ancient AthlonXP-M question


Aug 10, 2005
question for anyone who remembers dinosaurs and the like

recently I found my old computer in pieces in a box, and decided (for whatever reason) that it needs to be back together, after getting it all back together, for the life of me, cannot remember appropriate voltage/clock settings for "average" settings on the CPU

AthlonXP-M 2400+ (if memory serves, its the 35W version) and Abit AN7

default it boots up at 100x6.0 @ 1.51v

200x11.0 @ 1.55v had it freezing/locking in BIOS
200x11.0 @ 1.61v had it reboot looping
200x10.0 @ 1.57 (last settings I tried) and it ate it (black screen, beeps and the little LED went through its plethora of errors)

I remember that this chip would do something in the realm of 2.0-2.2ghz and maintain fairly low temperatures, but I'm sure I'm missing some setting thats causing it to be usntable (voltage is either too high or too low, if theres something else obvious that I've missed, feel free to point it out, or ask)

memory is G.Skill FX 2x512MB, everything is left alone, 2-2-2-5 timings and 2.69/2.70V (never had issues with this RAM and stability, granted, this stuff has been mothballed for the better part of 3 years)

anyone have a better memory of more "proper" XP-M settings :cool: (I dont need record breaking performance, just something in the "reasonable" realm of 1.8-2.2Ghz)
Try 1.65, I also seem to remember people doing ~1.75 on those things. It's probably unstable because it's not getting enough power.
thanks for the reply, I read some ancient archives on Tom's and XS about 1.75 and even 1.85, so I'm a bit less afraid of toasting it with 1.65

and yeah, figured instable due to low volts, but wanted to make sure I wasn't forgetting something else dead obvious or wasn't putting voltage too high as a kneejerk reaction
(nothing like feeling like a noob all over again, with a system you used to know inside and out)

Thats right, 1.9v in bios using Lapped Volcano 12 :) Was 24/7 stable for a lil over 5 months before I replaced the system.

If you can keep the CPU cool enough there are people that approached 2v on the core.
nice screens, and nice overclock

regarding the earlier suggestion of 1.65v, set it, it seems to work fine, temps went DOWN from those at 1.61, by about 6* C (dont you love it when it feels like the OC'ing gods have smiled on you)
stock voltage for the xp-m 2400+ is 1.45v so your voltage is probably to low.. the xp-m 2400+ at stock can also be undervolted to 1.35v but thats as low as it can go.. and you can also use RMclock to make it run like it has cool 'n quiet even though cool 'n quiet doesnt exist for the socket A processors..
socket A cpus could take tremendous amounts of voltage. You're really only limited by your cooling abilities. 1.85V was completely common. Under extreme cooling they could go up to about 2.0V. The "spontaneous death" point was at 2.1V+

Of course it's not really worth it to get a crazy cooling system on one of these now.
Before I retired my socket A setup I had, my oringial unlocked Duron 650 and XP-M 2500+ on my NF7-S Rev 2.0 and cranked 2.0v through both of them for fun (under water of course) the 650 got to 1.1ghz and the 2500 to 2.65ghz. They loved the voltage as long as you kept them cool. Never was brave enough to try 2.1v

The sad thing was when I moved to a 754 setup and a 2800+ A64 and it was nearly as fast as the 2500+ when haevily oc'd
The force 400fsb wire mod(L-12 i think) made my 2500+ m( 45w version ) run 2.4 @1.9v for 3 years on homebrew watercooling Chevy heatercore w/hydor pump ,still have the chip in my parts box but the MB was sold.
Man I remember having a 2600+ M

Think I had that baby up to 2.7ghz maybe 2.8ghz, with this LOUD ASS thermaltake fan.

God I just realized im old
Man I remember having a 2600+ M

Think I had that baby up to 2.7ghz maybe 2.8ghz, with this LOUD ASS thermaltake fan.

God I just realized im old

I remember, before this thing was put into storage, I had a Panaflo "ULTRA HIGH SPEED" fan, 6500 RPM or something like that, 92mm, and then a few "ULTRA HIGH SPEED" 80mm fans (those were the days, I look at my 600 rpm 120's and ask myself what I was thinking), it would stay relatively close to ambient room temperatures, and I could get my (AWESOME) GeForce FX 5900 to 515MHZ :cool:

.....then Half-Life 2 and Oblivion came out :eek:
My XP-M 2500+ ran at 2.5GHz with 1.7V and a decent air cooler.
With water cooling I got 2.7GHz at 1.9V.
My XP-M 2500+ ran at 2.5GHz with 1.7V and a decent air cooler.
With water cooling I got 2.7GHz at 1.9V.

