Anyone know of some good headphones?


Limp Gawd
Jun 20, 2004
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a pair of headphones for using with a computer. I would use them for playing games and watching movies. I wouldnt mind spending around 50$ for a good pair. Anyone got any ideas ?
Plantronics makes some nice headphones, they have dif models that range in price from 20 bucks to over 100. check it out at Plantronics website or just go to fry's, bestbuy, etc. and pick up a pair.
Sennheiser HD 497 (open), HD212 (closed), PX100 (open)
Grado SR60 (open)
BeyerDynamic 231 (closed)
Exactly what it sounds like.

Closed or sealed headphones are closed to the outside world, while open headphones allow substantially more noise to escape (and to come in).

Open headphones usually sound a tad better at any given price point, all else being equal.
I am an audio snob, but I can definately understand your price point.

Since it is for computer use, I suggest closed phones.

A good place to start shopping for good cans is Audiocubes

A good set of headphones in your price range ~$50 that I have heard (won't comment on those I have not) are:

Pioneer SE-M280 Sealed Enclosure Headphones (good midbass and bass, but highs are lacking)
Audio-Technica ATH-FC5 Portable Headphones (great for lans and nice bass, better than pioneers)

For an open-air solution that sounds very good I would go with these:

Audio-Technica ATH-AD300 Air Headphone
They are about 60 bucks, but they have great bass and good clarity. No I would not put them against the high end beyerdynamics, Sennheisers, or Audio Technicas, but I would put them against the best phones at best buy for under 100 bucks.
I see he the guy with the 280's is going for some high-end audio technicas.

Anyway, Audiocubes is high because they import most of their phones from overseas. They are one of the only dealers of Audio technica in the States.

Oh and that Car deck is just wierd.
siliconnerd said:
Take a look at the Sennheiser 497s. has them for $50. Link

If you want open, I sencond those. Also, the company linked to is reliable; my brother and I both bought $400+ cameras from them without problems (at different times).

If you want closed, check out the Sennheiser hd212. They are pretty much a closed version of the hd497's and do not sound as good.
zachary80 said:
If you want open, I sencond those. Also, the company linked to is reliable; my brother and I both bought $400+ cameras from them without problems (at different times).

B&H is an example of what a retailer should be. They sell an incredible amount of product around the world and are very very reliable. Don't go to them asking for help on stuff, they're not too helpful, but if you know what you want they're a safe bet. Going to their location in NYC is like an eye opener on retail efficiency.

I've spent damn near $10k on camera gear through them without a hitch.
Are Grado SR60's worth the $70 list I see them going for? I'm looking for a good pair of headphones and these seem to be very well liked.
See if there is a store in the area that will let you listen to them. Take some CDs that are very familiar to you.
I've had the Sennheiser for about a week and could tell you that the 212PRO are definitely worth the 49.99. They are widely sold including at all Circuit City and Good Guys stores. A definite plus for these headphones is that the HeadPhone wires can be easily attached for replacement. I had this recently tested because one of my stupid brothers put the wire where the printer feeder takes in the paper and had to cut the cord. I can definitely tell the insides of these headphones are of the highest quality and should be widely respected. Ive read my share of reviews and the only REAL weakness of the headphone is that the ear cups are tight. This is only true for the first few weeks if you dont use this headphone trick I learned. Forum ReadersTake Note: Put the headphones around something similar to the size of a humans head like a small sub or similar object. Leave them there for a few days or weeks and KAZAAM!! they're extremely comfortable.

Conclusion 212PRO best bang for the buck and easily replaceable parts that will keep you coming back to one of the best brands in the industry...SENNHEISER.

Take a peek at the different parts available for your favorite SENNHEISER headphone>>