Any disadvantage to using PC6400 memory in PC5300 laptop?


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2005
My brother's laptop needs a RAM upgrade. Using Newegg's memory finder wizard returns only PC5300 DDR2 ram modules. PC6400 memory is actually slightly cheaper. Is there any problem with putting PC6400 memory in a PC5300 laptop? I assume that the memory will just run slower, at PC5300 speed. I've done this before on a desktop computer and it ran fine, but wondering if PC5300 would deliver better performance.
It depends what the PC6400 timings are at the PC5300 speed. However they probably are at least as good as the PC5300 timings well unless the PC6400 is low end.

I would just get the PC6400. I have done that several times on laptops without any problems.
Just to clarify my original post, since it maybe have caused some confusion. There might technically be a difference, but it is unlikely you will notice it other then maybe certain controlled benchmarks.

Another reason for the price difference may just be due to supply and demand, they might just have an excess of PC6400 supply. Memory prices are funny like that.
Just to clarify my original post, since it maybe have caused some confusion. There might technically be a difference, but it is unlikely you will notice it other then maybe certain controlled benchmarks.

Another reason for the price difference may just be due to supply and demand, they might just have an excess of PC6400 supply. Memory prices are funny like that.

the only other place you might run into issues would be if you are going to use the 5300 and 6400 at the same time, unless the timings match up at the lower speed you may have issues

if the newer stick has better timings at the lower speed that the current stick, then you are fine, if they are the same, you are fine... if they are different be it lower or higher and you are replacing the older stick, you are fine...

as for the timings some give and take on the timings dosent mean there will be any real difference in speed at the users end.