Anyone who claims to have beat Farcry w/o cheating is lying

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Porn is evil. It is a form of 'cheating', because you're cheating yourself and your potential partner out of the loving relationship that accompanies a sexual encounter with another human being.

...or you're just filling the hours between actual sex ;)
so, in before the lock!

no but really, i see where the person saying cheating in a game is morally wrong and such, it's an almost valid point. But it's been pushed to far.

There's a friend of mine, he'll cheat on a game and install wierd ass mods that are half ass attemps at a mod, on his first try at a game. I mean, he'll install the game, and first thing he'll do, even before looking for a patch, is download some funky mod that does stupid shit to the game. Than he'll load it up, and start playing, die once, and than go into god mode.

It's really cheap, and he never seems to enjoy the game. Seriously, he'll watch me play the same game and go "wow. how'd you find that? did you cheat? wait... i didn't see that, i cheated" and so on and so forth.

He's also the first peson to try and find the easy way out of a situation (i know that's the smart thing to do, but i hope you all understand what I mean by that), cheat on a test, exploit systems (i'm not talking about games here) and generally be a lazy ass.

So though it's not always true, a person being so willing to cheat on a video game is a POSSIBLE example of how the same person is in other aspects of life. Of course it's not always true. But it is a some what valid point made.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
Hardly. Cheating, at anything, ever, speaks to your character. You don't have to like it or accept it but that doesn't make it any less of a truism.

Hell, the fact that you find it to be "nothing" says more in one sentence than I could in three paragraphs.

But, as they say, "whatever."

I think thats taking it a bit far... :eek:
I beat it on Vet first time around. Good game, beat it in 3 days. Playing nothing but it. Gets really hard at some points, and that last level is killer. The trick i found is, take the 2 chairs from the wepon storage and take em to the main doors. Open the door then set the 2 chairs right under it, it will keep the door open forever. you can kill the rocket guys then just snipe the jumping guys with you sniper / bino for teh win. Then just go up the elevator and nade the rocket humans up top, kill the traitor and game over....

Hope that helps

-edit = without cheats
I never could understand how some people (a lot of people actually) don't like a challenge, and when they do meet a challenge, they quit or cheat.

I personally am at the opposite end of the spectrum. I never quit, even when met with 'certain doom". Whether it be a video game, sports, work, etc. I'm the same one who'll kill myself to accomplish the impossible just to spite someone though :p
Some of you people seem to forget why you play games. It´s for fun goddamnit. You who don´t think you are allowed to cheat in games just forces you to play on the hardest difficulty level every time really. Also you don´t allow yourself to use the slow motion mode in Max Payne 2 and such because it ain´t realistic :rolleyes:

What games and especially fps games builds on is making you feel good. That is the secret about making an enjoyable game. A game which makes you feel that you got skill. Thus a game where you continously die and you have to relie heavily on quicksaves and such aren´t a good game. It´s not fun having to redo an area 10 times because of poor level design, bad player skill or whatever. The frustration having to do the same over and over will be much larger then the good feeling when you made it. At that point you is like finally I beat this crappy level it´s not like wow this was fun replaying 10 times ;)

Cheats don´t ruin a game. Playing on a too high difficulty sure can but then cheats can save the game make the difficulty more balanced without having to start all over.

It all depends on the game. Morrowind is the best game I ever played and if I wouldn´t have cheated in it I wouldn´t have made it past the first dungeon. Since I am no RPG player Morrowind was to much to master all at once. Doing some cheats that actually get you real money when selling valuable stuff instead of 1000 coins for something worth 25000 really makes it much more enjoyable.

I hardly ever have to cheat in fps games though but then I just about never plays on the highest difficulty level. Games like COD was quite messed up anyway on hard or veteran or what it was I played with all these quicksaves. Then I much rather have Far Crys checkpoints and autobalancing AI.

i really need to get this game.

It sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.

Incidentally, I've only cheated in single player to finish a level once.

And that was simply due to a glitch in Half Life. (the mother headcrab wouldn't move or after she jumped into the pit. I went through all the ammo, eventually she's supposed to go into a round room, but never did. So...I cheated to finish the level.) I did come back with no cheats and beat the game though.
oqvist: you make some good points, mainly about games meant to make you feel good.

Only sense I feel like it, and am avoiding sleep, i'll make a rebuttal.

You started your post off by making a few assumptions. 1. all of us who don't cheat also play the game at the hardest difficulty, and 2. don't use aspects of the game intended by the developer because it is not realistic.

