Any way to communicate with iMessage users from Android?


Apr 2, 2002
So I have a family that is just completely in Apple's pocket other than myself. Really, I love my Android devices and couldn't consider an Apple device in a hundred years. (I'm not really going to start a fight with anyone about why I hate Apple, just suffice it to say that it's not fanboyism or something and it plain will not suit me under any conditions other than someone handing me a LOT of money in a contract that says I must use Apple devices.) In particular, my mother and grandmother both have iPads that lack any sort of cell connection, so while they can communicate with other Apple users via iMessage, they can't communicate with me except via e-mail. I can't convince anyone to use Google Talk (even though for all that iMessage is locked down and limited, Google Talk is just about as universal as anything gets with options available not only in iOS and OSX, but standard web browsers, Android, Windows, Linux, Blackberry, Nokia S60, and they have a generic "other phones" option that I suspect means that Java-like thing that so many phones used to use whose name I've currently forgotten.)

As such, I'm wondering, is there maybe any tool that can actually utilize the iMessage service to send and receive messages with them via WiFi/mobile data? Or is it just too locked down from anti-competitiveness to allow anything third party in at all?
I communicate with all my buddies that use iPhones through an app called Whatsapp. I don't believe any of them actually use iMessage.

Too bad the app doesn't exist on the iPad.
If it doesn't actually communicate through iMessage, what's the difference from, say, me getting them to use Google Talk if I somehow could? (Given the choice, I see no reason why I wouldn't consider Google Talk to be better since I could even use it with my e-mail on the PC without a client among other things.) So far I haven't been able to get them to use anything third party though.