Analyst Predicts PS5, Next-Gen Xbox Will Offer 4K, 240 FPS, Virtual Reality


Aug 20, 2006
Outspoken game industry analyst Michael Pachter offered some thoughts on Sony and Microsoft’s upcoming consoles this week, theorizing both could be a match for many modern PCs: specifically, he expects the most powerful versions of the PS5 and next-gen Xbox to run games in 4K at “240 FPS” (Hz?), with the latter introducing some kind of virtual reality experience akin to PSVR. Pachter also seems confident that neither will get pushed back to 2021, while Marc-André Jutras, a veteran of Activision and Ubisoft, suggests both will offer backwards compatibility.

“I expect a dumbed down console, like the Steam console, where it’s download only, and there’s no hard drive or disc drive,” Pachter told GamingBolt. “So I think there will be a streaming device, like a $100 Xbox console that doesn’t run in 4K or 240 frames per second. And then I think there will be a more expensive $400 console that supports 4K, 240 FPS, virtual reality. I don’t know if there will be ‘models’. I don’t think you’re going to get completely different devices.”
240 FPS at 4k even, I believe it when I see it. This is a bit like the recent AMD rumors, going to have to see more, so far it sounds like hype (too good to be true).

1080p 240 fps I can maybe buy, 4K however....
Actual reality will be more like 1080p/1440p scaled up to 4k/60 or 4k/30 will be the norm. Why? You'll always be able to get a prettier game at 30fps than at 60, your system is doing half the work.....and since we know gaming with twin-sticks on a joypad is fine at 30fps in nearly every case but multiplayer, where graphics *always* take a backseat to framerates anyhow........again, I don't see 4k/60. I see limited VR support, I see no 120 or 144hz support unless TV's support it, which few do.

What we SHOULD see (and do, sort-of kinda with xboxonex) is some kind of adaptive resolution support. This way 30/60 become irrelevant. 40,50fps become fluid.....70, 80+ become even more fluid and give you room. But I just don't see this happening until that next HDMI standard makes it legit, which won't I don't think be in time for the next gen consoles.

I'd like that, however. Sony will continue to support VR I think, they have a niche there and I think its enough to further it on so I expect that to go on, but I don't expect Microsoft to add VR to the mix.
Sure, they'll be called the Jensen Huang Just Buy It models...

“I expect a dumbed down console, like the Steam console, where it’s download only, and there’s no hard drive or disc drive,” Pachter told GamingBolt. “So I think there will be a streaming device, like a $100 Xbox console that doesn’t run in 4K or 240 frames per second. And then I think there will be a more expensive $400 console that supports 4K, 240 FPS, virtual reality. I don’t know if there will be ‘models’. I don’t think you’re going to get completely different devices.”
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Outspoken game industry analyst Michael Pachter offered some thoughts on Sony and Microsoft’s upcoming consoles this week, theorizing both could be a match for many modern PCs: specifically, he expects the most powerful versions of the PS5 and next-gen Xbox to run games in 4K at “240 FPS” (Hz?), with the latter introducing some kind of virtual reality experience akin to PSVR. Pachter also seems confident that neither will get pushed back to 2021, while Marc-André Jutras, a veteran of Activision and Ubisoft, suggests both will offer backwards compatibility.

“I expect a dumbed down console, like the Steam console, where it’s download only, and there’s no hard drive or disc drive,” Pachter told GamingBolt. “So I think there will be a streaming device, like a $100 Xbox console that doesn’t run in 4K or 240 frames per second. And then I think there will be a more expensive $400 console that supports 4K, 240 FPS, virtual reality. I don’t know if there will be ‘models’. I don’t think you’re going to get completely different devices.”

