Any Eve online players?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 24, 2009
I recently started playing Eve...I don't know what I'm doing.

Currently in Dreddit for a corp, liking it.

Any other folks play Eve?
i haven't been playing in a while. can't afford the monthly fees. best advice i can give is to stay in high sec space(.5 or higher), do as many missions as you can, find other people to do them with you to get money, and last but not least learn how to play the market into your favor and profit off it. also work on getting your certs as high as possible so you can get better ships. always leave your cert queue full even if you aren't playing that day just login and add more stuff and log out.
Used to play it years ago. I always get the urge to come back for a month or so but never pull the trigger. My advice is ignore the above poster and get the hell out of high sec ASAP if you have any interest in getting your money's worth. :)
Stopped playing it last year due to bitter-vet syndrome and the lack of time to spend on the game. Though I still get the urge to play it though..

For new players, Google "ISK the guide" as it is a good primer for new players on all the different aspects of eve.
Just remember, do NOT play solo. Eve is one of those games where if you try to play without friends you will burn yourself out by doing high-sec missions. Even pirates have friends somewhere in the universe!

If you want a corporation to lean about the game, try Eve-University. They have classes in game through Mumble and they teach on a daily basis. It's a great place to start.
started playing in 2007, short of a bout a 1.5 years total after that, i really haven't stopped playing.
Bitter veteran reporting in! Reached the 6 year mark in my corporation last month. I have been flying with Verge of Collapse for more than a year now and quite enjoy it (I know the alliance isn't that old, but the main corporations that comprise it have been working together for a long time). Kinda sad that most won't be able to experience or even know what it's like to do the kind of stuff we do. Countless memorable PVP engagements, both big and small (no blobs). Found PVE dull as hell, so I haven't really done anything but PVP for years. Best hide your ratting carrier if you see me in local. :p

Anyway, I know a lot about nearly every facet of the game after having been around for so bloody long. Feel free to ask for help if you need it. High sec is boring by the way and you should leave it unless you find an interesting niche or compelling reason to stay aside from shopping trips once you've learned the basics of the game.

Also, if you're just getting started, Rooks & Kings produces some quality videos if you want to see what thing can be like:
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I've been playing on and off for nearly 8 years. The game has had it's ups and downs, but lately they really seemed to have started hiring the right people and putting them in the right places, and I would say EVE is definitely on the upswing again.

I recently started playing again and have joined up with the Gallente Militia in faction warfare, which has been pretty fun. Faction Warfare seems very new player friendly with the strong focus on tech 1 frigs and destroyers, and presumably tech 1 cruisers when they get revamped in the December expansion. It's worth checking out if want something different than whatever it is that Dreddit does.

Also, I agree with the above poster - high sec is boring. It's reasonably safe, and you can scratch out a meager living there if that's what you desire, but low sec/null sec and WH space are where it's at imho.
Been playing for a few years now, hands down my favorite MMO. Totally agree with everyone else, you need to join a solid corp to really get the most out of the experience. To anyone wanting to give it a shot, send me a PM and I can send out a longer trial period invite. You get more game time, I get more game time (if you sign up from my invite)