Anyone use Word 2007?


[H]F Junkie
Aug 15, 2001
Could you check for me to see if you can number equations on the right hand side plz.

To do this, insert an equation (Insert, Object, Microsoft Equation Editor) then right click on the equation and hit caption, in the window that pops up, under "position" are there options besides just above and below??

If any of you spend the same amount of time I do writing lab reports, etc. you will know how handy this could be.

Not sure if this what you had in mind, but in Word 2007 that "path" to the options doesn't work as you laid it out. However, I think this is the info you wanted:

As you can see from the options on the Ribbon, Office 2007 is considerably different from how things work(ed) in Office 2003 and other predecessors.

Hope it helps...
zacdl essentially answered the question i asked, but as you are showing bbz_Ghost, the equation editor is vastly different...maybe there is something added that will do what I want.

What I want? Basically its this:

scroll down to page 3. See how the equation is center justified and the equation number is on the right? This is the universal standard for equations.

Anyway to have it automatically do that in word (while keeping track of the equation number automatically.... i.e. if I insert another equation above it, it will automatically change everything after that) ??

Word 2003 only allows the "caption" (the thing that keeps track of the # for you, and automatically updates it) to be above or below the item you are sticking it to (equation, table, figure, etc)
Honestly I wouldn't know. I rarely use Word for anything other than writing some stories or opening .doc files, sorry. Just thought I'd try to answer the question you posed, but I didn't realize exactly what you were trying to do. Now that I do, and someone else does also, perhaps they have the knowledge and experience to answer it. I never got much from math in school, can't see where it'll do much for me now either, or the equations.

Funny though considering I just got the movie Proof the other day. Good movie. :D