My XP-M sucked and the highest I ever got it on a suicide run was 2.55ghz :( That was with 2v and load over 60* C and it only lasted like 3 hrs uner P95 :( I blame my heavily mod'd ( but not heavily mod'd enough : ) NF7-S Rev.2 running TicTac's D26 CPC OFF MantaRay bios that was custom tuned for TCCD Rev.2 IC's ;)

Sorry Tratt and Merlin but your KungFu is not as strong as TicTac's was for the NF7-S Rev.2
I have same cpu running in my old pc
I also have it at 1.65 volts

XP2400-M@3200(200x11)-Abit NF7-S v2-6600GT-PDP DDR3200(1.5gigs)-Maxtor 60gigs-Win xp
I know I have my nf7/2500+m somewhere. You're making me want to get it out and go for 3ghz :)
depending on which specific model your mobile 2400 is, the voltage is either 1.60 or 1.65 for vCore (take a look at your part number - should be AXMA2400FUT4C or AXMA2400FKT3C; the former is 1.6 the latter is 1.65). FSB is 133 MHz and clock speed is 1.8 for the former and 2.0 for the latter (so it'd be 13.5x133 or 15x133).
Sheesh what memories, I had a Barton doing almost 2.8ghz on a water setup once. It put out so much heat that it would run me out of the room when I was playing a game. :)

It is now regulated to doing email, internet, and installing whatever the latest virus is over at my mothers house... at stock speeds of course. :)
There's a bit of incorrect information in this thread.

I'm going to guess this is a Barton core 2400+ XP-m 35 watt. In that case, the stock voltage is 1.35v. The 45 watt version has a stock voltage of 1.45v. The normal Barton core non-moblie XPs have a stock voltage of 1.65. With good cooling, 1.85 v was no problem for these processors as long as you kept the temps down.

I still have my XP-m 2400+ Barton. It wasn't the best overclocker but I had it running 2.5Ghz perfectly stable with 1.90v on water. I could have gone higher with the voltage but it didn't do anything as it seems 2.5Ghz was all this particular CPU could do. This was on a DFI Lanparty NF2 Ultra-b motherboard. It's currently in an Asus NF2 A7N8x-Dlx board with the original NF2 chipset which didn't like to do 200FSB in most cases. However, with good air cooling and 1.85v I can run it at 2.4Ghz with a 200mhz FSB. Normally it's not run that speed as I have to keep too close of an eye on the temps and it's normally running 2.3Ghz with lower temps.

There's a bit of incorrect information in this thread.

I'm going to guess this is a Barton core 2400+ XP-m 35 watt. In that case, the stock voltage is 1.35v. The 45 watt version has a stock voltage of 1.45v. The normal Barton core non-moblie XPs have a stock voltage of 1.65. With good cooling, 1.85 v was no problem for these processors as long as you kept the temps down.

I thought my memory was going wonky when I read 1.6V stock, but you brought it all back, mine was a Barton @ 1.45V, I tried to get the 1.35V version but they were as rare as fairies (the glowing kind :)).
I have my old nf-7 sitting on a desk in the corner of my room with a xp-m and a hedgehog cooler(anyone remember those?) begging me to hook it all up.

I would have to gut a machine to do it, only thing stopping me.

I am not sure I have a power supply with the right connectors either, or maybe I do, I guess it's just the old 20 pin atx power connector.
I have my old nf-7 sitting on a desk in the corner of my room with a xp-m and a hedgehog cooler(anyone remember those?) begging me to hook it all up.

I would have to gut a machine to do it, only thing stopping me.

I am not sure I have a power supply with the right connectors either, or maybe I do, I guess it's just the old 20 pin atx power connector.
Sorry to bump this as it's really old, but I still have my hedgehog with a delta on it beside me. Also an alpha pal6035 with a ys tech. Oldschoolers are still around! i fell out of the loop so my old account from the late 90s was purged in the day, but i'm back, by grannys.
I blame you that clicked on this old thread i replied too 8 years. I got a notification.... And 8 years later ill say the same thing. Damn I'm old.

The only thing I still have laying around is an old 4800 baud modem...
I blame you that clicked on this old thread i replied too 8 years. I got a notification.... And 8 years later ill say the same thing. Damn I'm old.

The only thing I still have laying around is an old 4800 baud modem...
Sorry about that man, was having a nostalgic moment and searched hedgehog as i was looking at its solid copper goodness from back in the day. and that hair dryer black label.
Sorry about that man, was having a nostalgic moment and searched hedgehog as i was looking at its solid copper goodness from back in the day. and that hair dryer black label.

lol all good, shit I had to back to read what the hell I posted.

Yea I remember that beast. Man it sure could cool.
lol all good, shit I had to back to read what the hell I posted.

Yea I remember that beast. Man it sure could cool.
Sure could, kept the whole house awake if you ran your computer 24/7 but you had that overclock. Also blew out some mobo fan headers on old soyo motherboards if anyone remembers them. I still miss Abit, is a shame they went under due to a bad batch of caps in the day.