Any games like Doom or Bioshock on the horizon?


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2006
Anyone know of anything like the mentioned games in production? Yes, I like crazy and unique with little to no exploration needed. :)
Just read a rumor that Wolfenstein 2 is being worked on right now. That should be good. Otherwise, yeah, Deus Ex and Dishonored 2 as mentioned above. I doubt there will be another BioShock. Ken's off doing his own thing now.

System Shock Remastered is being worked on as well as System Shock 3, so those will be nice. (probably a long way off though)
system shock games, especially the first one, are slow-moving and required lots of exploration, so I don't think the OP will enjoy those...
system shock games, especially the first one, are slow-moving and required lots of exploration, so I don't think the OP will enjoy those...

I don't know that I'd call them slow moving, but you're right, they do require exploration. Definitely fit the unique category, though there have been more similar games since. You're probably right though. However, if the OP does like the Deus Ex games, then these may be suitable after all. I'd also argue that the very example of Doom is contradictory, as there is plenty of exploration in Doom. (and a little bit in BioShock too, but to a lesser extent) Also, BioShock is the "spiritual successor" give or take a bit to System Shock anyway. :D We'll call them... System Shock Lite!
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The first reply pretty much nailed it. Deus Ex and Dishonored.
Ummm.... I don't expect either of those games to be anything at all like what OP is asking for.
True. I just looked up videos for them. Deus Ex does look interesting, but looks a bit slow. But Ive never played any of the previous, so perhaps I shouldnt judge.

Dishonored looks very interesting with its oddities in the trailer, though! I love anything very whacky and out of the ordinary like that.
Really could not get into Hard Reset... I wish I could, but the mechanics just felt too clunky and the enemies felt REALLY poorly designed.

I actually do like it, but I agree completely about the enemies. They're about as far from menacing as they could be. They're like something out of the movie Robots. :D
Just read a rumor that Wolfenstein 2 is being worked on right now. That should be good. Otherwise, yeah, Deus Ex and Dishonored 2 as mentioned above. I doubt there will be another BioShock. Ken's off doing his own thing now.

System Shock Remastered is being worked on as well as System Shock 3, so those will be nice. (probably a long way off though)

You just gave me a chub. Is the SS remaster going to be based on 1 or 2? Will likely be great regardless, but I'd come unglued (in a good way) for a remastered/modernized SS2. Although, a remake of the first SS could fare just as well since the first game is pretty ancient by today's standards. I don't have the attachment to it that I do to SS2 but I would welcome a remaster regardless.

And of course SS3, Deus Ex, and Dishonored 2 will be must-plays as well. Well, assuming that those games expand on what was great about the previous ones while keeping the feel, and aren't dumbed down.
Doom & Bioshock are almost nothing alike - hard to say something similar. Also you're already tired of the new DOOM that just came out?? Try playing it again if you like it so much! :p

I'm definitely looking forward to the new Deus Ex, but I don't keep up with upcoming release dates that much any more - tends to make me impatient waiting for release dates that just keep pushing farther and farther back. And there's always more bugs at release - I find it's better to just wait 'till a new release goes on sale, buy it for cheap, and enjoy the more polished experience. And these days when I hear about a game that just released it's always a pleasant surprise, instead of feeling a sense of entitled disappointment from waiting so long. :D

For instance I thought DOOM was still several months from release when I found out it came out a week or two earlier.

I'm also not sure if the new Tomb Raider is out yet (or when it will be) but that's another one I'm definitely looking forward to. I guess that one has enough in common with BioShock to deserve a mention in this thread. They're both story-driven shooters with light RPG elements at least. EDIT - ok, that was easy to look up - LOL - yeah it's been out for months. I'm still busy with other games, but I may try and pick it up during steam summer sale.

For now, I'm just starting a new play-through of The Witcher 3, so I have plenty to occupy my time for the next month or more.
Oh I DO intend to play Doom again. I was just curious to what else is out there that I may have missed. :)