Anyone here Dual 1440p monitors with an AMD Radeon card?

HDMI to DVI adapters are treated as single-link DVI. It's possible to use the Shimian with an HDMI to DVI adapter on the 7970 using my driver patch:

The driver patch will break HDCP and video acceleration, but I didn't find that to be a major issue. Keep in mind the monitor is not intended run using single-link DVI, but I doubt it will cause any problems. The "proper" way to run the monitor without patching the driver would be to get an active DisplayPort to dual-link DVI converter like this one:
So it's one of those $80 ones off amazon. Man... I wish I had done my research properly or I would have just ordered an Nvidia card that already has 2 DVI outputs. Only reason I jumped on the 7970 was because it was going for $300 shipped so I knew they wouldn't be in stock for long.
Oh... and a GTX 670 should require no adapters right? I'm thinking about just buying one of those and selling the 7970 or returning it. :(
Oh... and a GTX 670 should require no adapters right? I'm thinking about just buying one of those and selling the 7970 or returning it. :(

The 7970 is going to drive two of those monitors much better than a single 670. Just buy the adapter. :p
Are you just getting dual screens for non-gaming or for actual gaming use? Dual screens blow for gaming as the bezels are in the middle of the viewing area. As someone who has had to use those terrible adapters with 30" monitors I can tell you that they suck. Displays often fail to detect, stop working, etc. Every day I had to unplug the damn thing and plug it back in for one monitor or another. It's one of the many reasons I switched to GTX 680 4GB cards.
HDMI to DVI adapters are treated as single-link DVI. It's possible to use the Shimian with an HDMI to DVI adapter on the 7970 using my driver patch:

Has this been tested?
I have read [H]ere that it is possible to use a dual link DVI port to run above specs, for example, running 2560x1440@120Hz by removing the pixel limit, but i am yet to find someone who managed to make a single link DVI run at 2560x1440p, even at "only" 60Hz.

Most users hack the pixel clock limits to achieve higher refresh rates, i did now it was possible to use the same tools to achieve higher resolutions:cool:
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The 7970 is going to drive two of those monitors much better than a single 670. Just buy the adapter. :p

Is there really that large a difference between the 7970 and the 670 GTX?

And this will not be for split screen gaming. I would like to be able to play my games on screen 1 while watching a movie or a livestream on the second screen.
Dual screens could be a problem in your scenario as it may break things like video acceleration while gaming. Might be better to get a proper HDTV and a small HTPC to do that - that's what I do, I have a 46" HDTV plugged into a SFF Core2Duo that is a NextPVR client to my server and I game on a separate computer that has seven monitors (which gives you an idea how much trouble playing games and videos simultaneously on one computer gave me).