Angry Gaming Stories anyone? Broken Controller :(


Feb 29, 2004
Well, now that's a first for me. I usually haven't become so angry at a game that i've felt the urge to smash a controller/mouse/keyboard on the ground. But about 10 minutes ago I lost in NFS:MW on Blacklist member 7 (to the asian chick) with my MustangGT in the last 200 or so yards. I even finished the controller off (PS2 dual shock mind you) by hitting it again onto my bed. I mean i'm a little shocked that I did that. I might have to take some pics for everyone.

I remember when I was about 13-14 or so one of my buddies and I rented killer instinct for SNES and it took my buddy like 4 hours to beat it on the hardest difficulty only to see the worst fucking ending we've seen in any game. - Didn't finish this either, he got so mad he ripped the cartridge from SNES and threw it against the wall harder than iv'e ever seen him throw anything.

Anyone been this angry or worse in a game?
Okay, here's a pic of the controller. Not the greatest pic, but you can tell obviously.. hah

Never played Gradius III so I don't know but NFS frustrated me enough. I lost like 3 times at the last 2-300 yards though. I was SO f'ing mad.
Hydro Thunder for the Dreamcast.

MadCatz controllers tremble in fear around my presence.
Yeah I hated the catching up system in NFSMW too, but I wasn't THAT fustrated :p. I remember you can open up a HUGE lead but then towards the make a small mistake and it's over.
I broke a $155 headset at a LAN tournament because my team was a bunch of idiots and we placed 2nd in CS 1.6 for stupid reasons. Should have won first.
Yeah, I dont' know where that anger came from either. It was freaking crazy.

Gradius reminds me of R-type/Super R-type for NES and Super Nintendo. Those were some tough games too..
I've never gotten mad enough to damage something, but I have had to get up and walk around for a few minutes to cool off. I have a friend who demolished his mouse after losing in CS millions of times in a row (read: 2-3 times). He also used to pound on his keyboard when he lost in games. I suppose he doesnt need to wonder why I dont let him touch my PC? :D
Prince of Persia really pissed me off a few times when I was trying to beat it, I just stopped at the last level beccause it got so fucking frustrating.
Shit dude, you really did a number on that controller. I'm pretty gentle with my controllers, as I really don't want to replace them. I've had the same PS2 controller since I got the dam thing, which is a few years now. LOL
Ive never gotten to the point where ive broken something. My friend gets pissed when we play Madden though. He knocked over a table with a shit load of alcohol on it. Was funny listening to all the bottles break over gamecomm. Even funnier listening to em clean it up.
I never really had much of a problem but, my roommate used to get so pissed at guilty gear X on PS2 that after he destroyed the controller he put up a sign that read something like "notice to ALL controllers on ANY system work or you will meet your demise". He actually had the sign made sitting next to the totally destroyed controller. Found out later that he had taken the controller outside and swung it countless times into a concrete wall.
those were the good ole days
not because of a game, but because of a gaming NES...did i punch a hole in my wall when i was younger. stupid blowing on cartridges and trying all sorts of different tricks to get my metal gear to work...gah!
I threw my joystick at the wall when I was playing a basically impossible level in X-Wing back in 93. I was so pissed off I yanked it from the computer and threw it across the room.

Got my friend in trouble for screaming profanties at all the pass interceptions in Madden Football on SNES at his folks house.

Nearly destroyed a SNES rental system playing Mortal Kombat II with my friend. You have no idea what that game does to your sanity........

Watched my friend kick the shit out of his NES because he constantly died on the last level of Battletoads. I couldn't help but laugh which just made it worse

Smashed a Dual Shock controller during Sled Storm on the last race. I had to race it PERFECTLY or the AI would completely overpass me on the 10 lap race and I would have to start all over again. I lost my concentration and slide on a piece of ice. I threw the controller so hard on the floor it bounced up and hit me in the face. I screamed ""FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs and stepped on it, smashing plastic everywhere and lodging a piece of plastic into my foot. My parents were not pleased.