Give me 1080p at 100+ fps, and full backwards compatibility, not this buy it again from us bullshit, full media streaming support with good codecs and I'm sold. I couldn't care less about anything else.
It's totally possible, but the caveat is you can't run anything newer than quake1
I’ll just wait for the real deal PS5 pro or whatever they end up calling it. By that point all the hardware/software bugs cleaned up and games are cheap.
I’ll just wait for the real deal PS5 pro or whatever they end up calling it. By that point all the hardware/software bugs cleaned up and games are cheap.
I almost laughed really hard. Cheap console games..
Are they going to sell a console for $2000? If so, he might be right. Otherwise, he knows fuck-all.
They need to have a mouse and keyboard. I tried playing on my brothers ps4 the other day I felt like I was fighting the controls more then anything.
Pachter is a literal idiot, who gets things so much more often wrong than right. It is obvious he understands the industry, but he does not "know" it. And he has no actual sources of information among the Big 3 console makers.

I cannot fathom why he is still able to earn an income.
240 FPS at 4k even, I believe it when I see it. This is a bit like the recent AMD rumors, going to have to see more, so far it sounds like hype (too good to be true).

1080p 240 fps I can maybe buy, 4K however....
You are OK with the game looking like the original Doom, I am sure those numbers are entirely plausible.
Pachter ... I'm not sure how to describe him. He's not stupid, but he seems to project his ambitions for the industry more often than he reports the reality of what the companies will do.

First four letters of 'analyst' spells 'anal'.
240FPS, aka a standard that won't even be supported in the just-starting-to-peek-out HDMI 2.1 spec, and has shown up in only a handful of (generally unpopular) 1080p gaming monitors? I really hope Patchter hit these rumors with some sanitizer before handing them to us, given their sourcing from where the sun don't shine.
Setting aside the fact that why would anyone even need 240fps when 99.99% of displays used with consoles aren't even capable of 120. That would mean that the PS5 is 10 times more powerful than the PS4 PRO.
This analyst clearly doesn't understand hardware and a console's price threshold. For this to be possible they either need to take a significant loss on each unit sold (they're not going back to that model, I'd say) or they'd have to sell for $1000+.

Might get Mario at 240fps @ 4k, but don't expect any triple A titles to push that without upscaling / non-native resolution trickery.
What a nutter. Weird seeing his name in the news again, whats next a Jack Thompson article?

This analyst clearly doesn't understand hardware and a console's price threshold. For this to be possible they either need to take a significant loss on each unit sold (they're not going back to that model, I'd say) or they'd have to sell for $1000+.

Might get Mario at 240fps @ 4k, but don't expect any triple A titles to push that without upscaling / non-native resolution trickery.
Hey man, don't be taking digs at Mario.

As for this "analyst" he used to be semi-popular about a decade ago and was typically wildly inaccurate with his predictions about the consoles. Also very biased for Microsoft if I recall rightly.
If this fool is calling for 4k/240hz in 2020 expect 1440p/75hz in 2022. Bet he probably already has wildly inaccurate sales figures for all three systems too.

This "analyst" is an idiot.

I can just barely hit 60fps in most titles on my highly overclocked Pascal Titan on water. A 2080ti would be significantly better, but not insanely so. Even a $2,500 RTX Titan wouldn't be that much better.

I doubt this will be achievable on even the highest of high end PC's using multi-thousand dollar GPU(s), let alone on a console which has to sell for $600 or under.

The thing is, we are very rapidly approaching the limits of silicon. I don't know how many real die shrinks we have left, but we are very close to the end of die shrinks. Most performance benefits over the years have come from die shrinks, with fewer improvements coming from clever chip design, layout optimization and gating of unused portions of the chip to let the needed parts produce ore heat / draw more power.

While it might happen, it is within the realm of possibility that we will NEVER get to this performance level with silicon, at any cost, and post silicon chips are way out in the future.

And that's assuming that polygon counts, and effects stay where they are today, but they generally tend to increase with time, making hardware designs higher and higher at the same resolution and framerate.

Of course, as has been mentioned, you could meet this by playing pong :p