I'm sorry, but if we wanted a realistic game, to an extreme such as that, we would not be playing a game like max payne. Nor would we be playing a game such as far cry, which this thread is supposed to be focusing on I'd assume. Also many of us have said what difficulty we are playing Far Cry at, and if I recall correctly there have only been a few saying that they are playing at the hardest.

Now, referring specifically to Far Cry, because it is not always like this with games. When I would beat a particularily difficult lvl in Far Cry, one that I had attempted multiple times (ie: ranging in the 5+ area) I would feel a HUGE sense of accomplishment, skill, and just general all around good feelings. Yes, I got a warm fuzzy feeling, on more than one occasion too! :D

This game really appears to be designed, and built, to where you can defeat it without holding some ungodly skill in a game. Infact, it gives you so many ways to accomplish your mission that you will very rarely be stuck at a certain point with no other option (though there are a few sections like that, and even those have slightly different tactics you can learn, and use)

Now, jumping to Morrowind. That game has a built in difficulty modifier, that will allow you to adjust it accordingly. I've played it numerous times, and in the beginning I always lower the difficulty, by the time I hit lvl 15 I have it nearly 75% up. That game is a perfect example of being able to adjust the difficulty, on the fly, to make the game enjoyable at all levels. Also the vast amount of mods help this as well. Money was not hard to come by at all either. Not by a long shot. But... this whole last paragraph can probably wait for a more... Morrowind specific thread :) sorry!

And.... now i'm done. No intent to offend, so I'm sorry if I did! :)
No you don´t offend at all but my point is if you play on a level less than the hardest you do cheat in a way since in just about every game your gun do more damage then your opponents and you get more hit points and such ;) And computer AI is never as good as human AI.

So depending on how you look at it if you play on easier difficulty levels you already cheat.

This is for all those who flame upon people who cheat they may realize that they cheat themselves really ;)

Also I agree Far Cry is awesome in the difficulty aspect. I don´t know how much autobalancing helps but I am playing on challenging and I don´t think I have ever had to redo an area more than 4 times really. And that isn´t too many times to make it frustrating especially since there is so many ways to do things in Far Cry you don´t have to try the same route twice. But if I get stuck on the Volcano level I won´t spend weeks trying to beat it without cheating. I may cheat it and later try to make it on my own but that is yet to see. I will probably replay the game on realistic when I get my R420 or NV40. The game is that good and I can´t wait to see what these cards can do for the image quality on this already gorgeous game.

And Morrowind that difficulty slider comes with the Bloodmoon and Tribunal patches I think. It wasn´t in the first versions of Morrowind. Not that it would have helped me much. I didn´t really understand what Morrowind was. When I first started it up it looked exactly like a fps and thus I tried to play it like one. Had no idea how much the attributes affected your strength or the damage modelling on your weapons. The most advanced rpg I had played before Morrowind was System Shock 2 :rolleyes:
Regarding the chair trick at the volcano level, how do you get the chair to the door???

Unless I'm missing something, you can't pick up random items in the game. I tried pushing a chair over to the door but it just falls over and won't move any further.
Originally posted by HKocher
Regarding the chair trick at the volcano level, how do you get the chair to the door???

I managed to push it with my nose quite a ways, but bullets work far, far better.
i beat it on the medium level (no auto balance) all without cheating. i did play that volcano level about 15-20 times before i beat it though. i don't see the point in playing a game up to a certain point without cheats and then turning them on when i finally get challenged. guess i just like actually being challenged for a while and having to play perfectly to beat it.
yea, man you suck

me and my nearing 50 year old father beat it on medium without cheating. give me a break, it gets challenging but its not hard
Originally posted by Hal|9k
Hardly. Cheating, at anything, ever, speaks to your character. You don't have to like it or accept it but that doesn't make it any less of a truism.

Hell, the fact that you find it to be "nothing" says more in one sentence than I could in three paragraphs.

But, as they say, "whatever."

I wish you would think more critically, especially about ethics. This is not an ethical dilemna.

(That we are talking about a single player game should be obvious - "cheating" in a multiplayer context is as you have described.)

Who is being cheated? The computer? The developers? You?

Don't you think that enjoying the game is more important than meeting some third party's expectations? In fact, isn't the end user's participation in the game, the suspension of disbelief, the fundamental premise of the whole exercise? Isn't that why you buy games? To enjoy them? Isn't anything that enhances the enjoyment of the game a net positive? Even if somebody else wants to feel superior about their ability to navigate in the game world with a level of proficiency that makes them comfortable?

Overclocking is "cheating" in your definition. Customizing your car is also "cheating", by your logic. Should six year olds have to play basketball (when they are by themselves, to maintain the analogy) on regulation height hoops so that people will not judge their character? Why do other people have to modify their behavior to suit your tastes, if the behavior isn't criminal or offensive to you personally?