Smacked my MX518 mouse to death in playing BF2 by slamming it on the mousepad eachtime I died from a fucking invincible airplane or sniper.
Ive only cursed because of games, or squeezed the controller hard. But probably the game that angered me the most was F-Zero GX for the Gamecube, one of the hardest racers out there. Story mode on the hardest difficulty to unlock all the parts was so, well, HARD. You had to race some races perfectly, and even then have some luck in order to win. To make it even worse was the MISSION FAILED screen, it really did make you feel like a failure :(
saber - Hardest game I've played...

There was another cube title, can't remember what. But it made me throw the controller, one of the prongs made a nice dent in the wall, it then ricocheted across the room and broke a glass clean in half, all in the blink of an eye.
I have yet to break anything, but there are a few games that have royally pissed me off over the years, most recently Viewtiful Joe (never got past the 5-bosses-no-save level) and Burnout 3 (only need 2 more gold medals; I've given up).
Many games pissed me off but I only used profanity until I started playing Top Spin 2 over XBL, fuck I don't know how those people play but whatever bomb I throw at the they just hit it back, even when you know it's impossible to hit back. Thank god that 360 controllers are made solid beacuse I would have to go and buy one every goddamn week. Last week in frustration I broke my glasses playing that stupid game, but it's all good I can see just fine without them.
I play UT2k4 a lot and the competition sometimes gets to me and I shout quite a bit of profanity. I once slammed my G5 on the desk very hard, but thankfully nothing happened. I just get really mad for a split second and then realize how silly it is that I'm getting mad, but I can never supress my initial response and so I do things like slam my mouse and curse. :p I think it ruined me or something because now I find myself even cursing and getting mad at things like mario :(
ive never done anything crazy myself... but my brother who has ADHD... 0_0

screams and shouts random profanitys at the games...

slams controllers if he loses too much/at a critical time

DESTROYED THE CASE of a super nintendo using its own controller (i watched, helpless... [i aint taking a controller to the face...]) then i fixed it with duct tape :D still works too... not sure where in my house it is though... if i ever find it, i shall post pics :D

destroyed the case of a game boy advance by chewing on it... (ADHD... thats the only reason i can think of for him, to chew on a GAMEBOY!)

shattered a PS2 controller by hitting it against stuff...

thats all the interesting things i cna think of ATM

well theres ONE thing i do... frisbee what i hate :D i want to frisbee WoW... but i dont own it... maybe i should get a copy JUST to frisbee it... (not a real one... that game doesnt deserve anyones money... i hate blizzard <_< )
Only controller I ever broke was a duke... and let me tell you, those things take effort to break. I dont even remember the game that made me do it, but I am guessing it was Ninja Gaiden.
I was playing Chomehounds and getting really ticked, cursing etc..., didn't break anything but scared my wife enough she went downstairs to our computer room and waited for me to calm down.
Back in 1987, I was playing M.U.L.E with 3 friends on a Commodore C-64. Well, one of my friends finished up what he had to do on his turn and then proceded to go buy all the M.U.L.E.S and then set them free so there wasn't enough left for anyone else that round. I have never seen someone so pissed off, my buddy Curt proceded to smash the joystick, flip chairs, jap slap, curse, and pretty much destroy everything in the room. I sill giggle when I think back on it. ROFLMAO!!!
I bought myself Robocop for the NES back when I was 13 years old. At one point I got so annoyed by the stiff controls that made me die repeatedly in the same place that I took the controller into the boiler room and smashed it into a hundred pieces with a hammer. I felt better!
Back in the day I've broke monitors by punching them. But they were only shitty 15inch crts and I had more shitty backups. I broke keyboards by smashing them and punching them, Also broke the keyboard tray off my desk. I broke mmy mouse by smashing it with my fist... but hey, those days are over. The shit is too expensive now days. Plus I'm too good to get mad anymore, its mostly just laughing.
holybonkers said:
Prince of Persia really pissed me off a few times when I was trying to beat it, I just stopped at the last level beccause it got so fucking frustrating.

I quit that frickin game about 2 levels in.
Just too damn hard with the flipping off the walls and sh...stuff.
Then when I had to run from that damn black ghost thing and bounce off walls and stuff that was it. Rather than punch a hole in my wall I just uninstalled the piece of
Back in the day, I can remember getting multiple wounds back when the SNES Super Mario World came out, My sister was like 13 or so, and I would sit there and watch her play and whenever she would die, I would laugh so hard because it was fun watching her turn into the incredible hulk, she would vent all her anger on me with many fingernail scratches and multiple punches to the body. Now that we are older we laugh abuot it.

