temps of your vrm, core, memory etc. Give that a go and see if it reports the correct voltage when you set it in trixx.

Vddc=measuered (subject to vdroop)

Gpu-z uses measured.

ill try hwinfo64
I had the same problem with my Sapphire 7970 and Trixx. Finally got it working.

Uninstalled Catalyst, Trixx, and Afterburner
Reinstalled Catalyst
Installed Afterburner ONLY
Enable voltage tweaks
Check the box for "force constant voltage"

That did it for me.
I've heard about a Trixx version 4.4.0 being useful for people that had voltage control issues. I presume that this is a beta version of Trixx.
Have you tried troubleshooting by uninstalling the latest drivers and installing the drivers you were last able to change the voltage with. This would rule out an issue with your card. I don't see how the drivers could be stopping your card taking the voltage change as I use the latest and through all the 12.11 betas I have had no problems changing the voltage.

Out of curiosity is your card the blue or black PCB version?
black (The original reference OC version)

i havent done that yet...its on my list