Any watercooled 7950s in here?


Jan 16, 2011
Would like some results please. hz and vcore and wb used. With recent price lowering this almost puts it in my range but I would like some numbers before committing.
I been tempted to bite on this too since a 680 is boring, and seems that hitting 1200 core is the sweet spot as you should be neck and neck with even a 680, and shit, even costs less w/ waterblock.

Only thing I been trying to figure out is which of the ref cards were the best to buy as far as overclocking potential goes.
I been tempted to bite on this too since a 680 is boring, and seems that hitting 1200 core is the sweet spot as you should be neck and neck with even a 680, and shit, even costs less w/ waterblock.

Only thing I been trying to figure out is which of the ref cards were the best to buy as far as overclocking potential goes.

@ 1200 you'll blow 680GTX away. 7950 is same speed as 7970 on same hz and a 7970 will blow a 680 away @ 1200Mhz. I think more like 1050 you'll start beating GTX 680 in a about half the games. 1200, every game.

I watercool for quiet high clocking is just a bonus. Ever since 6800 days I've watercooled every card I've owned. Just seems all are too loud for me. Basically you CAN NOT hear my computer when on. LOL.
I have an EK acrylic/copper full cover block on a reference XFX 7970. This card needs 1225 mV to stay stable at 1200c/1575m, but despite the high-ish volts, I've been very impressed with temperatures. The highest I've seen is 50C while playing The Witcher 2 for a few hours at 2560x1440 with Ultra settings (ubersampling off). Most other games load the card into the 40s. The rest of my specs are in my sig.
@ 1200 you'll blow 680GTX away. 7950 is same speed as 7970 on same hz and a 7970 will blow a 680 away @ 1200Mhz. I think more like 1050 you'll start beating GTX 680 in a about half the games. 1200, every game.

I watercool for quiet high clocking is just a bonus. Ever since 6800 days I've watercooled every card I've owned. Just seems all are too loud for me. Basically you CAN NOT hear my computer when on. LOL.

I prefer pushing it as high as I could possibly push it. Running 6x Koolance 2800rpm fans on my BIX, far from quiet lol. I game a lot and wear headphones, so don't hear nada. When i sleep, makes for good white noise. :D
I have an EK acrylic/copper full cover block on a reference XFX 7970. This card needs 1225 mV to stay stable at 1200c/1575m, but despite the high-ish volts, I've been very impressed with temperatures. The highest I've seen is 50C while playing The Witcher 2 for a few hours at 2560x1440 with Ultra settings (ubersampling off). Most other games load the card into the 40s. The rest of my specs are in my sig.

Mmm, those temps and the fact that you could have a fairly quiet setup makes me want to try out WC my cards..