Annoying Issue With Brass Standoffs and Screws When Installing A Motherboard

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
Perhaps it's the luck of the draw, but it seems when I've been using standoffs and screws lately that not all of the screws want to behave in the manner in which they should. For example, I have nine screws which are all the same thread length and look alike; however when I attempt to install my motherboard onto my Raidmax Smilodon removable motherboard tray I've noticed that some of the screws will just fall into the standoff and it won't tighten no matter what I do. This must be a standoff issue due to the fact that the screws fit snug in some of the standoffs let feel loose in others. This really bothers me because I've been building PCs for a long time and installing a motherboard is not difficult by any means. Something else I've noticed is that this issue happens to me on a lot of the cheaper Raidmax cases that I've worked with. I hope I'm not the only one that this has happened to. Nothing is more frustrating to tighten eight of the nine screws needed to mount the motherboard and then have the ninth screw/standoff give me trouble.
I've installed the motherboard although before doing so I checked all of the standoffs that Raidmax had provided with the case and it turns out that some of the standoffs were taller then others so I did the best I could with what parts that I had and the motherboard is as secure as it can be.