I can suck at videogames and do what I need to do to have fun without Tipper fucking Gore telling me all about "trusims". Go read a book and put down the games, you have some catching up to do with the rest of us

You need to use more question marks when you post.

Listen, and I'll try to be very clear about this with an example. Say you're a manager and you're interviewing to fill a position on your team. You have two remaining candidates sitting in front of you. If you knew for a fact that one of them used cheat codes to finish a game and the other used his brain, all else being equal which one would you hire? I'll take the guy that holds himself to high personal standards. He'll have self-discipline and I'll be able to trust him to do the right thing when nobody else is looking.

It's a character issue whether you choose to accept it as such or not. If that's the way you want to see things, good luck with that.

Oh, and I overclock my PCs and modify my vehicles. Not even close to the same thing, so you can give up the "logic" argument until it even remotely makes sense.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
Listen, and I'll try to be very clear about this with an example. Say you're a manager and you're interviewing to fill a position on your team. You have two remaining candidates sitting in front of you. If you knew for a fact that one of them used cheat codes to finish a game and the other used his brain, all else being equal which one would you hire? I'll take the guy that holds himself to high personal standards. He'll have self-discipline and I'll be able to trust him to do the right thing when nobody else is looking.

Personally, I think the manager should be fired for uising such an asinine decision be a judgment maker. What's next? Not hiring someone because he has a maid to do his housework instead of doing it himself? Because he bought a strategy guide for Final Fantasy X-2, instead of spending 100 hours getting 100% by himself? Because he rounded up on his tax figures? I think you're taking this way too seriously. If using cheat codes in some video game is a character issue... I'm at a loss as to how someone could possibly analogize the two. :confused:

Thank God when I went for my TS clearance interview, they never asked me if I cheated on video games. The gov't would've found me a liability to the country.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
You need to use more question marks when you post.

Listen, and I'll try to be very clear about this with an example. Say you're a manager and you're interviewing to fill a position on your team. You have two remaining candidates sitting in front of you. If you knew for a fact that one of them used cheat codes to finish a game and the other used his brain, all else being equal which one would you hire? I'll take the guy that holds himself to high personal standards. He'll have self-discipline and I'll be able to trust him to do the right thing when nobody else is looking.

It's a character issue whether you choose to accept it as such or not. If that's the way you want to see things, good luck with that.

Oh, and I overclock my PCs and modify my vehicles. Not even close to the same thing, so you can give up the "logic" argument until it even remotely makes sense.

I dont see how it can be related to an argument of right and wrong. The Devs put those codes in there after all right? I pretty much never use codes to beat a game because I dig the self satisfaction, but ive got a cousin who probably hasnt beat a game legitimatley in his 28 year span in life, that dosent make him any less of a standup guy, or less good of a gamer, he just like to jump into games full throttle first, and get his feet wet later. It dosent mean he sucks at games either, hes good at em, again he just likes everything unlocked right away. Who gives a flying fark if he does it? He paid for it, its his game, its his time. If I want the personal satisfaction ill do it myself. Im not tryin to step on toes here or give anyone this stupid face ":rolleyes: " im just chimin in with my worthless two cents:)
No problem at all, bro.

My main point is that it, and everything else we do, says something about us. What it says depends entirely on one's point of view/personal standards.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
You need to use more question marks when you post.

Listen, and I'll try to be very clear about this with an example. Say you're a manager and you're interviewing to fill a position on your team. You have two remaining candidates sitting in front of you. If you knew for a fact that one of them used cheat codes to finish a game and the other used his brain, all else being equal which one would you hire? I'll take the guy that holds himself to high personal standards. He'll have self-discipline and I'll be able to trust him to do the right thing when nobody else is looking.

Oh, and I overclock my PCs and modify my vehicles. Not even close to the same thing, so you can give up the "logic" argument until it even remotely makes sense.

Actually, I'd hire the guy who cheated. Since he got through the game faster, he's going to have much more time to work for me :p

After reading through this thread, the argument is really quite silly. You are absolutely correct in regards to cheating with multiplayer games against human opponents.... but in single player games? Absolutely not.

I don't know about you, but I'm a busy man. I have a lot of work to do, and I play a couple multiplayer games competitively in spare time after hours. This doesn't leave a lot of time to work in a lot of single player games - for most of the 'average' titles out there I'll blast through as quickly as possible. If I get stuck more than once or twice, the cheats go on lickety split.

I'd rather my work presentation be done on time then go in the next morning and tell my boss "Gee... sorry... I really wanted to get past the next level in this video game but I refused to cheat. I'm sure you'll understand my personal code of ethics." Yeah, that would keep bread on the table :eek:

It's a character issue whether you choose to accept it as such or not. If that's the way you want to see things, good luck with that.

