Anyone going to Neweggs Lanfest in Pasadena April 24-25

That one is happening in Pasadena Ca., which is about 2000 miles west of where I hail from. I think that, that just might be a bit too far for me to go for a LAN, even if it is being hosted by newegg.
I'm planning on going, but I'd like to assemble a team for the Call of Duty tournament. Anyone interested? E-mail me!

(I live 10-12 minutes south of Pasadena. Great city to host this at.)
I started a new team called the Mongol Mashers for the BF1942 tourney. The code to join the team is mongol. Any other [H]ard Guys or Gals who want to play on my team, please feel free to join.

Contact me at [email protected] to coordinate some practice before the tournament.

There were no links regarding how to join teams, so I had to start my own.

KC Freels
Originally posted by BSOD169
same here and i live in texas
I live in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley to be exact) which bites even more! Just minutes away!
Coo at least a couple folks in LA area. This should be taken advantage of as there aren't many huge LANs in LA.

... damn I shoulda signed up for COD tourney, I woulda owned. Guess I have to settle with BYOC.
I guess I'll see you guys there. Sorry you missed out on COD, Acorn, but you should sign up for my BF1942 team! It'll be fun, and I don't think I have any other team members yet.... At least we could make a show of [H]ard solidarity.

I think im the only gamer that doesnt have 1942. Think im going to have to cop that before the 24th to get some practice in. What other games should I get?
I like FPS. Im into COD a lot right now. I'd get halo if it wasnt crap on my video card. I like the war games a lot. I have Medal of Honor but I don't play much cuz COD stole the spotlight. Im always open to new games though. BF 1942 was $30 at compusa! So im definately going to ebay that one.
Sweet candy ass! I just got a email from sales asking if I want a free upgrade to UT2k3 tournament! Of course I accepted, but asked if there was space in the Call of Duty tournament. I guess there aren't enough people signing up.
Sweet. Signed up for the BYOC. This is gonna be my first.

Are people lugging their systems back home at the end of the night?
Hey Cortex!

Why don't you upgrade to the BF1942 tournament? My team, The Mongol Mashers, is still a couple of players short. Contact me at [email protected] and I will provide you with the contact at NewEgg who can get you into the tournament.


KC Freels
Originally posted by Shorty
Nope, not 17 yet, which totally bites.
