Another 'which speakers?' thread...


Apr 14, 2002
I've been running a creative SB Live! since they were brand new (this baby came bundled with the original Unreal...), with some Cambridge soundworks 4.1 speakers I got at around the same time.

I think it's about time for an upgrade...

I'm interested mainly in gaming, and I'm not so interested in high volume performance (I live in a shared house...). I think I'm going to go for the Audigy 2 as the soundcard, but I'm not sure about the speakers.

I'm looking for a set of 5.1s, but I'm not sure whether to go for a set in the ~$100 price range, or shell out for one of the more expensive THX certified systems. How much difference would I be likely to notice in gaming between the two price points?

In the ~$100 range, I was looking at the Altec Lansing 251. I've also been looking at the Creative megaworks 550 for if I decide to spend more money. What do you guys think of these speakers for the price, or could you recommend another set that might be more suitable for me?

Thanks :)
Don't get too sucked in by the whole THX certification thing. It really doesn't mean that much.

Some will say good things about the altec's, but I personally don't think they make good speakers. I think logitech has a fairly good 4.1 or 5.1 system for around $100. Check some online places like best buy to get an idea of what's out there.

If you're willing to shell out more, the Creative's are pretty good, and the Klipsch will blow you away ;) I have the Ultras and I couldn't have spent $400 any better.
If you only have 100$ for a 5.1 system, I don't think that I'd bother. That's just not enough money to buy much of anything decent, so I'd advise that you save for a while and get something like the Promedia ultras, creative gigaworks, etc.
good question. You want a speaker set that sounds good, but doesn't make the neighbor angry without breaking the bank. Now I know THX certification (has to pass set test to get cert. cant just pay for it & get it) sounds great. But you dont have to have that to get good sound...
The only ones I recommend under 100 that are 5.1 are the logitech Z-640's,CRID=2,CONTENTID=5047
$55 + 8.99 ship at newegg.
This might be a better set up for you - it has good umph (280 watts) but not as high as the Klipsch 5.1 monsters. And THX certification at a good price. Z-5300's
$139 + 8.99 ship
Those should sound good enough for the money. (but I do really prefer Klipsch :) but I understand budget restraints...
Don't want to bug the neighbor? Don't want to break the bank?

Sounds like a job for ...

A decent pair of headphones.
GodsMadClown said:
Don't want to bug the neighbor? Don't want to break the bank?

Sounds like a job for ...

A decent pair of headphones.


Sorry, but even a good pair of phones can't give the experience of jacking up the volume and listening to music or watching a movie on some sweet speakers.
ehZn said:

Sorry, but even a good pair of phones can't give the experience of jacking up the volume and listening to music or watching a movie on some sweet speakers.

Nanananananannannaananananananannanananan BATMAN! :)

/useless post :D
Vote Bush/Cheney 2004!

oh, and to contribute, i dont think you can get decent computer speakers for under about $120 and even then it would be 2.1.
lol - thanks guys :)

HvyMtl - the z-5300s look like they might be a good buy for me. I'm in the UK, but I've found a couple of places that stock them. I've read a couple of reviews and they seem to be more or less what I'm after - thanks.
I don't really hear much talk about the Creative Megaworks 550s its all Logitech and Klipsche it seems but I picked up the megaworks last summer and I think they sound excellent. The logitech 680s sound awesome as well and have the remote control which is very nice. The megaworks have the advantage of being slightly smaller, THX certified, they come in black (if you care about color matching) and the wired remote is simple but adequate, the headphone jack on the remote is a must have feature for me. All in all, I've been very pleased with them.
Just a word of warning on the Z640s - they do sound like speakers that you only pay $60 for.
Just to add my quest for "upgraded" (or "downgraded") speakers in this thread:

Right now, I am using the very same pair of Altec Lansing ACS-48 2.1 speaker set that I've had since my SB Live! days of early 1999. I want to upgrade to a 5.1 speaker set - but I don't have any room at all whatsoever on my desk or my computer room to accomodate anything beyond a 2.1 set. Thus, will a downgrade to a 2-piece speaket pair (with no subwoofer) be more appropriate, given the tiny room? I am using an M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sound card.