I remember playing a few nintendo games that made me twist the NES controller so hard to the point where I was tireing myself. Those controllers could withstand a nuke!
ThirtySixBelow said:
I play UT2k4 a lot and the competition sometimes gets to me and I shout quite a bit of profanity. I once slammed my G5 on the desk very hard, but thankfully nothing happened. I just get really mad for a split second and then realize how silly it is that I'm getting mad, but I can never supress my initial response and so I do things like slam my mouse and curse. :p I think it ruined me or something because now I find myself even cursing and getting mad at things like mario :(

Good....good... Let the hate flow through you...

Several stories stemming from Xbox games (dam Halo), the quick detach connection piece saved the box many times. Those controllers i have found to be very sturdy, has anyone been able to break an Xbox controller cause those things feel like they are bullet proof.
I usually hold it in and I get quiet and don't talk much... just have to focus more.
I've never really gotten that mad at a game since I'm a pretty even-keeled guy. The only game that's gotten me really pissed off was Perfect Dark for N64. The multiplayer challenge levels were what unlocked special weapons and attributes and one of the best unlocks was a challenge to beat the "mayans" in a timed team slayer-like game, but they were so hard that I was lucky to get one kill in while dying at least 15-20 times in five minutes. Oh, did I mention that they were fucking cloaked all the time too?

Little alien fuckers.
I used to smash controllers when I was younger but now that 360 controllers are more expensive.. I keep myself calm. :D
Both controllers and my ollllllllld computer I had when I was younger.

I never let games get me anywhere near that mad anymore.

Literally back in the days if a computer game pissed me off bad I'd punch the side of my computer case. Little did I know that after the dent was therea nd I kept punching it in the same spot that the hard drive was literally what I was punching the dent into. Needless to say it fucked up my computer.

However it all started with consoles first. Screaming and calling the computer a "Cheater" and other stuff. Then throwin the controller.

However now i'm like the complete opposite of that, a zen-like type of person. If someone like a game gets me mad I just quit and then calm down and play it at another time.
I personally have never broken a controller, most of the time I just yell at the tv/montior, but I had a buddy in college that would just snap every now and then.

One time playing smash bros he got so angry that he ripped the controller from the N64, grabbed it by the cord and repeatedly smashed it on the ground, like he was swinging a pick-ax, till it broke in two.

In a non video game related story, he once snapped after going all in and losing with pocket jacks playing texas-holdem. He ended up punching a hole in one of the walls upstairs in his apartment. From then on we always referred to pocket jacks as the "hole in the wall"

I broke my PS2 controller when I got pissed off while playing DBZ: Budokai 1 by throwing it as hard as I could at the floor. Fucking cheap bastards always kicking me out of the ring instead of fighting... I also broke a desk chairs arm by hitting it and shearing off the plastic clips on the side, caused by Kingdom Hearts last boss. Never did finsh that game. When I was about 5-6, I would hit my Nintendo on the top so hard the cartridge would pop itself back up. I try and just stop playing when I get so upset these days. Probably explains why I'm no good at games anymore.
styleboy said:
Back in the day I've broke monitors by punching them. But they were only shitty 15inch crts and I had more shitty backups. I broke keyboards by smashing them and punching them, Also broke the keyboard tray off my desk. I broke mmy mouse by smashing it with my fist... but hey, those days are over. The shit is too expensive now days. Plus I'm too good to get mad anymore, its mostly just laughing.

What part did you punch? Do you have fists made of iron? Because seriously, I've hit one full force with a baseball bat before and it didn't even crack. And I'm not weak.
I used to have a bit of an issue with this, and especially with asshole customers phoning me... so I put a full size punchbag in my house. Now when I get angry I save myself a ton of money by beating the crap out of it. :)

Most recently though, Trauma Center has caused me to feel the need to use the punchbag. I've stopped playing it now as I found it just wound me up too much. :) Oh, and to all the people that said they don't do it any more cos they're good / got older. It's not that, just games are pathetically easy on the whole these days. :D