Anyone use ESDF instead of WASD?

I use the "conventional" WASD buttons..... very natural to me (with the left-shift, ctrl, and space bar right there....)

I also really like how my hands are shoulder width apart, and its an easy position to return to after typing.
Khaydarin said:
I use the "conventional" WASD buttons..... very natural to me (with the left-shift, ctrl, and space bar right there....)

I also really like how my hands are shoulder width apart, and its an easy position to return to after typing.
ESDF...your fingers are already in position.. ;)
I used esdf at first, but I got used to using wasd from other people PC's.
Thought I would throw in my two cents...

When I was in high school, a buddy and I experimented a lot with keyboard layouts in Quake 1 (these were the days when you would get made fun of for using +mlook heh). We had a nazi for a typing teacher in school, so we were pretty hardcore on touch-typing, so we based our layout off of the homerow keys and have used it ever since.Here is my generic FPS keyboard/mouse layout:

A = Back
S = Strafe Left
D = Forward
F = Strafe Right
Q/W = Lean
E = Use
R = Reload
T/Y/U = Chat
Z = Zoom
X = Prone
Space = Crouch
LShift = Walk
Mouse1 = Fire
Mouse2 = Jump
Never really thought about using ESDF instead of WASD. My keyboard setup usually goes:

W - Forward
S - Backward
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right
Ctrl - Duck
Space - Jump
Shift - Run or walk
R - reload
T - Chat (usually team chat)
Y - Chat (usually global chat)
Q & E - Lean left and right (unless the game doesn't have leaning then I find other uses)
Z, X and C - miscellaneous (game dependent); usually this is for things I really don't use often

Pretty standard I guess. Course, the point about moving to ESDF frees up another row for my pinky finger and still leaves the ability to use Ctrl, Shift and Tab (course I'm on my laptop as I type this so I'll have to double-check later when I get home).

I guess I'll give it a try for a week or something and see if I like it.

lol I can do wasd in a pinch but I have a whole arrow system worked out

I remember playing through the original Rainbow Six using the arrow keys. The zero key on the numpad was for opening doors and such, the home, end, pg up/down, delete and insert keys were used for the various go-codes and the right ctrl key was ducking. It really is doable; it's just that I moved to WASD when Rogue Spear and other games started using it.