There is no absolute list for what's considered a character flaw or not. Your list will doubtless be different from others, but you're coming off as incredibly arrogant with a remark like this. I respect that you won't cheat in a single player game, but you should respect that others may not find the same value of experience in single player games that you do.

Tolerance is key.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
No problem at all, bro.

My main point is that it, and everything else we do, says something about us. What it says depends entirely on one's point of view/personal standards.
But you have to remember that there are hundreds of language arts teachers that could spend weeks discussing the symbolism and hidden meanings in Coleridge's Kubla Khan.
I appreciate the point Hal|9k makes a good point that any (real) cheating is absolutely a character issue. I only disagree that using console commands for their designed purpose is cheating at all. Sorry if I come off like an ass, I just love to argue is all.



There you go, you can salt and pepper those as you see fit.:p
Originally posted by Captain Rehab
I appreciate the point Hal|9k makes a good point that any (real) cheating is absolutely a character issue. I only disagree that using console commands for their designed purpose is cheating at all. Sorry if I come off like an ass, I just love to argue is all.
Same here, man. I never consider an opinion valid until it gets run through a good debate. I consider this thread a good debate because there was no flaming and nobody called anybody a Nazi. :D
i honestly hope you are joking in this thread, it took me 4 days to beat the whole game on medium. The last few levels are very difficult (more so than most recent games) but not impossibe by any means.

I remember certain console games taking me up to 6 months to beat.. no game has been like that for me in like 10 years
Originally posted by Captain Rehab
I appreciate the point Hal|9k makes a good point that any (real) cheating is absolutely a character issue. I only disagree that using console commands for their designed purpose is cheating at all. Sorry if I come off like an ass, I just love to argue is all.

The console commands were in there for beta testing the game? Is that what you are using them for?

Personally I really don't care if anyone decides to cheat or not. I do have to wonder why they bother playing if they don't actually want to beat it.

I also find it stupid that someone would suggest that because they are bad at a game that other people are. I'm playing it on veteran and most of the game is easy. A good chunk of it is difficult, but not very difficult if you approach the problem areas witha different strategy. There are a handful of REALLY hard points though.
Originally posted by KoDt
i remember certain console games taking me up to 6 months to beat.. no game has been like that for me in like 10 years

Ditto, anyone remember a game called "Target Earth" for the Genisis? That was hands down the hardest game ive played in my entire life, I know of maybe 2 people that beat it even on the normal difficulty setting, and I met them online, noone I know who owned the game in person has gotten past level 3 without codes. Dont even get me started on the Hard difficulty, it was friggin impossible. Now thats a game if you told me you beat it on hard or even on normal without codes id have to see to believe. Far Cry's like a walk in the park in comparison!
I almost kicked myself back in the 80's when I figured out up-up-down-down-left-right....etc

All those hours wasted on Contra..I beat it, though, without cheats :D
Originally posted by raz-0
The console commands were in there for beta testing the game? Is that what you are using them for?

Personally I really don't care if anyone decides to cheat or not. I do have to wonder why they bother playing if they don't actually want to beat it.

I also find it stupid that someone would suggest that because they are bad at a game that other people are. I'm playing it on veteran and most of the game is easy. A good chunk of it is difficult, but not very difficult if you approach the problem areas witha different strategy. There are a handful of REALLY hard points though.

The purpose of cheat codes=cheats, Beta testing or otherwise - right?

I don't know anybody who would say "I suck at games, therefore you do too." I don't think anybody said that in this thread. I am saying the inverse: Just because this game is super easy for you, dosen't mean it is easy for anyone else.

X + Y = Z
Y + X = Z

Therefore, we make the same argument.
Just agreeing with everyone else. This game is fine for difficulty until the last levels. Just gets retarded with all those rocket mutants.

Speaking of hard games anyone remember the original Ghost and Goblins for the Nintendo? You had one armor and then on your second hit you were dead.
1. Cheating at anything multiplayer is a character flaw.

I agree with some other peoples sentiments here. Honestly if I am stuck for more than a few rounds in the same spot out come the codes.

I have a busy life and like playing new single person video games pretty much as a "tour". I like looking at levels, checking out scenery etc..

I see it as nothing wrong because I like finishing games to see how the end is. There have been a few games I have bought without cheat codes, and I got to about level 6 or 7 and never saw the rest. Kind of a pity not seeing what was in store but if its too difficult then its just not entertaining for me.

Entertainment is the reason they get 20-50 dollars of my hard earned jing.

Ethics has nothing to do with it.
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