Any BF2 snipers?


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
Okay, with a stock BF2 setup, does anyone actually use the sniper class?

Personally, I love it. Even the long-ass times between shots.
I only use it on MEC/China side sparingly. I can't seem to get my squad leader and commander convinced that I'm doing any good... lol
i do on a special demo server called soemthing like "dead meat"

50 people max on the 16 player demo map
If I snipe (which is rare), I usually create a squad called....."Sniper" so no one expects more than that from me. If they do, well...I paid for the game and I'll play how I want.

I do the assault grunt work for 98% of the time, so if I wanna be a sniper for a few that's how it's gonna be. :cool:
That seems to be the general coencensus, which is why I started the thread. Assault-type guys with big guns that fire fast get lots of kills. Personally, I enjoy popping off people with stupid names. Quality over quantity, I say.
TeeJayHoward said:
That seems to be the general coencensus, which is why I started the thread. Assault-type guys with big guns that fire fast get lots of kills. Personally, I enjoy popping off people with stupid names. Quality over quantity, I say.
Hahaha! I like it.

I personally never play the sniper class. I don't even have the basic sniper class medal award.

Though I can see it must be fun when you fucking own some muppet called "Ultimate Shadow Master" or something. Not so friggin' 'ultimate' now, are ya?!
I snipe sometimes in BF2. Im not a fan of the Sniper, mainly because of the reload times in the American class. Even when I do snipe, im pretty bad at it, and I have more fun, playing around with the mines they got. Exspecially when you rig spots of the map, where snipers like to go, then like 10 minutes later, you see your name on the screen saying you killed someone.
i think the claymores are my favorite part about the sniper class. very effective. very effective against my brilliant teamates too. :(
i usually play sniper about 60% of the time, its fun to sit at the enemy base and headshot everyone.. and they find out they were killed by someone who goes by the nickname ' oversized-peenus ' ( which is me lol ) :p
I only have the demo for now as I try to figure out whether my computer can handle it at the highest settings, but I snipe most of the time. I just enjoy the safety of never getting killed while landing so many hits. This was more true in Far Cry, but I find that BF2's snipers are pretty inaccurate. I snipe nonetheless.
Depends on the situation, I snipe fairly often, but if it's not needed I switch to other classes. I don't always lonewolf it, I've worked with a squad, or two.

Though, it's always fun when you kill the enemy commander too many times, he gets fed up and drops arty on you. Kind of a cheesy way out, but fun anyways.
for me, i love sniping. going behind enemy lines is very fun. the weapon i like? the US sniper rifle. i know the mec has the automatic fire, but it took me a whole fucking clip to waste some guy that was trying to take a flag and was in the turret of the mec truck. each shot i took hit him also. with the us sniper rifle, you have to be patient, making that one shot count. i love how you can hold down the fire button after you shoot and it stays in zoomed mode so you can watch where your enemy goes. i have even sat on the carrier before and sniped people trying to take out the arty, one of which, took only one shot and you shouldnt aim right at the head from that distance, am right below the neck. i might transform into "sniper only" which i did with BFV and i had some sweet ass spots to snipe.

almost lance corporal also, so prob unlock the 50 cal sniper rifle :)
50cal is a waste. If I had to do it over, i'd get something else. Besides what's the point of sniping when people know exactly where you are no matter how good you are at hiding thanks to hundreds of private hacks.

Oh well.
I'm lmost always either sniper or support. I thought the sniper rifle was bad but its all about finding a good loaction and waiting it out.
TeeJayHoward said:
Personally, I enjoy popping off people with stupid names.

Commander: Somebody snipe the MEC engineer at our West Control Point, he's laying mines all over the entry way.
You: Sorry, I can't.
Commander: What? You've got a perfect line of sight.
You: Dude, his name is Al Capwn. That's just way too fucking cool. I can't do it.
I usually snipe when I am MEC (about 50% of the time), and either that or i am support, since theres normally 10000 medics around and no one to give out ammo. Its great, becuase me and 2 friends play at the same time and use ventrilo for voice over chat, and then we create our own squad and pretty much, when I am sniper, my friend becomes spec forces and the other becomes a medic. I sit outside the base and start to take out anyone around, then the spec forces and medic go in together to try to take the base. I sit outside and make sure no one sneaks up behind them. I think overall, we have been rank #1, 2 and 3 respectively on almost every map we have played.
I snipe a lot and I am usually top 5 in score on my team. It's all about location. I defend a lot of bases, a good spot you can usually cover 2-3 flags at once on most maps.

