Any Coolermaster Micro Tower Owners (Elite 330/340)?


Dec 22, 2005
Ordered a couple Noctua 120mm fans to increase airflow in my case. Cut out the mesh in front of each fan, then mounted everything back in. Been thinking about replacing my 780G Biostar for a while, so guess what happens when I get everything connected? Fired up and whoops.... inductor fried near my processor. Shit! Ordered a new board from the 'Egg' and patiently waited all week.

Just got my new motherboard today, Biostar Micro-Atx 790GX chipset. Installed and whamo, my X3 reports with the extra core, sitting here stable at 3.6ghz on all four cores. Woo hoo! Need to test stability, but everything appears great.

Also, an added bonus was being able to swap motherboards with a different chipset and not having to reload ANYTHING! Awesome!

So as you can see, I've hidden all wiring underneath the motherboard, inverted my 640gb WD harddrives in an almost clamshell configuration and ran all the wiring through the front panel. Had to get creative there, but the outcome is a much cleaner install. With how things sit, there is a certain order in which things needed installed due to the lack of space from the back of the harddrive to the front of the Zalman 9700. Also to note, the Noctua's, and the Zalman 9700 and Zalman VF1000 are all fan controlled and ran off of my Nexus fan controller. Yea, pain in the ass there too.

Overall, I think it turned out well... Anyone else have the same case?


nice. Just did a build using one of these for my father-in-law. Nice little case for $39

nice job on wire mgmt :)
Very clean installation. I have been looking for a mATX case for a week now. I like the 340, but CM wants $34.59 to ship from their site.

Nice job.
This is a very clean case, though the Elite 341 looks alot more corporate. Its hard to find a good elite 340 these days!
Floored by your wire management! I just finished my build with a 341 minutes ago and man, there isn't a whole lot of room to put cables away.

I'd really like to see more pics of the wire management if you don't mind, because I thought mine looked decent until I just saw yours!
Thanks BlindFusion... if I get 'into' the case again to do some work, I'll snap some more pics. Essentially everything was ran beneath the motherboard tray, and (if possible) routed underneath the motherboard before mounting. I did take the motherboard tray completely out and cut an additional hole to allow for the Optical SATA/Power cables to come through as well.

Let's see some more pics of your guys' rigs, I'm interested to see more to give me some potential ideas.
(old pics from late last year)
Mods + paint.




However I gave up on the case. Too much dust on the front filters, it gets filthy in a day or two at my house (5 cats / 1 dog). I do still have the case, it's just not currently being used. :(
I just built my mom a nice little gaming rig in the Elite 340... great little case if you ask me.
I found it to be a decent little case for cable management as well.
Now my momma can get her Counter Strike on :p
OK... maybe she don't actually play CS, but I did let her play F.E.A.R. and I think she got into it :D
Looks sweet Zero. Do you happen to remember what sort of temps you would achieve with the dual 120mm's in the front? I thought about doing that mod, but I didn't know where to put either HD since I prefer to stack the optical bays with burners. Considered buying a harddrive tray from the 'Egg', but after looking more intently I decided there would not be enough room behind the videocard on the bottom of the case. Regardless it would obstruct airflow of the bottom fan, which basically defeated the purpose of the mod in the 1st place.

Is that pink ram I see? :D
15" tall X 8" wide X 15" deep. Pretty small, but a helluva lot easier to work in than my Q-Pack I had. That case has now taken residence collecting dust on my work bench. LOL.
Sweet setup. I just got through modding mine. I wish i had some rubber around the blow holes like yours. Makes it look a lot less ghetto and much more finger friendly.
(old pics from late last year)

However I gave up on the case. Too much dust on the front filters, it gets filthy in a day or two at my house (5 cats / 1 dog). I do still have the case, it's just not currently being used. :(

If you would like to get rid of the case i could take it off you hands ;) I got a soft spot for the Elite 340.:)
Here are pics of my 341......nothing special......I'll clean up the wires a bit, needs some wireties...







I like the idea of the 341 having the harddrive on the bottom like that. If I can think of an efficient way of mounting 2 in a similiar fashion, I might have another mod for my 340. Hmmm, (stroking chin)....
I got a 341 in storage right now.....should become the home of a future i7 build
Looks sweet Zero. Do you happen to remember what sort of temps you would achieve with the dual 120mm's in the front? I thought about doing that mod, but I didn't know where to put either HD since I prefer to stack the optical bays with burners. Considered buying a harddrive tray from the 'Egg', but after looking more intently I decided there would not be enough room behind the videocard on the bottom of the case. Regardless it would obstruct airflow of the bottom fan, which basically defeated the purpose of the mod in the 1st place.

Is that pink ram I see? :D

Temps were pretty good, low 30s I believe at idle.

The HD I actually put in the bottom 5.25 bay with a little ingenuity. I put screws on the bottom of the drive to raise it up to where I could then screw it in through the 5.25 holes on the side.

Like so:

And the ram is A-Data, it's kind of more of a bright red but close to pink, yes. ;)

As for selling it, no, I couldn't. I put so much time and effort into cutting, sanding, painting etc. I couldn't part with it. :cool:
I definately think i'm going to pick one of these cases up to build the wife's gaming rig.