Any have experience with the VG278HE and the XL2420T?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 9, 2006
I'm thinking of getting one of them to see how I like 120Hz gaming. The two things I'm most interest in are low input lag and high image quality.

I have an NEC 2690WUxi right now which is an IPS panel with hardware calibration, so I like good pictures. I realize neither of these will be as good looking, but I'd like to still have as nice an image as I can. Realistically I'll probably keep the NEC and use it for most things, swapping over to the 120Hz monitor only for fast games.

I also want really low lag, since the whole point in trying this is to see if I find a faster monitor useful in fast paced games. I don't notice the 33ms of lag the NEC has, it doesn't feel laggy to me, so there isn't a perceptual threshold I'm trying to get under, I just want as low as possible to see if that, plus the higher FPS, is something that I find useful in fast games or not.

So these two are the prospective candidates. Let me know your thoughts.