Any suggestions?

no prob arseface - as for the vote bush/cheney thing... out of place and why would I vote for the present regime when I have been unemployed for the past two years (and the market aint looking up either)
besides according to them trial lawyers are satan's soldiers (doesnt mater that Abe Lincoln was one too - hmm he was a Republican...) and I have my law degree.
E4g1e question... erm how small are we talkin? (room that is)
Now you have an old 2.1 set... too loud for the space? Too quiet?
As for use of a 5.1/6.1/7.1 set well in my humble experience after 5.1 or so the speakers blend - especially true with many computer sets out there - a 4.1 set might just do the thing for you - but again if its like a 10x10 room - you dont need high end umph. Heck if that is the case just keep the ones you have and save $$$ to get a bigger computer room.
the cheap logitech 2.1 are not bad...
HvyMtl said:
E4g1e question... erm how small are we talkin? (room that is)
Now you have an old 2.1 set... too loud for the space? Too quiet?
First off, my room measures just 8.5x11 ft.

Second, it's not the loudness per se; it's the sound quality. It was good by 1998 multimedia speaker standards. But by today's standards, the ACS-48 simply can no longer compete with the better speakers out there in terms of sound quality.
HvyMtl said:
as for the vote bush/cheney thing... out of place and why would I vote for the present regime when I have been unemployed for the past two years (and the market aint looking up either)
besides according to them trial lawyers are satan's soldiers (doesnt mater that Abe Lincoln was one too - hmm he was a Republican...) and I have my law degree.

typical democrat who would vote for kerry to vote against bush it seems. quit blaming it on bush. if you heard the recent report from the 9/11 comission you'd know that no steps from either side could have really prevented the attacks, which were the cause for the economy's problems anyway. I also find it funny that sandy stuffed related documents down his pants and socks. something is fishy about that.... hmmmmmm. anyway enough about politics. oh, and trial lawyers are okay. laywers are respectable, its just guys like john edwards that are obsessed with frivelous lawsuits that screw it up for the rest of you. anyway, good luck looking for a job.
being a Canadian allows me to have more interesting sight into US politics... Ok, not necessarily unbiased, but different. It seems to me that way too many people support the party, but not really the issues. Most people will not be swayed if the other party has a better platform. That's the problem with a 2 party system, not as much choice.

Also, a lot of Americans seem to be so "patriotic" that they follow their leader mindlessly without thinking what is good for their country (and "solidarity" is not necessarily good). I won't go into why I personally dislike Bush, because I will just have people flaming me for "hating America" or not being able to "stand what America stands for".

Anyways, that's just me sleep-deprived opinion after 2 all-nighters doing long lab reports. :eek:

Oh, and as for speakers in that price range? Stick to 2.1 systems.
interesting input :D the problem is that everyone thinks that they are right and the others are wrong. its the same between democrats and republicans, we all have our own opinions which are "right", just most people wont admit that :D
bjornb17 said:
interesting input :D the problem is that everyone thinks that they are right and the others are wrong. its the same between democrats and republicans, we all have our own opinions which are "right", just most people wont admit that :D

...but we republicans ARE right. lol. I really like my Sonic XS 2.1's, check ebay.
All right, but all this political talk in this thread is making it downright oppressive (read: extremely reactionary) in here. :p
E4g1e said:
All right, but all this political talk in this thread is making it downright oppressive (read: extremely reactionary) in here. :p
Thanks. :)
Hopefully the off topic discussion has reached it's pinnacle and we can get back to talking about speakers here.
IdiotInCharge said:
...but we republicans ARE right. lol. I really like my Sonic XS 2.1's, check ebay.

Correct :D (on both points), i just said that previous point so the democrats dont get all pissy. j/k (or am i?)
bobsaget said:
Z 2200's or Klipsch 2.1's promedia! You have to spend more for 5.1! :D

Unfortunately, this is true...with speakers, quality has its price. I would shell out the extra for a good 5.1 system that you won't regret buying.
hey, my point was, I'm unemployed, I would not vote for anyone that was presently in office... And, since the admin of this has warned me not to put politics in this forum... that is my last so called political statement. My apologies for oppressing (depressing?) the masses.
Hmm, 8.5x11 room. you prolly dont need 5.1 - do go with a quality 2.1 set - unless you rely on sound in games (like: is that a goon sneaking up behind me?) then get a low watt 4.1 or 5.1 - 6.1/7.1 in a space like that, I agree, is a bit of overkill.
Eagle, did you like the altecs? Look back at the new ones... see if they are of worth. (dunno much about altecs, no experience...)
Klipsch are great - their 2.1 are excellent quality (tho might need an update soon) and are a bit on the high end of price. Every now and again you can catch stuff at their website on "clearance" -sometimes refurbs as well... forget their dmx line... I still say logitech. good bang for buck.