The m90 is a fucking piece of shit though. NEver unlock it.
I'm a sniper first and foremost.

I tend to end up getting the most "defend" Cp's on the team because in a lot of maps (like the dam, karland, peninsula, etc) you can see multiple flag points from certain spots and with my trusty rifle I can pick off quite a few people.

I can't understand people that bash a sniper simply because he's a .......sniper. They have a role, and a good sniper can help the team quite a bit.

Like for example, tonight on peninsula my team got all their flags taken down and only had the one in the middle of the map left. I was up in the crane and I was able to pick off the enemy people that were on the rooftops surrounding the base picking off our troops. Racked up quite a few kills and allowed my team to get out of the base without being picked off like ants, then we got more cp's.

here's my stats:

I unlocked the sniper class rifle, I think it's great for picking off the odd heli pilot/gunner, however I'm the best/prefer the american's normal rifle over any others. I don't know why, but it just has a better "feel" to me then any of the other rifles.
I have only been a sniper for a few lives. I find it slow and boring, kind of like big levels like 70% of the ones in the game.

Strike at Kirkland
Saraqi Penensula

By far the best levels in the game.
Yeah, I try sniping now and then but I get bored really quick and go back to assault. Sniper-hunting, well, that's a lot more fun! I love sneaking up on a sniper and stabbing him in the ass, haha! If you ever see "you were killed by a_fluffy_bunny", then you'll know it's me! :)
I'm usually the Medic class, and after I earned (every goddamn step of the way) Lance Corporal I chose to unlock the L85A1. That gun is so damn accurate. Sometimes I sit up on the hotel in Gulf of Oman and snipe the opposing team. I like sniping with it because it's more of a challenge watching your back as well.
Jeriko_Cherry said:
Sniper? Naw, I actually like helping my team. ;)

Being a sniper is one of the classes that actually takes a little bit of skill to play, and a good sniper is a great team asset.

As for the M90, in the right hands this can be a lethal weapon. I was playing one map the other day where a sniper on my team had that weapon unlocked, and he was camping the enemy flightline with it. Everytime someone would get in the attack helicopter or fighter jet, he'd take them out. I still prefer the regular US rifle though, slow loading time yes, but if your aim is good then it only takes 1 shot to kill.
I'm the Dude said:
I got my Sniper badge while getting kills driving around in a tank. Cheap I know. :p

Me too :) . Of course, I wasn't planning on it.

My favorite snipe so far- sitting on the east hotel roof in Gulf of Oman and headshotting someone crawling up the crane ladder in the center spawn point.

The snipers are fairly gimped in bf2. Well, not necessarily the sniper class, but the rifles and definitely the way the game handles aiming.

It takes a good deal of skill and a bit of luck to be effective. You can have the best cover position on a flag or infantry chokepoint, but if they decide to ignore that flag or go around the chokepoint, you sit there twiddling your thumbs.

I don't recommend unlocking the m95. Yes, it can go through armored glass, but that is an annoyance at best. If you shoot me on the runway or helipad, I'm just gonna respawn as countersniper or assault and kill you. You can't really hide in this game, especially now that people know the maps. If I am an armored class, chances are very good your first bullet through the glass isn't going to kill me anyways. I unlocked the m95 and somewhat regret it. Only time I use it is if I have to be a sniper on the chinese side, cause their rifle is a pellet gun.

Another bad thing about sniping? Teamkills. You'll get teamkills when picking off a runner at extreme range, cause the game won't give you his name until after you shoot. You'll also pick up teamkills when assholes on your team punish you after they run into a claymore. The things have frigging red skull and crossbones, if you eat one, you deserve to eat one. "Hmmm, my sniper buddy is up on the roof, lets go up there and give his position away and make it a juicy arty target". Climb, climb, climb, BOOM. "Oh, evil sniper, he covered his flanks with claymores, I'm gonna punish him." This game actively punishes you for trying to play like a sniper.

The way the game works now, I only spawn as a sniper when a countersniper role is required. Most of the assault kit rifles have good enough single shot accuracy for me to snipe anyways, so I might as well get the free armor and grenade launcher without the BOOM that gives my position away.
kpedge said:
My favorite snipe so far- sitting on the east hotel roof in Gulf of Oman and headshotting someone crawling up the crane ladder in the center spawn point.

