Android Brightness Control - Any software emulation solution for hdmi?


Limp Gawd
Apr 4, 2013
The android main brightness control won't work on my mini pc with hdmi out (do to that the brightness is designed to directly control a smartphone screen).

I have tried a brightness app and kodi media player, none of these work as they must just use the android brightness control.

So is there an app which bypasses the standard android brightness control and uses some sort of software emulation instead?
My device is a small form factor system.
It's a very small form factor system.

I installed android on it (only because it had an app I wanted that ubuntu doesn't have any equivalent to), it's not a phone or mobile device.

But I could post there because the people on there might have more experience with android, but someone will probably say, this is not the small form factor forum.
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So this makes a question about a Sony PSP game also SFF ? Your question seems to be about an app for Android. This is the wrong subforum for that. SFF is about PC hardware.
Ok, well actually at the moment it has ubuntu installed on it. So it's still a sff pc until I install android.

Seems a bit silly to have to post in a forum for smartphones just because I install android on my mini pc but I did ask there instead.
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Regardless of forum, your question makes no sense. You have an Odroid, with Ubuntu installed, but want to use the Android brightness control, but on the HDMI output, which cannot modulate display backlight level so would do nothing other than crush blacks or blow-out whites?
I have no idea what you're even trying to accomplish.
Ok I'll explain better.

I have an Odroid C1, which has no brightness control as you say.
I want to run a filter that tints the screen but it also makes the screen brighter, so it will blow out the whites unless I adjust the brightness at the same time, but I can't. So I wanted to find out if there was another way to counter the brightness increase of tinting.

I am happy to use ubuntu or android but I could only find a tinting filter app in android, not ubuntu. At the moment I have ubuntu installed (to test) but I couldn't find any way to tint in ubuntu so I will probably have to go back to android. But neither OS can adjust brightness to counter the white blow out. So is there nothing I can do?
If I simply adjust the brightness on the display, it will be too late to stop white blow out effect.

This is the tinting app.

Here is a picture from the amazon apps image previews.

As you can see it makes the screen too bright.

All I will be able to do is adjust the display brightness (to turn it back down to normal) but high brightness picture information will already be lost over 100% brightness in the hdmi space.
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Yeah, I know.. already saw your recent posts at the Odroid forums when I was trying to find you a suggestion.

Were you able to try the brightness setting in SecondScreen?
Thanks, I looked at the app page, I couldn't quite seem to find a mention of brightness control.

Anyway I have to install the google play store. I only have amazon app store now, because it was easier to install.
[U]ber|Noob;1041498515 said:
Seems a bit silly to have to post in a forum for smartphones just because I install android on my mini pc but I did ask there instead.

You can post wherever you like, I'm not trying to moderate you.

I just think you might get better help from people who follow the android forums, than from people who are mostly posting about hardware combinations.