Anyone Else Invited to Volunteer for ISP Speed Testing?


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
I just received this email today.


There is no way in hell I'm putting this "white box" in my network, but it is interesting none the less...
Same things others are saying. Wouldn't trust anything that the FCC is sponsoring on my LAN
Sounds interesting, but definitely would put that on a separate vlan that is split from rest of network.
Just checked my email. I got an invite too. Needless to say, I won't be needing any "additional details" about my internet connection ...
I just received this email today.

View attachment 93787

There is no way in hell I'm putting this "white box" in my network, but it is interesting none the less...
Is this just for Verizon or all ISPs? Mine is Comcast.

How are people selected to get emails? Just wondering. I would not want anyone monitoring my network traffic. :rage:
I'm not inclined to do this, but I guess I could firewall it off in, and put it in a separate VLAN or DMZ or something, and put it in a sound-proof location and it would be a minimal risk.

Thing is, doesn't look like there is any compensation involved, so why would I bother?

Only reason I can think of is that Verizon would have more incentive to keep my network working well if they know it is being monitored in an official study.
I'm not inclined to do this, but I guess I could firewall it off in a DMZ, and put it in a sound-proof location and it would be a minimal risk.

Thing is, doesn't look like there is any compensation involved, so why would I bother?
You don't ask what can this country do for me, you ask what can you do for your country.:D
SamKnows did a trial here in Canada. SamKnows kept all data confidential and the Canadian gov't only had access to the speed data, they did not have access to any client information.
I tried, for like 2 years, to get SamKnows to send me a unit so I could hook it up. They never responded. Glad they didn't now.