If you're prone behind the crenelation on the nw? corner, the crane guys can't hit you shooting back either. That used to be my favorite spot for de-craning snipers. Now I just use a helicopter or vehicle mounted machinegun. :)

That sort of sums up why I think the sniper class is messed up in bf2. Just about anything you want to do with a sniper, you can more effectively do with a different kit.
I have gotten pretty good at sniping lately and I have to say, its much more effective than I thought it would be. Its still not a serious class, but it is fun to play. I used to be of the opinion "oh snipers suck, they are hurting the team by not doing anything" and then I realized, hey its your game do whatever the hell you want. Who am I to tell others what to do? (Unless I am squad leader, then you better listen up maggots! :D ).

I can hit a moving target about half the time now and can suppress guys manning the TOW or AA pretty effectively. Usually I make a sniper squad and talk to my commander whenever I see anything moving around. I like to think I am helping my team in my own small way.
> "Oh, evil sniper, he covered his flanks with claymores, I'm gonna punish him."

There absolutely needs to be a "timeout" for mines and claymores after which they can never count as a teamkill. I'd settle for something like five-ten seconds.

This would stop ashats from throwing them directly in front of advancing troops (still count as teamkill), while making sure that the diligent engineer and sniper wouldn't get punished down to -200 for trying to play their class.

Isn't part of the problem that the symbol for mine and claymore are the same (or very similar)? I don't recall them being different anyhow. Problem then is that people get used to being able to walk over the "skull and red cross" due to the mines...
i almost never play a sniper but i will agree with the 50cal being a waste of a unlock , i took that the first time and its a waste, its not better than other sniper guns , you still can't 1-hit kill with it, its very loud and rather slow between shots. the only advantage it has over other sniper gun is being able to hit a heli pilot, problem is heli's tend to move around a lot and its VERY hard to hit something the size of a head that is constantly moving let alone twice because it can't 1-hit kill

i picked the sniper gun the first time around and then restarted because it was a waste and i didnt want to wait till 10000 pts before i got a gun that was actualy useful. went with the eng shotgun the 2nd time around because well i usualy play a eng and the pump shotguns the american and chineese teams get suck. its a pure joy to use when you're in short range fight, it owns. as for long range well i'm usualy in a tank/apc/aa tank.

I think i played with you a few times fluffy bunny , i remeber seeing the name before.

And i'll agree with the snipers on the whole claymore/mine thing , its insane i get so many punishes for mines its not funny anymore , the other night i was doing prety damn good , was up to 65 points or so in one round then a retard with a full apc decided to drive on one of my mines , poof there goes 25 points in a instant. i think the idea about putting a timer where after x amount of time it can't count as teamkill anymore is a good one.
finalgt said:
Commander: Somebody snipe the MEC engineer at our West Control Point, he's laying mines all over the entry way.
You: Sorry, I can't.
Commander: What? You've got a perfect line of sight.
You: Dude, his name is Al Capwn. That's just way too fucking cool. I can't do it.

lol I saw this guy on a GameCenter East server the other day :p

deathBOB said:
I used to be of the opinion "oh snipers suck, they are hurting the team by not doing anything" .

Good uses for snipers (I know your opinions changed, I'm using your quote as a jumping point):

1. RECON- look at your minimap! A good sniper can keep tabs on much of the enemy from a high point, constantly pointing out incoming forces.

2. When attacking a flag, a sniper can start shooting 2 seconds before everyone rushes, creating a great diversion and confusing the enemy.

3. Suppressing TOWs and AAs, and killing plane campers.

Also, if snipers are willing to get a little closer, their effectiveness goes up much higher. I try to create a 200-250m radiius where nothing on foot gets away. I'm no pro but I'm getting better :) .
That timer idea on the claymores is pretty good. I've pretty much given up on using mines/c4/claymores/artillery because of idiots on my team getting themselves killed and then punishing me for it.
The first thing I do when I get TK'd is hit the tab button and check the score of the person who TK'd me. If it's obvious they're not an emotionally-starved attention-deprived TK'ing headcase then I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a mistake and I don't punish them. It also allows more time for that person to apologize for the TK. Rarely do I punish for a TK in hopes that maybe someone else will pick up on my policy and cut me a little slack when I accidentally TK someone.
I looked at my stats last night, the only thing I havent been killed by is a sniper. i even got killed by a knife and medic pads :eek:

Course im always the commander and never really look at the battle field so I get snuck up on a lot. :D
i usually sit myself at the top of the crane on the long the middle facing down. defending the flag below me...

when im getting really bored ill jump off and place my claymores in some fun spots. then go back up
What should I get? M95 or PKM? M95 to replace the MEC or China rifles when I have to use them or PKM to replace all the crappy support guns.