Any advice on handheld organizers?


Feb 16, 2005
Im looking to get a handheld organizer. I have a budget of around 200, but if worth it I can go up to 300. Mostly what I need is something that is going to last, and something that will schedule and has the ability to track my finances. Any features beyond that are not necessary, but the more it does, the better I suppose.

Anyone have recommendations in this price range?
I'd say the Palm Tungsten E2 or whatever. My fiance has the original E and her sister and friend the new E2. VERY good device.
I'm partial to Windows-based devices, just because I am.

The HP's in that price range are good.
for that money and your needs, look into palms at your local best buy or circuit city. i somehow don't think you would need a ppc for your needs.
If you plan on carrying it "full time" you might want to look into one with an integrated cell phone. I've got a Palm Treo, and after using it for a while it makes pretty much any cell phone look barbaric. The contact list and text messaging capabilities of a Treo are just far, far better. QWERY keyboard, large touch screen, etc. The Treo 650 also has bluetooth & the ability to play MP3 files, so it kills 3 birds with one stone- PDA, Phone, and MP3 player. I haven't looked into them, but I'd expect there are WinCE based devices with similar capabilities. The next version of the Treo will supposedly be running WinCE (read it on Yahoo, not on the Inq, so it should be fairly reliable lol), so you may want to look into that platform.
For what you described I'd go with a Palm Tungsten E2. They are awesome PDAs for the money. They feel great in your hand (very sleek, not very thick) and they look great.

They come with Documents to Go so if your using an excel spreadsheet to track your finances your set. It comes with some sort of finacial tracking software but i'm not sure how useful you'll find that. (as far as I know anyhow, the Tungsten E came with this stuff, the E2 is almost the same as the E but with bluetooth and a universal connecter instead of the separate power and USB ports on the E)

Definetely check into the Tungsten E2. It'd fit nicely into your budget.
keep in mind that any finance tracking is going to come with purchased software... not default free-bees

[shameless plug] i have an ipaq 2210 for sale in the fs/ft forum. if you are looking for something used, it might fit your needs [/shameless plug]
Dell is King for PDA's (suprisingly since they suck at everything else, minus Xpsg2/i9300)

i have an X30H, its 1.5yrs old and is still one of the fastest PDA's that you can buy with a 624MHz cpu, dell has the X51v with 256MB Ram, 624MHz CPU for a good price.
The x50v was recently on sale from Dell for $320 w/ a second battery, but I believe Dell has completely discontinued them when they introduced the new X51v.

You could try looking on eBay for an x50v, but I wouldn't pay more than $320 on eBay. The new x51v has been on sale for about $399, but will probably drop over the next couple months if you are willing to wait.

My brother has the x50v and I played around with it a lot last time I visited him. It's really an amazing unit. I really want to purcahse one for myself, but I can't justify the purchase. If only it had a cell phone integrated into it, I'd be buying it in a heatbeat.
HP makes superb pocket pcs. but they are more like comps than pdas.
i use a Hiptop 2 from danger on the T Mobile plan. I use a financial budget and transaction manager, a calorie counter, schedule etc. it syncs its data online automatically. you can use an intellsync program to get your info to your pc. i love it. my girlfriends was dropped in the water, but her data was safe on the tmobile network! nice huh?